New area where do I start? Creek-hillside-slopes?

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The area I am looking to detect is known for gold in Ca. The creek that runs through is decent size and had a 47 ounce nugget pulled back in the day. They worked the placers from creek and area until they where thin and then they hydraulic the area after. I will be going back again tomorrow and what I need to know is where to start my efforts. Do I start in the creek banks at the water? There is not any exposed bedrock. Do I focus on the surrounding slopes? What am I looking for as a starting point? The ground is covered of course with pine needles and branches ect.. The old miners camped all over the area and there is some trash from them but I do not mind maybe there is a small hidden poke of nuggets buried next to a tree. Just need to know a basic rule of thumb when looking for a patch. Do I just start slowly working the slopes first? Heck I don't know where to begin. What I have been doing is not working so I am up for a new plan of attack. Thanks for the help.

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The first thing you got on your side is that you are in a place where gold has been found before.Gold may be at the top of the hill when it started out but with the weight it has it's going to work it's way to the bottom of that same hill.This is because of rain over time washed it out of the dirt that was holding it.

Now say your at the bottom of the hill looking up you see a wash that has been cut out by the rain over time and when it hits the bottom it flattens out.This could be your first patch you find.You could find more that one nugget and like lots of times you find nothing.Some gold patches have been there from the ice age and some have been made by the water running down that hill we've been talking about.

A nugget hunter always says the day is the day I find the Big one.I don't know if you done any prospecting before but you test everywhere with a pan to see if there is any gold but his time you got a metal detector to do the same thing with.Just remember if you find gold at the bottom of that wash then you want to hunt the wash to the top and look if you can find where it's coming from.Remember don't hunt it with just one size coil use everyone you got being the smaller the gold the harder it's to detect.

Best to You !

Chuck Anders

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The first thing you got on your side is that you are in a place where gold has been found before.Gold may be at the top of the hill when it started out but with the weight it has it's going to work it's way to the bottom of that same hill.This is because of rain over time washed it out of the dirt that was holding it.

Now say your at the bottom of the hill looking up you see a wash that has been cut out by the rain over time and when it hits the bottom it flattens out.This could be your first patch you find.You could find more that one nugget and like lots of times you find nothing.Some gold patches have been there from the ice age and some have been made by the water running down that hill we've been talking about.

A nugget hunter always says the day is the day I find the Big one.I don't know if you done any prospecting before but you test everywhere with a pan to see if there is any gold but his time you got a metal detector to do the same thing with.Just remember if you find gold at the bottom of that wash then you want to hunt the wash to the top and look if you can find where it's coming from.Remember don't hunt it with just one size coil use everyone you got being the smaller the gold the harder it's to detect.

Best to You !

Chuck Anders

Thanks Chuck! I will go see what I can in the area. Maybe luck will be on my side. This is the info I was looking for. I can think of several spots with the drainage. This gives me a place to start. I am headed out here in just a bit Thanks again!

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You said something a hydraulic area.Well they had long sluice and I do mean long ones.Material would drop off all the way down it that had gold in it and was never picked up.They even had what called a ground sluice they would run material through and this too could be the best place to detect.A ground sluice was just a cut along bedrock if they didn't have the lumber to build the other.

Best to You !

Chuck Anders

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You said something a hydraulic area.Well they had long sluice and I do mean long ones.Material would drop off all the way down it that had gold in it and was never picked up.They even had what called a ground sluice they would run material through and this too could be the best place to detect.A ground sluice was just a cut along bedrock if they didn't have the lumber to build the other.

Best to You !

Chuck Anders

I know where the boxes where and the piles are still there from the ends of the boxes.

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Well no luck yet. I cannot believe the hot rocks at this place. We are below a wash and below a tunnel and the rocks are on fire. They stick to a magnet like crazy and I am having no luck getting any of my detectors to smooth out. It is a mess and I still have no nuggets. Here is some pics of the rocks stuck to the magnet on my pick and a video of the area. Lot sof gold came from here and big gold as well. I dont know what to try.I know I am not using the best detector but if i could get a little gold to show the wife I may be able to get another detector for gold. videos coming shortly once they upload.


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You first need to find color, then trace it up steam, as long as your getting color keep moving up stream and checking, when you run out of color, go back to where you last found color, and work up the hill sides. You should start seeing bigger gold, If your in a good area. Where are you located? Grubstake

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I am in Nor Ca. on the smith river this is a trib on the river. I have the link now also to the video of what the area looks like. Pretty thick. The hocks rocks are absolutely thick. I think it really is like detecting on a steel plate. My detector a DFX I know the wrong detector but it is what I have now in prospecting mode just goes 95+ on the vdi which is hot rock overload. I am running a 4X6 shooter DD coil. Not sure what to try. The area is known for gold and allot came from here including a 47 ouncer back in the day. I know it has to be there.

Here is the link. The small creek is not the bigger creek that is just below where I am at. The little creek is the water coming from inside the tunnel.

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I am in Nor Ca. on the smith river this is a trib on the river. I have the link now also to the video of what the area looks like. Pretty thick. The hocks rocks are absolutely thick. I think it really is like detecting on a steel plate. My detector a DFX I know the wrong detector but it is what I have now in prospecting mode just goes 95+ on the vdi which is hot rock overload. I am running a 4X6 shooter DD coil. Not sure what to try. The area is known for gold and allot came from here including a 47 ouncer back in the day. I know it has to be there.

Here is the link. The small creek is not the bigger creek that is just below where I am at. The little creek is the water coming from inside the tunnel.

WOW, that's some HEAVY foliage there... I don't have the experience to provide guidance on how to work it (I'd end up recommending you just napalm the entire place, it worked in Vietnam, mind you it did have some drawbacks)

But I did notice that we have an area up here in BC that is similar.. one of the locals put up a 3 part video like that.. they even have a similar "hidden in the leaves" mine entrance...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

PS: And no.. not all of us up here in BC sound like we're tweaked out from being awake 8 days in a row, hiding from the cops and looking for our hidden meth lab, dispite the impression that this video (especially part 2) may convey. :blink:


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I want to add I am not new to getting the gold I have been dredging for some time. But with Ca. shutting that down I am back to detecting only. I have done this allot but cant seem to make it happen. I have a pretty good grasp on finding the gold in the stream or rivers and do ok at that. But that is nothing like when I see pics of guys that dug nuggets on the side of a hill for no reason. Just a side hill and a nice nugget. No creeks near by no reason at all just a hill and some awesome gold. Well why that hill? What made the detectorist stop and try there? He had to have a reason. Lots of ground to cover why pic that spot. I know most guys say to try the washes. I am focusing my efforts to these and only these for the next several trips. I will also try panning a few pans to see if there is any fines. It is just crazy to see some of the guy or gals in a spot and getting the gold. That is the info I am looking for. You can see in my video it is thick. Getting around is not easy. The hot rocks are crazy thick. I am just wondering if you came to this area with the know of big gold from the past where in the heck would you start?

Again thanks for the help!

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GEEZZZ What are you guys up there in BC ?? A bunch of tweaked out wanna-be hippie, wood carving, aminita muscara eating, to sick from being awake 8 days in a row, hiking in sandals, rock steelin, hiding from the tourists and looking for hidden meth labs in mine tunnels that dont exist. ;):lol:

Can ya pause it! Get the light ... :lol:

I am gonna find it first ....It took me Thirteen months to find my first one man......slow down , relax, take a breath , dig the faintest of signals, and try to only hunt bedrock with that machine your using. It seems to me you might be trying to cover to much ground way to quickly.

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Google Jim Straight books.. read any of his articles in the mining journal or buy his books, they are worth EVERY penny... Rob the owner of this board sells them.

Both Rob and Chris have excellent articles on their sites, as does Steve on the AK Mining Journal site...

I also love googling alluvial gold placer etc..

A couple links:

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GEEZZZ What are you guys up there in BC ?? A bunch of tweaked out wanna-be hippie, wood carving, aminita muscara eating, to sick from being awake 8 days in a row, hiking in sandals, rock steelin, hiding from the tourists and looking for hidden meth labs in mine tunnels that dont exist. ;):lol:

EXCUSE ME..... I'll have you know, we are NOT wanna-be-hippies..... we have the art of being hippes down to an art form, there is nothing "wanna-be" about us.


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You first need to find color, then trace it up steam, as long as your getting color keep moving up stream and checking, when you run out of color, go back to where you last found color, and work up the hill sides.

That's exactly what this video discusses, you're spot on with your comment.

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I am gonna find

First you already know that you are limited with the detector that you

have. Basically you will have to find a source and feed the gold to the

machine unless you just stumble over a large nugget near the surface.

If there is a dump from the old mine or prospect hole ,there could be

some specimen in the dump. If you can find one then you will have a clue

about what rock is carrying gold. You will have to move some rocks and

do a little raking. Even your machine has a good chance of picking up a

good piece of gold like that.

If you already know what quartz and rock is carrying gold in the area

look for float pieces in the side gullies that drain into the creek. Check

for outcrops and float quartz that look good. Watch for contact zones,

or caliche flows. If the gully looks decent dig a few holes and pan the

dirt for color. If you find color remove the larger rocks ,dig and rake

thin layers ,as you detect.

Keep in mind that the gold in some gullies can be deep and in small

pieces that a detector will miss,but may contain lots of gold trapped

at the bottom. A pocket that wasn't worth digging in the old days can

make a pretty good pay day now. Detectors are great tools,but a gold

pan doesn't lie.

Once you find colors in the bottom then you can check the banks and

side hills . If a gully looks good and has the right signs,test it all the way

to the top. Never rely on taking samples from the bottom of a gully where

it meets the flat. In lots of gullies the gold never makes it to the flats or

goes all the way to the head. I know several that only has gold for a short

distance near the middle.

Unless you are extremely lucky chasing hill sides and ridge tops with a

DFX searching for a patch will just kill a lot of time. Also if you find color

in a gully and the dirt is dry or can be dried ,a drywasher will make it pay,

better than raking and detecting.

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I am gonna find

First you already know that you are limited with the detector that you

have. Basically you will have to find a source and feed the gold to the

machine unless you just stumble over a large nugget near the surface.

If there is a dump from the old mine or prospect hole ,there could be

some specimen in the dump. If you can find one then you will have a clue

about what rock is carrying gold. You will have to move some rocks and

do a little raking. Even your machine has a good chance of picking up a

good piece of gold like that.

If you already know what quartz and rock is carrying gold in the area

look for float pieces in the side gullies that drain into the creek. Check

for outcrops and float quartz that look good. Watch for contact zones,

or caliche flows. If the gully looks decent dig a few holes and pan the

dirt for color. If you find color remove the larger rocks ,dig and rake

thin layers ,as you detect.

Keep in mind that the gold in some gullies can be deep and in small

pieces that a detector will miss,but may contain lots of gold trapped

at the bottom. A pocket that wasn't worth digging in the old days can

make a pretty good pay day now. Detectors are great tools,but a gold

pan doesn't lie.

Once you find colors in the bottom then you can check the banks and

side hills . If a gully looks good and has the right signs,test it all the way

to the top. Never rely on taking samples from the bottom of a gully where

it meets the flat. In lots of gullies the gold never makes it to the flats or

goes all the way to the head. I know several that only has gold for a short

distance near the middle.

Unless you are extremely lucky chasing hill sides and ridge tops with a

DFX searching for a patch will just kill a lot of time. Also if you find color

in a gully and the dirt is dry or can be dried ,a drywasher will make it pay,

better than raking and detecting.

Sounds like I need to just do some panning to start with and see what I can sort out there.

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Well no luck yet. I cannot believe the hot rocks at this place. We are below a wash and below a tunnel and the rocks are on fire. They stick to a magnet like crazy and I am having no luck getting any of my detectors to smooth out. It is a mess and I still have no nuggets. Here is some pics of the rocks stuck to the magnet on my pick and a video of the area. Lot sof gold came from here and big gold as well. I dont know what to try. I know I am not using the best detector but if i could get a little gold to show the wife I may be able to get another detector for gold. videos coming shortly once they upload.

Hehehe, that is so funny, your wife may give you permission to get another detector if you show her a little gold. But that is true for alot of couples now of days, this is the case.

I suggest you put the DFX in discriminate coin or relic mode and notch out the hotrocks. Whatever number(s) the hotrocks come up as do not dig those numbers. You may also look at getting a 14"x8" or big Detech 18"x15" coil from Kellyco for the DFX or get a Garrett Infinium LS, Whites TDI, or Minelab PI and use only DD coils for hotrocks.

Hope this helps.

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Hehehe, that is so funny, your wife may give you permission to get another detector if you show her a little gold. But that is true for alot of couples now of days, this is the case.

That's why I'm single and FOREVER plan to stay that way.... :)

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Hehehe, that is so funny, your wife may give you permission to get another detector if you show her a little gold. But that is true for alot of couples now of days, this is the case.

Well she has been pretty flexible over the years but with cash tight these days and after 2 years with no nuggets she hates when I say I want another gold detector. I have dug allot of coins, 2 gold rings and a silver ring. Of course she got the rings so far as she is concerned I have a great detector for that the DFX and a Surfmaster PI that we hit the beach with. I take all the change I find and put it in a jar. When it hits $40.00 we go to the movies on it. She sees progress when I detect for that stuff but 2 years now and not a single nugget but a large jar of lead bullets and nails. Now dont forget I have had some great detectors along the way including my Minelab a GP extreme but 1.5 years with it never did I dig a nugget. Not sure why but it did not happen. I had 2 gold dredges and we got gold always with those so she thought they where great. But now that dredging

in Ca. is done I am back to nugget hunting with a detector and of course I really want a 4500. But $4500 bucks is a bit to take off the families plate seeing how the last one never provided a single nugget. I am trying to make the best of my current setup to score some gold. I think I can swing getting the new GMZ then with some luck get some gold and step it up to a 4500 soon.

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Well she has been pretty flexible over the years but with cash tight these days and after 2 years with no nuggets she hates when I say I want another gold detector.

She sees progress when I detect for that stuff but 2 years now and not a single nugget but a large jar of lead bullets and nails. Now dont forget I have had some great detectors along the way including my Minelab a GP extreme but 1.5 years with it never did I dig a nugget. Not sure why but it did not happen. I had 2 gold dredges and we got gold always with those so she thought they where great. But now that dredging

in Ca. is done I am back to nugget hunting with a detector and of course I really want a 4500. But $4500 bucks is a bit to take off the families plate seeing how the last one never provided a single nugget.

It's amazing the power that can be had by a simple stop at a pawn or coin shop and picking up a $60.00 nugget..... ya get my drift? I'm just sayin.... :) (reaching up to adjust my halo, darn thing keeps getting caught on my horns)

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