Great WW-II Pics

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Not related to nugget hunting but well worth the look. Click link or copy & post to see pics of the Greatest Generation stepping up to the plate - enjoy

Stay safe & watch your back - Frosty

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Fantastic pictures! I had an uncle that was a Navy vet from the 1920s and he joined the Seabees in 1942 and they followed the Marines all over the Pacific as they took it back an island at a time. He said the John Wayne movie "The Fighting Seabees" wasn't to far off. Uncle Hal was born in 1906 so he was 36 in 1942 and 40 when he got out in 1946. He said all the Marines and sailors always called him Pops.

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Thanks for the photos. Spent over 6 years in that area during 1970-80 and remember those sites and the ww2 relics (planes, shell and tanks etc) that we stumbled on in the jungles.

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My dad was a radar man on a ship during WW2 he didnt talk about the war much either did his 2 brothers who were also in it.

Dad hated boats and ships after that and the only thing he would ofter say was after 3 years in the Navy I never did learned how to swim.

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