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Wade, you left a couple of bolders in the middle of the wash. Do you want me to come and help you toss them out?

Good going guy, I love the color of it, nice gold.

By the way a limb put a hole in the roof that you put on for me during the last windstorm we had here. Would you come and fix it for me? I'll trade labor in your secret wash. :-)

Old Tom

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No shit boulderdash, you dont want Old Tom to start chuckin the wash out mate hahaha

from what ive seen he puts the chinks to shame on hand stackin hahaha

now i'm thikin there aint another bloke you would want chuckin them there boulders

than old Tom.

I seen this bloke arse up in a good wash and man, i can tell yaz, Old Tom can hold em with the best

when it comes to gettin down to the best wash stones and takin his GB2 in hand like a pro ;)

Here's a bit of insight..., many of us just may forget to apreciate just what blokes like OLD TOM

are, and mean to us modern day scratchers.....

They are the salt of the earth, the blokes who cut their teeth on gold, and through sheer hard grit showed us us the way

and how to get the gold, and for that Old Tom i personally thank you mate...

Long live the diggers of old


PS : Young Tom...... ya not bad cobber hahahaha.

"Cobber = good mate in Aus slang"

but ya dads leavin ya for shit on the gold mate hahaha

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Way to go!

That was a couple of days of hard work by the looks of it.

Glad you got some gold out of it.

Guess if prospecting doesnt work you can always build rock walls for a living.

I think you would have gotten more if you were in sens. extra on the GB2 :P

Tom H.

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hey Tom stop pissin around and send Ya Dad out to clean up the Boulder mate, lets look at this fron a LAZY

arsed point of view mate hahaha ... its gettin hot out in the badlands yeah?...

Old Tom is hard as nails and sweats gold, so cut dad free dude :D :D

wait for the "i got gold" on the UHF and then come in to the golden diaper with fryed chicken

as a back up for Old Tom.... gotta be a winner man

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Hey Pete:

Ive got plenty of areas that dad can bust up rocks at! :)

Its getting toasty down here in the lower desert. Were thinking of

going up Prescott way in a few weeks. Its about 15 deg. cooler up there and only about a

hour farther then were we usually go.

Plus they have these things called pine trees that make something else called shade? I think I saw some shade once when I was out detecting here in the desert. :)

Tom H.

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