Saying Goodbye to my Poke!

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Beauty is in the eye's of the beholder! As any of us prospectors, I love chasing the gold. It's the hunt! Trying to figuring out Mother Nature hiding spots, as she uses her power of the elements to hinder our search. I found out that working with her to understand her subtle clues helps. You take what she gives, skunk days and the good is to more good days! As my poke caught the eye of a new beholder, I'll start another! Until our next hunt



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LL: As Major Downie said in "Hunting for Gold" : trouble with gold is it's too damn heavy to be carrying

around. I guess you've found the same problem that the First Timers had!! Make room for the new,

and here's a 'Happy Hunting" shout to you!!


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Highbanker58, I remember special digs and fat nuggets...oh and the two I found on

NuggetSlayer, look out Reno!

Uncle Ron, starting to get warm up this way, nearly time for to head to the pine trees.

It's always fun to start a new poke,


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Hey Lucky,

Great looking poke you have up for sale. I know it's always hard to sell gold, sometimes you get partial to it, but there is more to be found. Can't wait to see your next batch in the very near future. Thanks for always sharing!

Rob Allison

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