Nevada does have gold!!!!

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Raining, sleet falling down my shirt collar, cold, sloppy mud,,,and then,,,BAM!!!

It was so loud i almost said to heck with it so I could get out of the storm before i ruined my 4000,

Glad i dug it now!

JP--- I will be carrying my little plastic bag from now on!!

Go Minelab1!!!!

I saw a rock with quartz veins that made a cross,,,i take that was a reminder for me to remember the reason i am blessed enough to be able to participate in this great hobby!!!!

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more pics ,,

if someone can resize these, have at it...--I am trying!!!!

Sorry i am braindead today,,i cant figure how to get them on here at a decent size.

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That's one to be proud of. Determination

and patience paid of for you. Congratulations

on a great find.

Best Regards


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Grand find Paul! How much did that monster weigh? Looks like a one oz club membership to me!


Thanks Steve, but it would have to have 5 more just like is a thin one...2.985 dwt

but would show nicely if i could clean it up...what do you suggest for that?

Thanks again!

Good hunting!

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That's one to be proud of. Determination

and patience paid of for you. Congratulations

on a great find.

Best Regards


Thanks alot Herb....

You said it,,determination!

I was just about to get tired of hunting this claim when BAM!.... :spank:

Stay put,,,shut up,,,, and keep swinging... [my new motto] ;)

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Congrats! That is a beauty for sure. Now have Steve put a bail on it and put it around your neck.

Hey Matt,

I dont wear jewelry, I would just lose it.

But it might help get in good graces with a lady I know!!!! :lol:

Thanks Matt!

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Way to go, nice find with a little foul weather. Don't stop now things are lookin good .

Well honestly,

I did have to stop after I found this one Frank,,

I have a cold and that weather was/is killing me...but I think i have showed it off to everyone in Carson already...even the Chinese tour bus out in Fernley got a chance to take some pictures!!! :D

i am sure they think American gold is laying on the ground. I pointed them out towards the dry lake bed :spank:

i remember saying to someone, "If i ever find a decent size piece, I wont tell anyone!" NOT'

Good hunting !!

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Hey Paul,

Great find! Yes, Nevada has gold, and some very nice gold to boot. Keep up the great work.

Rob Allison

Thanks Rob,

And thanks for answering all my stupid questions while i was down there....

I still have stupid questions to ask,,,i am just up here now!!! :rolleyes:

PS I was using that 12 X 15 Mono Commander you sold me last fall!! ;)

It was so loud I thought i had found a garbage can lid when i swung over the nugget!!!!

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Badass, Paul!

I can't decide which is more handsome: you or the gold.

Okay - it's the gold...but Still..... :P

No telling what's to find once you bribe that road grader... :o

Keep at it!

Man... Kelly,

I asked you to keep that quiet about my road grader contact!!!!! :spank:

Hahahahaha, yeah the gold is purttier for sure..

That piece was about 500 feet from the area you were hunting!

I hear Montana is going to be sweet this year....

i am starting to rue the fact that i took a full time job!!! :D

Good hunting!!

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great job brother i knew you would get a killer nug soon , save me some :lol:


Actually, don't is so wet up here i cant believe it...this reminds me of Alaska,,6 months good hunting a year!!!

we wil figure it out when you get up here! B)

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Way to go on the nugget! When you say Carson sure reminds me of home. Did you move there are just visiting? Recently moved to Placerville from there but might have a city job there soon so will be moving back. The hills in the back ground look familiar but not sure, but looks like the same range my land in on. Ive got a couple pieces of gold out of the Carson area but my best has been taking dirt to the river and sluiceing it. 3.5 ozs out of a streak I found and it only took three truck loads of dirt.LOL

Way to go on the find Keep em coming!!!



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Actually, don't is so wet up here i cant believe it...this reminds me of Alaska,,6 months good hunting a year!!!

we wil figure it out when you get up here! B)

Yah i cant wait till august , youd better hurry and get as much as you can off there im bringing a dozer with me B) . Oh and the 5000 armed with the 24x14 goldstalker :wub: and 15 pounds of Ribeye for fuel :D

On another note i hope you catch those claim jumpin highgraders that have been rippin you off, your one of the best people i know and it realy pisses me off that your getting ripped off by those low life, piece of crap, botom of the barrel, jerks driven by greed :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

hopefully when im up there we see them , ill give them a taste of the BORDER , Nothin like 210 lbs of 30 yr old pissed off digger coming at ya

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