Javelina Scared the crap out of me!!!

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Hello All,

Today I managed to get out for a few hours to explore some new country. I ended up crossing over a Javelina Den while metal detecting up this small wash. You can see the video over on the Youtube Prospecting & Metal Detecting forum or by clicking this link -


Hope you enjoy.

Rob Allison

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Ha ha Rob wait till you get stood off by a couple males clacking their teeth protecting their babies and you realize you left your pea shooter at home. whoops. :spank: its only happened to me once but I'll never forget it.

Nice vid. BTW good looking ground too. AzNuggetBob

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Hello All,

Today I managed to get out for a few hours to explore some new country. I ended up crossing over a Javelina Den while metal detecting up this small wash. You can see the video over on the Youtube Prospecting & Metal Detecting forum or by clicking this link -


Hope you enjoy.

Rob Allison

Rob!....Thats too funny....At least you got the little guy on camera. I had about 3000 of them...ok...maybe it was more like 6-8 of them jump me when I rounded a bend in a wash when I was on the quad about 2 months ago. Bar Jebbers..they scared the crap out of me and I scared it out of them!!! Dang rodents jumping all over! For some reason the felt like they had to get past me instead of heading up the wash.

Thats cool you got the last one hightailing it out of there.

Got to give it to you..................its stinking HOT out there and your out there swinging. :)

Its not really 120 in the wash...its more like 130!

Taker easy....dont sweat to much.

Tom H.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Pete

You can eat them. I've had it a couple times. They are strong tasting but their pretty good barbecued. We have a wood here in Arizona called mesquite and it will make almost anything edible. They have a hunting season on them here. I see a lot of Javelina hunters when I'm out nugget hunting. I cant think of anything I could compare them to in Australia right off hand. They usually run in packs and as I understand their not really pigs. They are weird. AzNuggetBob

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Hey Bob & All ... I think that javalinas are rodents ... I do have a good recipe for them:

Gut and skin javalina;

dig pit ;

line with rocks;

load in mesquite;

fire it up;

use new bailing wire to attach javalina to an old weathered board;

season javalina liberally with pepper, salt and beer and other spices you like;

when the mesquite coals are are ready, place board with javalina on top of coals;

cover with wet palm tree leaves (burlap sacks will work too);

drink a bunch of beer;

after at least 4 hours, remove javalina and board from pit;

shake up 3 or 4 beers and squirt all over javalina, board and guests;

throw away javalina-- eat board .... Yummmm!

Cheers, Unc

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Hey Bob & All ... I think that javalinas are rodents ... I do have a good recipe for them:

Gut and skin javalina;

dig pit ;

line with rocks;

load in mesquite;

fire it up;

use new bailing wire to attach javalina to an old weathered board;

season javalina liberally with pepper, salt and beer and other spices you like;

when the mesquite coals are are ready, place board with javalina on top of coals;

cover with wet palm tree leaves (burlap sacks will work too);

drink a bunch of beer;

after at least 4 hours, remove javalina and board from pit;

shake up 3 or 4 beers and squirt all over javalina, board and guests;

throw away javalina-- eat board .... Yummmm!

Cheers, Unc

I like it. :) :) :) :) :) Im going to give it five smiles. Thanks Ron


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Hey Uncle Ron,

First, I would like to say I'm very sorry to hear about your Dog. I read it over on another forum where I don't have access to post anymore. I know how attached you can get to pets, they are part of the family. I never thought I would like cats until my wife brought home this, small Turtle colored female kitten. I wasn't very happy that evening, but since the cat was dropped off in the middle of nowhwere, I felt I needed to give her a chance. It's amazing what a cat can do, they have the most amazing eye sight, discovering things you never knew crawled around the house. My Daughter and I are very attached to her now.

The cat has scratched a few things up, along with chewed a bit of wood up around the house, but I have forgiven her! :wub:

Secondly, we sure miss you posting on the forums. I know it's hard for guys to post on every forum out there today, but I think I'm speaking for most that we enjoy listening to your adventures and seeing what you turn up. Consider posting here more if you have the time to do so.

Finally, never ate Javelin, probably never will, but the recipe was a classic!! ;)

Take care my friend,

Rob Allison

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