Sunday's Short Hunt with a Partner

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Hello All,

Lately I've been so tied up with work I haven't had any free time to do any swinging. Managed to get out for a late hunt today with a partner and we snagged these nuggets. All the nuggets were found on some older ground. I was using a GPX5000 while my partner was still swinging his GPX4500. I've personally been playing around with the new Coiltek Blitz Mono Searchcoil with great results.

No big nuggets, but enough to keep it fun ....


Take care,

Rob Allison

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the comments. Finding nuggets, regardless of the size is fun for me. I enjoy digging the little ones just as much.

DigDeep - Yes, he just got a Blitz, so he has only used it one trip so far. I'm sure he is going to like it.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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