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I lost all of my field pics. for the week.Here's the gold for the week.Had some nice pics. of flood damage on turkey creek and surrounding area.Those pics should be in there somewhere I'll keep looking. Thanks for the help.

Total weight on the scale is 5.0 grams

Hope I can remember how I did it! Mike

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Green box,

I have the same camera, those's missing pictures have to be some where on the SD card or Internal Memory? Great shooting and pic of the poke is what counts!


I Lundy,I did manage to get them to my computer but can't find the file their in.This is a new part of technology I'll have to learn.I'll figure it out.


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  • Admin

Hey Mike,

Congrats on the new additions to your collection. Was out in that country a few weeks back, after one of the first Monsoons. Many of the washes that I was hoping might have blown out didn't get much action. A few others did, but we were unable to score in them.

Thanks for posting them. Wishing you much more luck.

Rob Allison

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Good looking gold Greenbox...congrats. I ended up staying in the valley this weekend doing honey do's. Glad to see you and Oldies, and Rob getting out there. Next Sunday I will be out there, just hoping the weather stay cool!

More Au to you, Robert

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