New SD from Minelab

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What I want to know is, if Minelab is coming out with another SD just what do you want it to have for your extra money?

Say we'll put the MSRP Price at 2995.00

The Sale Price at 2495.00

The last SD was called 2200 so we could call this one a 2400.

You let Minelab know what you should get for your money.This is for the people that can't run out and buy the GPX5000.

Now this is wild thinking on my part but they being Minelab will cut the price on the GPX4500 and put it in the reach of lots of people.

Chuck Anders

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Chuck... you mentioned the SD-2200d. I had one and it was one 'sweet' machine... Also there was nothing wrong with the 2000 and the 2100. Actually, while I never owned either the 2000 or 2100 they still are, as is the 2200d, would make good platform as a quality detector for a basic entry range, lighter weight, simpler, Minelab Pulse machine. But it should sell for less than $2000... actually closer to $1500.

Jim Straight

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Grubstake... Yep you got me. Has it been 12 years? I understand you are still using it? It worked better for you then it did for me.

Uncle Ron... I agree about the 2100. I used a borrowed one tracing a channel in northern Nevada using the "trash can" search coil. I also hunted with Frugal Floyd who was using a 2000 near what is now known as the Bikini tree.

This back many years ago; but it was a grand old time. Sweet memories... Occasionally a "sunbaker" could be specked by its sheen if there was a little early morning dew... Back then being "first' was everything at Majuba placers better known as Ryepatch. Then came "Lunker Hill." Now just History...

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Yo Jim...I'd sure like to hear more about Lunker Hill ... Dodacious and I are traveling the west right now...Will be in Yosemite Sat. night and Sunday..On our way up to the Klamath Mtns. .... Hitting some of my old placer spots...And seeing grandbabies....Tell us more... Cheers, Unc

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