So there is no misunderstanding

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Recently I was accused of using Rob's forum as a postal notification service, or something to that effect.

I advised Kelly his coil was waiting at the post office and I asked Flak Magnet if he received the package I sent.

This might appear that I am using Rob's forum to conduct personal business.

This is not the case, in both instances Kelly and Flak Magnet had purchased coils from Rob and had some warranty issues. At Rob's request I drop shipped them new coils in order to expedite delivery, so they would not have to wait for me to send them to Rob, and then Rob would have to reship them.

So what you have witnessed is a commitment to excellent customer service on both Rob and my part and seeing that customers get warranty replacement COILTEK coils in an expeditious manner... 'cause that's how we roll. :rolleyes:


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This might appear that I am using Rob's forum to conduct personal business.


And that is exactly what you are doing Doc ....Both those posts could have been handled privately with a phone call, e-mail, or Private Message. It was nothing more than self promotion, as there was no other reason to post personal or private information on an open Nugget Hunting Forum. If I ordered something from you, I would not want it broadcast throughout the prospecting community , as it is no ones business but ours...

Oh and BTW ,, WE ARE the general public! It's a shame that someone walks into your store is treated differently than say, a nuggethunting forum member

Im really not being a jerk here , I just dont come to a Nuggethunting Forum to learn about so & so`s product has arrived , or been shipped. Granted , I didnt have to click on the post I understand.

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We've read instances of poor customer service at some businesses.

I'm happy to see public evidence of excellent service that also may generate dialogue amongst those of us who feel camaraderie here.

It's kinda like Alcoholics Anonymous: "Take what you like and leave the rest."

Oh, and Dr. Frank- I followed lime/coconut prescription and am feeling much better. :)

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I believe it was just a misunderstanding with people being on the wrong page. I read Adam's many posts and dealt with DOC. They seem to be good people.

I bought goods from DOC and received them in a timely manner. The one time I spoke to DOC I feel I can call him my bud. He even threw in some freebies that I didn't expect. The key word in DOC'S post is "expedite". To speed up the order.

However, if it was personal info shared like full name, address, telephone or credit card number that's different.

If business promotion is a concern I will say this. I belong to three forums. In every thread there is a least one person with a link to their post. So who cares? If it's promotion for our hobby and not a scam I don't mind. We may even learn something or open doors for ourselves to other adventures.

We attract more bees with honey then vinegar.

Hunt a nugget before I find it first.


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I find this discussion amusing since from the time I read the first post with a USPS tracking number I was a little skeptical of the wisdom of posting information like that in a public forum. I went to the USPS site and entered that tracking number to see if any personal info comes up, and no, it doesn't. Just a town/zip code. I was going to council against posting stuff like that, but satisfied my own curiosity and decided to keep my mouth shut. I was initially annoyed to see that kind of 'personal communication' posted publicly, but got over it. Now what was originally annoying has evolved into an amusing string of replies. Thanks for the entertainment, at least, on a site with relatively few new posts.

By the way, Doc, the coil Rob had you drop ship me in Bend arrived in two days. Awesome.

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I used to have your opinion on "so called advertising" on another's forum until I ran into a buzz saw. She set me straight in a hurry. It took me time to come around and see the light. Some day I'll thank her... Anyway growing up I was taught that "this is my business and you shall not advertise unless invited". Many a business is run this way, but I believe now that's the old school way. Why do gas stations, grocery stores and restaurants build next to each other? People are already coming there for a like purpose. It's good for all if everyone stays cool.

Just my experience, not picking.

New Beeper

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..Granted , I didnt have to click on the post I understand.

So Adam, which one of those hot-azz girl friends of yours cheated on you buddy? Was it the brunette? She always looked like trouble with a capitol "T" to me, but I'm just saying. The blonde? She's too pretty for any other man but you Adam, so if she dumped you it was for a mirror buddy - Trust me! We all have bad days and type things we wished we - well, it's still better to get mad and let off steam here than hit the ol' lady right? Nothing takes the stress off like a couple of bricks of .22 Longs downrange and a case a beer. Women! Can't kill 'em, can't cook 'em, and I hate Sushi! :rolleyes:

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Talking about blondes.

It was the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. I seen this car pulled over with it's flashers on. I pulled up to the car with my cruiser. I asked the beautiful golden haired blonde if there was a problem. She replied "her car died and it won't start I have been out here for hours". But I noticed her staring at her cell phone in her hand. I replied, "maam why didn't you call 911. She replied, "there's no eleven on the keypad".

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A blonde female cop pulls over a blonde in a red convertible for speeding.

The officer approaches the car and asks the driver for her driver's license.

The driver responds, "Like I know I have one, it's like in my purse somewhere. I think I got it when I was like only 16 years old, I don't know, I haven't seen it for a long time, look in here, my purse is a mess! I'm not even sure... what does it look like anyway?"

The Blonde officer responds, "It's rectangular and it has your picture on it."

The blonde driver digs around feverishly in her purse until finally she pulls out a rectangular mirror, she looks at herself in the mirror and exclaims "YIPPEE I found it, here you go!" handing it to the officer.

The blonde police officer takes it from her, examines it carefully and gets a big smile on her face and says, "Why didn't you tell me you were a cop too? You're free to go."

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Now that it has lightened up a bit. My opinion is that most prospecting related forums are to help promote (usually the owner of the forum) business. So I expect to see this kid of thing all the big deal. What does bother me is that this particular forum has a sub forum that deals with new products and that is where I think new product info should go.... Just my couple pennies....If my attitude stinks you all can blame it on the weather and the fools in Washinton!

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Hi Forum folk,

DOC was letting me know on the open forum because my PM's were full.

So I am partly to blame for the confusion.

The post was not really about a product per se, it was a communication about a delivery.

So in this case he had a legit reason that he really shouldn't have had to explain in detail.

It is simply not that big a deal one way or the other.

Like El Dorado said, it must have been the weather or the economy or something important

that got everyone rev'ed about this little tiny personal communication.

What say we get back to more important stuff?

All the best,


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In my opinion, it's just nice to see dealers so on the ball with forum members. Yeah, it's the main forum... but it's not like the sales posts are disrupting or spamming conversation here. It's nice to see good old fashioned customer service these days. Just my 2 cents

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Personally, I enjoy Rob's and Doc's comments on new products. Most of the regulars here have lots of access to the promotional advertising not available to the east coast. If there is a little extra hype so be it, I certainly wouldn't be interested if there wasn't.

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