Found a nice pocket ... Video (I hope)

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Yo All ... I followed some crumbs up a hillside in some hot ground that had lots of ironstone and some adjacent quartz blow outs ... After a couple days crumbing up the hill, I found a nice pocket in thin quartz stringer in greenstone schist ... Here's a couple videos I hope....

The total raw weight is about 4.75 ozt ... I did SG testing on them and it looks like the net gold weight is about 2.5 ozt gold.... I'll probably dolly them all up and get a nice button made ... Cheers, Unc

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Yo All ... I followed some crumbs up a hillside in some hot ground that had lots of ironstone and some adjacent quartz blow outs ... After a couple days crumbing up the hill, I found a nice pocket in thin quartz stringer in greenstone schist ... Here's a couple videos I hope....

The total raw weight is about 4.75 ozt ... I did SG testing on them and it looks like the net gold weight is about 2.5 ozt gold.... I'll probably dolly them all up and get a nice button made ... Cheers, Unc

Hi your video was very informative, but I wonder why you crush the material so fine? I know its neccessary to unlock the fine particles from the clay, but in the process of grinding, doesnt that also grind the gold into fine particles which could have otherwise been a nugget?? How much gold would have otherwise been extracted if the material was treated chemically instead of washing?


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Hi, your video was very informative, but I wonder why you crush the material so fine? I know its neccessary to unlock the fine particles from the clay, but in the process of grinding, doesnt that also grind the gold into fine particles which could have otherwise been a nugget?? How much gold would have otherwise been extracted if the material was treated chemically instead of washing?


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Leo, this gold vein was in solid rock ... Best I can tell there's about 2.5 ounces of ugly gold ... By grinding it and smelting down into bullion I will have valuable near pure gold ... It's not worth very much, relatively speaking, in its current form ...

Roger, "Dubyahberg" is just me being a jokester ... It's Wickenburg. Cheers, Unc

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Hey Ron very nice video,

Here's a suggestion, Rather then melt her you may want to have it sliced or cabbed for jewelry. Its what I've done with some of my less than pretty speci pieces. and they turned out to be nice bolo's, belt buckles, rings etc. It brings a bigger buck too. AzNuggetBob

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Wickenburg I know I have a place at North Ranch

coudnt find Dubyahburg on AZ map so I went driving directions and it shown up as being outside of LA in CA

it just blew my mind I could find your town in AZ

maybe we will run into each other someday winters only for me tho


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