Jonathan Porter Unwrapping the GPX5000

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Finally the NEW Unwrapping the GPX5000 2 set approx. 3 hour DVD's are ready to be shipped at the first of next week. $72.50 for the set plus s&h.

I have seen these DVDS and they are the best JP has ever done. I learned so much. There are tips and tricks that I never knew. I can bet you will come away from watching these videos feeling like I did; that I finally understand the GPX5000.

Things like, did you know Bruce Candy advises against using a DD coil when using the Fine Gold or Enhanced mode?

I can tell you that if you own a GPX4500 you DO NOT want to watch these DVD's! Because if you do, you will feel compelled to purchase a GPX5000. Jonathan demonstrates the superior and precision ground balance that the GPX5000 has over the GPX4500 machine. It's just mind blowing. He explains how to read your coil to tell whether you have a shallow or deep target. And then of course there is the gold he finds, and his explanation of how he selects different spots to swing his coil.

Watch as he shows you how in Normal mode a 4 ounce nugget can be missed when it is close to banded iron stone, and how he found it and what settings he was using, and this was in someone elses worked out patch. Things to be careful for if you use a rare earth magnet. What coil to use and why.

Do you know how to chain a patch? JP will show you how.

What him unearth, in FAST MOTION, a multi-ounce nugget in cap rock, with a hammer and chisel, it took him way over two hours! It's actually quite hysterical watching him beat away at the earth in FAST MOTION.

I have seen all of JP's DVD's this is by far EMMY AWARD winning material. Not only the information provided but the quality of the production and the entertainment value. It's fantastic.

Rob will be carrying these DVD's so get your order in soon and I will drop ship for Rob so you will get the DVD's quickly.


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Finally the NEW Unwrapping the GPX5000 2 set approx. 3 hour DVD's are ready to be shipped at the first of next week. $72.50 for the set plus s&h.

I have seen these DVDS and they are the best JP has ever done. I learned so much. There are tips and tricks that I never knew. I can bet you will come away from watching these videos feeling like I did; that I finally understand the GPX5000.

Things like, did you know Bruce Candy advises against using a DD coil when using the Fine Gold or Enhanced mode?

I can tell you that if you own a GPX4500 you DO NOT want to watch these DVD's! Because if you do, you will feel compelled to purchase a GPX5000. Jonathan demonstrates the superior and precision ground balance that the GPX5000 has over the GPX4500 machine. It's just mind blowing. He explains how to read your coil to tell whether you have a shallow or deep target. And then of course there is the gold he finds, and his explanation of how he selects different spots to swing his coil.

Watch as he shows you how in Normal mode a 4 ounce nugget can be missed when it is close to banded iron stone, and how he found it and what settings he was using, and this was in someone elses worked out patch. Things to be careful for if you use a rare earth magnet. What coil to use and why.

Do you know how to chain a patch? JP will show you how.

What him unearth, in FAST MOTION, a multi-ounce nugget in cap rock, with a hammer and chisel, it took him way over two hours! It's actually quite hysterical watching him beat away at the earth in FAST MOTION.

I have seen all of JP's DVD's this is by far EMMY AWARD winning material. Not only the information provided but the quality of the production and the entertainment value. It's fantastic.

Rob will be carrying these DVD's so get your order in soon and I will drop ship for Rob so you will get the DVD's quickly.


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Its, like a pie Bill, JP, gets his, customs gets there's, Us, gets tax off them, Doc gets his for importing them, and Rob gets a little. Free enterprise, cost money. At least they got a price! That better than WASHINGTON DC has done in the past 2 years! They DOC< JP ROB. Got it done. shipping on top of all that, have you looked at the cost of fuel lately? You drive to walmart, get the latest movie on DVD, they print millions, $20.00 + tax, get it home find out it was all hype, Go buy a book, they are anywhere from $10- $80.00 for school books, they teach you things. You have to look at that you are paying for knowledge. Just think how much they charge for a two siminar to teach you how to manage your money. Its a one time deal. I have JP's other DVD'S I have watched them over and over and over. I learn something evertime, I over looked before. Ith nk its a fair price for what you get. Grubstake

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Knowledge, Is priceless! Older guys are dieing everyday, we need to know what they know, thats why Jim Striaghts Books are so good, he's an oldtimer, and trying to pass what he knows on to others. Grubstake

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I also have told Rob to ship mine ASAP. Gold closed today at $1626.78 . At that rate I only need to find a 1 DWT. dink and it's paid for. I can't even guess how many nuggets I've found thanks to the DVD training I have enjoyed in the last 3.5 years.The price of education is small compared to the cost of not using your GPX5000 to it's max. potential. To me that equates to walking away from nuggets that could have been in my poke. Dave

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Its, like a pie Bill, JP, gets his, customs gets there's, Us, gets tax off them, Doc gets his for importing them, and Rob gets a little. Free enterprise, cost money. At least they got a price! That better than WASHINGTON DC has done in the past 2 years! They DOC< JP ROB. Got it done. shipping on top of all that, have you looked at the cost of fuel lately? You drive to walmart, get the latest movie on DVD, they print millions, $20.00 + tax, get it home find out it was all hype, Go buy a book, they are anywhere from $10- $80.00 for school books, they teach you things. You have to look at that you are paying for knowledge. Just think how much they charge for a two siminar to teach you how to manage your money. Its a one time deal. I have JP's other DVD'S I have watched them over and over and over. I learn something evertime, I over looked before. Ith nk its a fair price for what you get. Grubstake

makes sense

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Hey Guys,

I have to agree, training and experience is second to none. I couldn't tell you how many customers over the years have told me that they wished they would have gotten some type of field instructions when they purchased their first PI. Many of these customers at some point purchased their second PI from me or another dealer that included field instructions with the purchase.

You can purchase a $1000 - $5,600 metal detector and spend 2-3 times the amount an average guy that was given instructions. I hear this all the time, so whatever you can do to speed up your education and use of a metal detector is well worth it. This can include anything from field instructions, internet forums, books, publications and magazines.

I'm excited about the new GPX5000 DVD. With all the experience I have with the Minelab PI's, I know JP always has something more to share that will help me find more gold somewhere in the goldfields.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Guys, you just really have no idea how much goes into filming and producing these videos. Literally thousands of hours. The quality is second to none. These are documentary quality. The only problem is, because they are so narrow in their subject matter it isn't as if you could get someone to pay to air in on the Discovery Channel and pay a handsome chunk of change up front. If that were the case then you could probably buy DVD's for $29.95 after that.

I had to beg J.P. to do this video because he said he was really considering not doing it at all. He said it was too time consuming and there just was no money in it. He said every time he finds out that someone has been bootlegging his videos he swears he will never waste his time doing another one.

The information provided in these videos will help you find much more gold than the small investment for the videos. And I guess the greatest claim to fame for these videos is that Jonathan has produced 4 before this one, and the people that own those videos are the first ones to join the waiting list for this one.

The information you learn in these videos will certainly help you find more gold and maybe even that elusive big one. What we are talking about is an investment of less than 1 penny weight of gold; but the information is invaluable.

Now the other person you can thank for the price of these DVD's is Obama. Before he came into office and started pissing away our money on bailouts, the American dollar was worth something. And the Australian dollar was worth .56 cents. Now the American Dollar is worth nothing and because of that it takes $1.10 U.S. to buy 1 Australian dollar. So the Australian dollar is now worth more than the American dollar. Something that used to cost me $56. now costs $110. A shipment that used to cost $560 now cost me $1100.

The price has nothing to do with the fact that guys have purchased GPX5000 so they must be able to afford the DVD's. It's an extremely reasonable price for the information they contain.

And by the way I don't set the prices on these, Jonathan does. I simply stock them for him and act as a fulfillment house. That way they are here in the U.S. and customers don't have to pay another $20 to have them shipped here. When and if they sell I get a small commission.

I think if you watch these DVD's you will agree they are worth every devalued American penny.


Guess they figure if you can afford a 5000 then $75 for 2 CD's is chump change.....

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Hi Guys,

I have no beef whatsoever about price, just curious if and when I may receive the DVD set I ordered from Rob.

With Rob out of town (I assume he still is) I have a vision of Doc not knowing who is on Robs waiting list, and accidently sending out the first stock of DVD's to those who may not have gotten their order in as early as Grubstake and I did.

I am getting up in years and hope I can get mine before the grim reaper :ph34r: calls...

As has been said, "Trust but verify..."

Thank you!


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DHL says they are supposed to be delivered today.


Hi Guys,

I have no beef whatsoever about price, just curious if and when I may receive the DVD set I ordered from Rob.

With Rob out of town (I assume he still is) I have a vision of Doc not knowing who is on Robs waiting list, and accidently sending out the first stock of DVD's to those who may not have gotten their order in as early as Grubstake and I did.

I am getting up in years and hope I can get mine before the grim reaper :ph34r: calls...

As has been said, "Trust but verify..."

Thank you!


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you just really have no idea how much goes into filming and producing these videos. Literally thousands of hours.

Very true, and when they print up a Harry Potter or other movie DVD, they print up 50 million of them - and the production cost is shared over 50 million DVDs. This is a very specialized, narrow interest DVD. Those production costs have to be shared among only a limited number that are printed up. So you cant really compare the cost of a movie DVD at Walmart to a specialized training DVD like those done by JP. Its an apples to oranges comparison.

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I would give 150.00 for them if they are as just as good as the 4000 was for me...!!!!

Verbal instruction just doesn't stick in my old head that well,,, i like to get hands on,

but i also liked having the DVD when it was raining, or before i went to bed.,, to scan

over and -listen to certain thing again,,,and again....

yeah, i think they are cheap for what they give you.. knowledge on the go..i have mine

right in the desert with me...

My hat is off to all the people who produce books, mags, dvd's, pamphlets, anything to help

us flatten the learning curve,, i am getting older too, i don't want to have to learn

everything the way Rob had to!!!!! lolol


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OHMYGAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They arrived, They arrived... (doing the happy dance) :D

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great thing for Friday night, watching these DVD's... I LOVE THIS SET!!!!!!!

I now realize that the gentle warble I was hearing on ground balance on my 4500 was not my imagination, now I need to go to a 5000... I'm shocked how noisy my ground balance is on my 4500 when compared to the new 4800/5000... sigh.... all this time I thought I was just on bad ground (we have nasty hot ground where I'm at).

JP... you are the devil in disguise... sigh.. where's my credit card for a 5000.

Doc, thank you for getting the DVD's shipped to me so fast.

Worth EVERY penny (as always with JP's videos)!!


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Same thing happened to me. I had taken a GPX5000 out of the box to learn how to use it, but I was not going to take it into the field and get it dirty, and "MAKE IT MINE." I mean, my GPX4500 works great.

I watched these DVD's and watched Jonathan put on the demonstration of how superior and precise the GPX5000 is in balancing to the toughest ground, compared to the GPX4500, and I immediately went into the shop and took that GPX5000 and put it in my truck, it's OFFICIALLY MINE.

Just not enough good things to say about these DVD's.


OHMYGAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They arrived, They arrived... (doing the happy dance) :D

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great thing for Friday night, watching these DVD's... I LOVE THIS SET!!!!!!!

I now realize that the gentle warble I was hearing on ground balance on my 4500 was not my imagination, now I need to go to a 5000... I'm shocked how noisy my ground balance is on my 4500 when compared to the new 4800/5000... sigh.... all this time I thought I was just on bad ground (we have nasty hot ground where I'm at).

JP... you are the devil in disguise... sigh.. where's my credit card for a 5000.

Doc, thank you for getting the DVD's shipped to me so fast.

Worth EVERY penny (as always with JP's videos)!!


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I also love how JP's spent some time talking about what to look for, ground spotting tips etc.... similar to what Jack Lange does on his videos (which I watch over and over).. and I love that about this new set....

I really enjoy the technical info about the detectors but it's GREAT to hear some of the tribal knowledge that we all know JP is a wealth of.

Thanks for including some of that theory discussion JP.


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I've watched several chapters on the first DVD so far and I can say without a question that this set will help GPX-4500 owners as much as GPX-4800/GPX-5000 owners or future owners... So much of the valuable info (like the banded hot rocks section) is applicable on the older machines as well.... I found the same to be true on JP's earlier DVD's, you don't need to own the exact machine the DVD is targeted towards to reap the benefits of his knowledge.

If any of you are worried about purchasing these but not owning a 5000 so them not having any value, put those worries aside.. all this info is invaluable.

Well done JP....


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Guys, you just really have no idea how much goes into filming and producing these videos. Literally thousands of hours. The quality is second to none. These are documentary quality.

I knew I'd find a place to use this photo sometime, so here it is:


When it comes right down to it, it's all about knowledge and perseverance, and it takes both to make a video like this one.

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Got my copy of the "Unwrapping the GPX5000" DVD and have just finished the first disk.

The section on Ground Balancing alone is worth the price of the DVD.

Have always felt this is the single most common mistake people make when they are working with a GP detector;

they don't take the time to ground balance perfectly.

In JP's DVD he shows you exactly WHY it is a big mistake.

I was enthralled with his beautifully lucid demonstration.

It points out once again what most of us know;

JP is at the top of his game and he can prove it.

Fantastic job JP,


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