Following The Gold Trail

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Hello All,

I was told by a geologist of an area that has gold. The area is vast, has no claims, and is very remote. I have to hike several miles to get there. I can't do any panning because there is no water. I have done some metal detecting but haven't found anything yet. Maybe its all fine gold. I found a cluster of these rocks and they look really out of place for this area. Think this could have been the source or should I keep searching? I'm no rock expert.

Attached is the rock from multiple angles.






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Crush the rocks ,and pan the material.

There is fine gold all over this state , so the statement " area that has gold " could be applied to many, many areas, if not most of southern, and western arizona. Heck , there is a small hill 4 miles from me in Casa Grande that "has gold", but I could never detect there. I would sample the area you speak of, and by "sample", I mean clean out some choice looking crevaces in bedrock, take it home, and pan it out. If there is gold present , then there may be hope.

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  • Admin

Hey DesertNuggets,

Did the Geologist mention if any nuggets have been found in the area? Quartz is probably the biggest host for gold, but barren or "bull" Quartz don't get me too excited. Any signs of mines, prospects or any type of placer diggings?

Wishing you much luck at the location.

Rob Allison

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Adam he gave me a general area with directions just not an exact spot. Turn here, left here, etc.

Rob I didn't ask about nuggets. There are piles of rocks in odd spots. The host rock where my sample came from was broken into a million pieces. It looked like someone went to town on it or maybe mother nature did it.

I'm going back there tomorrow and will take some soil samples.

Thanks all! :D

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There is gold there! Days of work has payed off. I just found a little .19g picker.

Minelab X-Terra 705 / 6" HF Coil / Doc's Treasure Screamer Amp & External Speaker

I seriously think without the amp and speaker I wouldn't have found it. :wub:

I also have a few bags of dirt to pan tonight from some cracks I cleaned out. I hope theres more! :D


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There is gold there! Days of work has payed off. I just found a little .19g picker.

Minelab X-Terra 705 / 6" HF Coil / Doc's Treasure Screamer Amp & External Speaker

I seriously think without the amp and speaker I wouldn't have found it. :wub:

I also have a few bags of dirt to pan tonight from some cracks I cleaned out. I hope theres more! :D

Very cool - hope you score alot there or find a nice little patch for yourself. :D

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