It's Rattlesnake time, make sure you're wearing your Gaiters

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Hello All,

It's that time if the year when the temps heat up and the Rattlesnakes start to pop up. Here is a shot of one just recently hiding among the cactus and rocks. Make sure you're wearing your snake protection, chaps or gaiters. I wear my Snake Gaurdz, Snake Gaiters pretty much year around for not only snake protection, but also to keep all the cactus thorns out of my feet, ankles and lower calfs.

We always have them in stock if anyone is looking for a pair. Well worth the investment if it protects you from a snakebite!

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Nasty lookin critter that one, he's all loaded up ready to pounce.

The ones we have to watch out for here in WA are "Death Adder's" if they hit ya its goodnight Irene if your a few hundred Klm's

from help, the Gators also help us keep the Spinifex grass spikes at bay


Pete B)

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You got that right Rob. I just started to wear the pair I have. Ran into my first rattler this weekend at LSD. I was surprised how small they are. I'm use to the timber rattlers back east which are huge. Right on about the thorns too!

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Don't let the size of the snake fool ya. Sometimes a young snake will release more venom then a full grown one. An older snake can regulate the potion it wants to deliver whether it's for defence, for prey, or warning. A young snake doesn't realize just what is going on yet and will deliver a full load. I guess that our snakes out here are a lot smaller than back East but that also makes them a lot harder to see. Be careful just where you park your a..

Old tom

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Yep, ran into my first of the season and am now wearing my gaitors every day ... This Joe NoShoulders woke up cranky and aggressive ... I had my black widows on and could just barely hear the buzz ... I lift one side of the headphone off my left ear and sudden it sounded like I was standing on top of him ... I couldn't get a fix on the direction it was coming from, but I could see straight ahead and he wasn't there so I jumped forward as far (and high) as I could ... When I turned around I saw that I had been about a foot from him ... I decided to take a photo and went back toward him ... Then he started that roaring hiss they seem to do when they've just come out of their sleep ... As I leaned toward him he rared his head back and the sucker started moving directly toward me!!! YIKES. So I snapped one quick photo with my phone and beat feet out a there ....I'm sure glad I got that patch finished off! ... Cheers, Unc


Joe NoShoulders.mp3

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I gotta say... If a snake starts to come at me, he's gonna meet his maker.

Leave me alone and I will do the same.

And Frank tried to say I'm a snake magnet. I've been in the desert for 15 yrs and only once did I get close enough for a warning rattle. Frank is here for right at two and already tried to see whose is bigger...

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Hey, Glenn, if you haven't got buzzed at in 15 years, maybe you aint snake charming up under those cat claws, palo verdes and chollas tight enough ... That's where the Joes like to hang ... Got out for the past couple days and found one little half grammer, but to tell the truth that last one was so close a call that my concentration is all transwhoopified!!! Cheers, Unc

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And I'll bet your shorts were all stinkfullified to boot!

I lead with my coil, and haven't been detecting all that long (~4-5 yrs) but have been digging and chasing that yella metal for about 11.

Had a big daddy DB in the dig are next to me out at Rich Hill one time a few back. We tried to shoo him away but he was having none of it. Just sat there (quietly, too) and all but ignored us.

Next thing I know I'm hearing this high pitched but muted squealing noise. Turns out he was waiting outside a rabbit hole for the owner to come out.

He finished his meal of one young rabbit and littered off into the bushes to catch some shade. Was the first time I'd ever seen a snake get his meal the old fashioned way from start to finish. I have some pics of it somewhere I'll dig up and share.

By the way, was just digging a bench and planning then and found a nice specimen (more gold than quartz) which was really chunk and still had some crystalline structure to the gold.

Sold it a while back to help fund something... don't recall what, though.

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