Australian prospecting tours

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Hey Guys,

Am I not seeing something right, it does say "Australian Prospecting Tours?" ;)

As far as Australian Tours, there are several that I know of. One used to be the Doug Stone tours, but I'm not sure if they are still going. I know Coiltek used to do some type of tours also, so you might want to check on them.

Golden Triangle Tours at this link I believe -

Try Troy Ounce Gold Safari's at -

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Coiltek and Doug no longer offer tours...Mark's Prospecting Australia are a great outfit. Unfortunately the burden of feeding, hauling, showering and pleasing 10-14 grumpy gold hunters was too, now all he has to do is show them where to dig and help them learn how to use the machines...

also, they book up very quickly so you have to keep in touch...

And, even though no one asked...if you expect to get rich or even pay for the best reconsider. Nothing will ruin your OZ trip more or quicker than counting pennies every second of your trip.


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  • Admin

Hey Fred,

Thanks for the update on the two tours not in business anymore.

On another note, I have to agree with Fred. I couldn't tell you how many times I was up on several Alaskan pay-to-mine operations and would always hear guys say, "I better be able to pay for this trip in gold." From what I seen over the years, there might be one or two guys in a group of 10 or more that pay for their trip and expenses in gold. About 3-4 more might break even and the remainder are lucky to find an ounce of gold.

There are so many variables that can determine ones success on these tours. Some can be skill and experience, equipment used, knowing the area, being the first to the spot, luck and other factors.

Rob Allison

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Thanks for editting for me Rob :) Yeah not expecting to get rich, did a couple seasons dredging in Cali before the ban and loved being out in it, and am aware of the ups and downs. Just want a memorable vacation, plus I've never been to Australia before, I hear the women are pretty hot ;). Thanks also for the suggestions, I'll look them up see what's what.

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G'day Blues_DaD

Mate i would be sussing out JP's suggestion, Probably your best option for WA gold tours.

As stated already all of the fully catered tours have quit these days due to BS rules and regs.

Give Kim & Linc a call they will look after your Gold Fix.

Pete in WA

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They are both great outfits BD, with the main difference being GT Tours take you into

tamed pasture like bush and NFDU quad tours hit the real outback and patch country.

Either way i'm sure you will fully enjoy coming to Oz for a swing, keep in mind that

WA is the best dirt in Aus to swing on for size and quantity of gold..


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BD...the differences in terrain and weather are factors you should consider as you decide on which tour and when. Of the places I have been blessed to visit in Australia, I prefer Western Australia. I especially enjoyed the country around Marble Bar and Nullagine...The areas around Kalgoolie and Leanora get a close second. The geography in the west is mostly open, rolling hills desert...

The Northern territory was hot and humid but I found my best patch ever up there...the flys and mosquitos never sleep in the NT.

Victoria and NSW are forrest and mountains. It was rainy, cold and wet when I was there. I only found one little nugget there but the possibility of some good, big gold is always there...along with mucho trash and mining shafts that are everywhere...As I now have a friend in NSW I may try that country again, if ever I return.

The West, in my experience, had very little trash and if one got a signal then one best be digging...if you get a signal under the caprock (caliche) you can almost count on it being a nugget. Never pass up a signal in WA!

My personal preference is at least 4 weeks and 6 is better for a trip to Oz...

best wishes


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that is a long flight and expense for 10 lose a day going but get it back on the return...As I recall you live on the East coast so maybe there is a better flight route. I live in California and the the flight from LA is about 16 hours to Sydney...for you time frame somewhere in the east would be best...


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Look at the dates carefully...however, if the plane flys east you may not lose a day...if you go west you cross the pacific dateline and lose a day...

When I go to Oz I carry two watches, one for my home time and one for the local time/date where ever I am in Oz...


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Pete, does NFDU being that they go off the beaten path, tend to hit newer patched as compared to GT?

Yeah mate they do, the Golden Triangle in Victoria is all well flogged forrest reserves these days and the hope of finding

a patch is very rare.

If your gonna spend the money to come over your better off heading straight to WA and forget the other states.


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