Gold at$1058.00

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It will go close to $3000.00 or higher, if we don't have either a revolution or a military coup first.

We are strange new territory with an out of control Congress and Executive Branch. We will really be hurting if the Judicial Branch goes whacko on us!

Our founding fathers had a good plan. Divide the government into three branches, each with its' exclusive authority, to function as part of a whole called the government. Boy, did they screw up! They forgot to forbid the overriding of the voice of the individual by special interests(one man, one vote). So, now we have a government that rules by edict of special interests, for their benefit!

Grubstake, old bud, I apologize for high jacking the subject of your thread, but when I got started, I started to blow! They are screwing this Country up and the only way to protect what you already have, is in gold.


PS: Buy reloads, lots of them!

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It will go close to $3000.00 or higher, if we don't have either a revolution or a military coup first.

We are strange new territory with an out of control Congress and Executive Branch. We will really be hurting if the Judicial Branch goes whacko on us!

Our founding fathers had a good plan. Divide the government into three branches, each with its' exclusive authority, to function as part of a whole called the government. Boy, did they screw up! They forgot to forbid the overriding of the voice of the individual by special interests(one man, one vote). So, now we have a government that rules by edict of special interests, for their benefit!

Grubstake, old bud, I apologize for high jacking the subject of your thread, but when I got started, I started to blow! They are screwing this Country up and the only way to protect what you already have, is in gold.


PS: Buy reloads, lots of them!


You said what I wanted to put in my post. I think were all tired of being screwed. I sure hope it doesn't take a revolution or military coup to get this mess cleaned up!

The words "We the people" don't mean much anymore in Washington.


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I love to see the gold price where it is, but I'm a little confused about everyone saying the dollar isn't worth much. Today on the way home from prospecting we stopped at Safeway to do some grocery shopping, and we bought top round sreak for $1.49 a pound , rump roast for $1.49 per pound, Centercut pork chops for $.99 a pound , a gallon of milk for $1.00 , 18 eggs for $.99 and the other day got 3 cases of diet coke for $9.00. Cars are selling for thousands less than 3 years ago, houses are selling for 1/2 what they were going for 3 years ago. Hamburger was selling for $4.00 a pound 3 years ago, milk was almost $4.00 per gallon . Get your head out of Fox news and go do some shopping . Your dollar hasn't been this powerful for a long time. Now health care is outrageous, but the Rush Limbaugh bunch are doing everything they can to stop any kind of health care reform. Stop and look at what's really happening in the real world and quit listening to the crap and you might just see that things aren't getting worse . I have been a redneck conservative all my life , but the Bush/ Cheney bunch changed me forever . I look around and see what's really happening and I can't say that it looks bad to me. The economy was tanking long before Bush left office, and now the new administration has to try to salvage what's left . I say give things a chance . In three years you can vote again and if you didn't vote in the last election you have no gripe at all. Get out there and find some gold and cash in on the boom. The measly 10 grams of gold I found today will put 300 pounds of meat in my freezer. I see nothing to complain about there.----Bob


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Hey Bob,

It's nice when gold is $1,000 + per ounce. It makes it much more rewarding when you're out there finding 2-5 Grams per day. I'm just glad I kept a bunch of my gold that I found about 15 years ago when gold was around $300.00/ounce.

Do you know anyone that is interested in buying a couple pounds of gold?

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Rob. I just sold several pounds at around $950.00 before the last big jump. I have no regrets, because I spent it all on things I wanted and got them all at bargain prices. Right now is a great time to be buying. I put my gold up for sale on the forums classifieds and had several buyers within days. I'll find plenty more to replace what I sold and sell it when I want more toys. I kept a bunch of dog species that I can melt into buttons if I need cash in the meantime. Maybe at $1500.00? Maybe more? I try to stay out of political debates, but these guys who say we need a revolt are way out there. Our president just won the Nobel Peace Prize and his approval ratings have jumped 8 points. Some folks just can't accept that we have a brilliant black president and their rants are most likely based on deep seated racism and will twist the facts to fit their agenda. I say relax and see what happens over the next three years. If things look bleak then , we can vote for change.----Bob

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Montana quote: "...I try to stay out of political debates, but these guys who say we need a revolt are way out there. Our president just won the Nobel Peace Prize and his approval ratings have jumped 8 points. Some folks just can't accept that we have a brilliant black president and their rants are most likely based on deep seated racism and will twist the facts to fit their agenda. I say relax and see what happens over the next three years. If things look bleak then , we can vote for change..."


Agreed. This revolt stuff is anachronistic paranoid and ignorant.

And deeply racist.

The alternative in this last electoral go-round was

appalling and chilling.

Lets give the gentleman a fighting chance.

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Flak, we differ here, it doesn't matter if he is White, Black or red, this guys running the country into the ground, taking away right we have, The Democraps, are having back office meetings and pass ammendments to bills they are locking the Republicans out. We'll be in the dump by the time he gets out. My opinion. Grubstake Ps he has spent more since he was put in office than the last 5 presidents put together. Were running out of paper to print money on, Al Gore won't let them cut down anymore tree's and theres no rags to add in, because we have to where them.

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Hey guys, don't forget Obama and the guys on his side of the fence are the ones trying to close off public lands and prospecting areas. Almost making us look like criminals.

Please be careful what you wish for....

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I think you two should go back and read my post a second time.

There is no place in the post where I advocated revolution or a military takeover. I was merely expressing my conclusion of a high of $3,000 USD per oz of gold, then offered a disclaimer based on history, the current economic and political climate, and the fact that there are a lot of pissed off people in the Country today.

Next, I found it particularly disgusting that both of you threw in the race card, when it was never used or inferred. But I understand, when the liberal loons are desperate, they can't resist using it.

I guess the only thing you might jump me about is the Post Script. However, I would caution you on that because you have the right to defend yourself and family in your domicile from unlawful acts of government and others. I'm sure when they come knocking at your door, without a warrant, you'll wish you had a bunch of reloads on hand.


PS: Sorry Grubstake, just had to explain it to them. It's all yours now.

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Thats ok Dean, I don't mind, for one thing, they don't know you know what your talking about. Being retired from the HWY. Patrol and having to deal with crappy laws you didn't even beleave in, but had to enforce. Because the jokers in the state or fedral GOV. decide it was best for THE PEOPLE. Yeh Right. Grubstake

Since I got out of the Army in 73, WE THE PEOPLE has been a total JOKE! President by-pass congress and signs into law Executive decissions. Now we need to pass a law to take that power away from him or any future President. We neeed

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Putting new people in power in the next election? It's not gonna happen. It is still the democratic system of government. I think we new SYSTEM of government. One where there several people with just a few more rights than the public. Like 5 presidents, only there would have much much less power.....something like that of a governor, or a mayor even. Then they could propose laws, and then the people would vote on the law. If the law did not get the APPROVAL OF THE PEOPLE, it would be modified until the PEOPLE OF THE US agree to vote 50% or more of the votes.

The military would be run (BUT oversaw by the PEOPLE) by a counsel or team of skilled leaders, negotiators, strategists. But the people overseeing the military would be proposed by the 5 "presidents" and controlled and voted on by the people.

Also a very important thing, there would be no Federal Reserve....ever. There would be mints for coins and money, but NO federal reserve. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank that does whatever they feel like. They are in almost complete control of the economy.

In this way, the people would get nearly maximum control of ever law they are governed by and control everything that happens in the country.

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I guess, I should not talk politics or religion, Both get me greatly upset, mostly politics. Just piss's me off, I guess, I vote in every election, State, Local, Fedral, So I feel I have a say. We don't all agree sometimes, but thats part of life. What we have to do! Is make damned sure, he Obama does not get a second term. And alot of the democratic congress too. and I'm republican, and I don't like what a bunch of them do either. Hell lets vote them all out! and have a one term limit, so they don't get too much power and the people can have it back. Grubstake

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Hi Dean,

I wasn't commenting on your post at all.

My reply was to Montana's "these guys who say we need a revolt are way out there..."

I put up his quote to be clear what I was replying to.

That there is a large racist reaction that is over and above

reactions of political disagreement to what Obama does,

is well documented.

And Gary,

we have talked politics before and have agreed we are close in our shared beliefs dispite our differences.

That is still true.

My comments were specific about two points and not actually political.

the other comment;

"The alternative in this last electoral go-round was appalling and chilling."

was a personal opinion about McCain's ability to lead

and I stand by that. He is a mess, and that is well documented too.


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Oh I agree, Mccain was a pour choise, Palin would have been better as president. At least she calls it like it is. Our system is broken, we the people need to fix it, not by one man or woman, but as a group, of people for freedom, the consitution shold be the gospel, not a maybe you have a right or don't have a right. The revelution needs to be in the ballot box, not by guns, but I think it will turn to a real revelution. If some things don't change in Washington D.C. Grubstake

I'll add I'm not out to bash anyone for what or who they think is right. The point is if you really think that, then all the people need to stand up and fight for what is rightfully yours. Our god given rights as they are writen in the consitution. Alot of good people died over the years deffending those rights.

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Grubstake . We certainly agree on many things . I have always thought that Executive order crap was just that. No one person should have the ability to put any law into effect . That is what our legislature is for . I also didn't mean to imply that all those who are unhappy about our government or president are racist, but there is a large faction of anti Obama people who are definately racist bigots who call themselves Christians while spreading hate and advocating violence. They have definately not read their bibles lately , as Christ never advocated either. I see you also referred to problems in government going back to 1973. You are smart enough to realize these problems didn't start with our current administration. We've had many presidents from both parties since then . I just had to say something because I have not seen one positive thing said about our government or president on any of the forums in the last year. All I've seen are hateful comments . I just want to make it clear that not all of us are of that mindset and those of us who don't hate our president and government shouldn't have to feel that we are unwanted as forum members because of our political beliefs. Having lived for extended periods in other countries all I can say is that I'm glad to be home in America and whatever problems we have can't compare to what the vast majority of humanity has to put up with on a daily basis.

I had another pretty good day today and the Az fall weather was near perfect.---Bob


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Well... Gosh everyone...

It could be that a $1058 gold jump up from about $1000 is a reflection that

the dollar is down about 14% since March.... With this said; more and more

investers may now be concerned that the long term value of the US dollar

is continuing to be severly compromised.

Thus, there is growing, and stronger tendancy to avoid investing in the dollar

which ain't good for us... Investing into dollar-backed investments are now

not considered as safe today as earlier, thus the "rise" of gold.

Unfortunately if the dollar becomes weaker, gold will become an even more

attractive investment... this could be self-serving with the potentual of

creating more of a demand for gold which in turn "drives" up the demand

and the available ready supply may become temporarily limited. Sorta

like which came first; the chicken or the egg?

With a continual weakening of the dollar (as indicated by stronger gold and/or

foreign currency)... "we the people" will eventually find ourselfs up the well

known creek... The national debt will be even harder to pay as our imports

will seem "more expensive" as we try to repay with a weaker dollar...

Unfortunately, it could be with the dollar getting so weak that (say as if... but

Heaven probid), that if gold reaches $2000, the US budget (deficit) could

exceed the ability to to maintain (even) the level of our current weak


P.S. Bob... Great nuggets... I'm impressed by your continued ability

to "nose" them out as they are getting harder to find....

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