help mono coil on gp4500

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hello all ,

i have questions how to reduce the noise coming from the mono coiltek goldstaker when

using with gpx4500 ,i try to reduce the gain but no big deference

please advice for best setting to achieve good depth with high sensitivity



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1. Ground balance the detector

2. Try to Tune the machine

3. Set the motion to Very Slow

4. Put the audio in Quiet

5. Adjust the Stabilizer to a Lower number

If the ground is giving alot of feedback (highly variable mineralization) you should try the Enhanced timing

There are more but this should give you a good start.

The first one (1.) you should do Every time you start detecting in a new place and frequently during the day as the soil conditions change, just check it by pumping the coil up and down every once in a while, or when the detector seams to get erratic during the swing

4. and 5. are more of a last resort so do those last if the other settings aren't helping.

This is pretty much what I do if my detector starts to become noisy. There are more settings and adjustments but this should be a pretty good baseline to start with. I am sure others will chime in on their methods.


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If the ground is noisy with a Monoloop coil even after ground balancing then I suggest you try the Enhance timing using the Soil/Timings switch on the front end cap, when using Enhance switch the Ground balance switch to fixed and then use the Quick Trak button on the handle to make adjustments to the ground balance periodically. Enhance removes the vast majority of ground noise generated by mineralisation and only needs to be ground balanced occasionally even in bad soils (more often if the ground is variable).

Try using these other settings,


Coil/RX, Mono or DD

Ground Balance, Fixed

Soil/Timings, Enhance

Search Mode, General


Motion, Slow

Gain, 8 - 10

Stabilizer, 8

Audio, Deep

Signal, 19

Tone, 63

Discrimination, Off

Response, Normal

Hope this helps,

Jonathan Porter

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  • Admin

Hello Redhat,

Sorry I was unable to get to this post sooner. Looks like some good suggestions were made. I have yet to have any problems with hot ground using the Goldstalker's. I would try the Enhance timing like JP stated. I've had great results with this timing feature on the GPX-4500.

Hope to see you posting more in the future.

Rob Allison

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  • 1 month later...

If the ground is noisy with a Monoloop coil even after ground balancing then I suggest you try the Enhance timing using the Soil/Timings switch on the front end cap, when using Enhance switch the Ground balance switch to fixed and then use the Quick Trak button on the handle to make adjustments to the ground balance periodically. Enhance removes the vast majority of ground noise generated by mineralisation and only needs to be ground balanced occasionally even in bad soils (more often if the ground is variable).

Try using these other settings,


Coil/RX, Mono or DD

Ground Balance, Fixed

Soil/Timings, Enhance

Search Mode, General


Motion, Slow

Gain, 8 - 10

Stabilizer, 8

Audio, Deep

Signal, 19

Tone, 63

Discrimination, Off

Response, Normal

Hope this helps,

Jonathan Porter

Hello Ahmed

did this setting make any changes and reduce the noise?

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it was high Mineralization soil in that area

I have been there for some days, we can't describe the area as mineralized, only if you come close to some hills you can find granite but in general it's less mineralized area

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Redhat, I also find that my 4500 runs much better early in the early morning. In Greaterville there is so much air traffic that it is a problem. The more sensitive Coil,the worse the noise, and the lower the gain and stablizer should be. The slower the motion the better for me. Make sure the machine is ground balanced at all times. Hope that I have helped. Hope that you have good luck. Silver dog

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  • Admin

Hello Guys,

I've always been told that the new Goldstalker Mono's are "Super Sensitive" on the GPX series. This might be the reason for the extra noise if you're in very heavy mineralization. You might have to make some adjustments to your settings and timing to smooth everything out. I actually like to run my detectors a bit hot to get the extra edge.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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