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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Welcome to the forums! Hope to see you contributing more in the near future. Rob Allison
  2. Hey Guys, It could be a form of gambling, but they are also not making any money off a raffle or auction. They see thousands of dollars moving across their site, but no fees for them. They don't like that I guess ....
  3. Hey Skip, Thanks for doing that over on the Nuggetshooter forum. There is one member named "UT" on the Findsmall, I need him to remove the Paypal link. I received another email today from Paypal about this and said they will hold the account under suspension until the link is removed. Anyone know the guy or have access, please ask him to at least remove the Paypal portion of the post if possible. Thanks!
  4. Hey John, The best all around waterproof coil is the Coiltek Platypus 12x8 elliptical searchcoil (comes in Mono or DD Pro). This coil is 100% waterproof and the most popular waterproof coil I sell. A customer about 2 weeks ago purchased a Minelab GPX 5000 with a Platypus coil in the customized bundle. He is kicking butt on several beaches in Florida, several high dollar gold and silver coins so far. Said he has paid for the detector with several recent coins at depth, but were under about 2 foot of water and it was a bugger to dig them.
  5. Hey Skip, I posted a reply on the main thread to you also. Nope, all funds prior to like 7pm this evening are find. I moved most of the funds this morning and there was like $300 from this morning up until the suspension that is locked up. I should have those funds moved within 24-48 hour to the BofA account. All prior payments need to a bank deposit or check send to me payable to "Bill Southern." I just need to get the word out to not send anymore payments to my email account for Paypal to further slow things down.
  6. Hey Skip, Luckily this morning I moved most of the funds from Paypal to the BofA account. I think there is only like $300 left behind that is suspended, but believe I will have this issue resolved within 24-48 hours if people don't continue to send funds to Paypal. I would recommend a direct deposit or sending a check. All funds that have been sent are fine and safe. Thanks for helping out over on Bill's forum!
  7. Hello All, Just an update, please don't send anymore payments to Paypal for the raffle. I was contacted by Paypal this evening and they said it's against their policy to accept donations for a raffle. They said if any transactions come through, I would have to refund them and write an email back to the person sending funds. I just wanted to spread the word, so if anyone has posted the information for paypal, please try to remove it so it don't hold up any funds for this raffle. This sucks and will probably make it tougher to get funds, but they threatened to shut my account down over this. I know there are links all over Bill Southern's forum (which I don't have access to now), Facebook and other places. Please pass the word out there to remove the paypal payment process for the raffle as if the account is suspended, I will have a much more difficult time to get the funds to him and his family. Thanks! Rob Allison
  8. Hello All, Just an update, please don't send anymore payments to Paypal for the raffle. I was contacted by Paypal this evening and they said it's against their policy to accept donations for a raffle. They said if any transactions come through, I would have to refund them and write an email back to the person sending funds. I just wanted to spread the word, so if anyone has posted the information for paypal, please try to remove it so it don't hold up any funds for this raffle. Thanks! Rob Allison
  9. Hello All, Just an update, please don't send anymore payments to Paypal for the raffle. I was contacted by Paypal this evening and they said it's against their policy to accept donations for a raffle. They said if any transactions come through, I would have to refund them and write an email back to the person sending funds. I just wanted to spread the word, so if anyone has posted the information for paypal, please try to remove it so it don't hold up any funds for this raffle. Thanks! Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Just an update, please don't send anymore payments to Paypal for the raffle. I was contacted by Paypal this evening and they said it's against their policy to accept donations for a raffle. They said if any transactions come through, I would have to refund them and write an email back to the person sending funds. I just wanted to spread the word, so if anyone has posted the information for paypal, please try to remove it so it don't hold up any funds for this raffle. Sending a check or deposit the funds is the best solution I guess for now. Thanks! Rob Allison
  11. Hey JonnyNugget, If you're able to use Paypal or wire transfer funds to the BofA account, I'm willing to figure out a way to get it shipped to you if you win. If you're willing to pray for a friend in need, then you're more than welcome to purchase tickets. We can work out the details if you win the grand prize or smaller prizes after the raffle is over. Hope this helps a bit.
  12. Hello All, I'm already moved about half of the new pouches. If you want one, act quickly as then are going to be gone soon. I'm waiting for the next order from Doc.
  13. Hey Mike, That small round ball is a piece of copper (copper nugget). That was the first one I found that day, leading me into more copper and eventually some gold. The copper is very loud sounding for it's size. That small round bit sounded like a 1/2 gram nugget. You might have been tossing some copper back, but never found any at Gold Basin if that is what GB means.
  14. Hello All, We now have Doc's newest "Deep Pocket Treasure Pouches with mess panel" in stock with the mess on the bottom. This Treasure Pouch is bigger overall (width and lenght) and has the mess on the bottom. I have them listed on my online store at - Overall the pouch is 14.5 inches, the pouch depth is 12-inches and 7-inches wide. Price - $15.95 + shipping & handling Here are the pictures. Take care,
  15. Hey John, Thanks for the business. Yes, the Minelab GPX 5000 in my opinion (and opinion of the majority) is the most powerful handful metal detector on the planet. The superior mineral immunity, extreme depth and overall controls of this unit make it stand out on the top. Then you toss all the aftermarket coils, battery systems, signal enhancers, headphones and other accessories you can even get more performance. You're going to have fun for sure!
  16. Minelab GPX 5000 Raffle & More - Southern Family Fund Hello All, Well this morning I was scanning the Interent gold forums and happen to run across a very touching post. The post was about a fellow, local Minelab dealer here in Arizona that was struck with tragic news. This really touched me personally since it was not only a local Minelab dealer, but a friend and old nugget hunting partner. I seen right way how everyone was willing to help and pray for his family. My first thought being a Cancer survivor myself, is what would happen if that was my family? Well Bill Southern, owner of the NuggetShooter Store in Morristown, Arizona was given bad news about his longtime wife having terminal cancer. This is news that none of us want to hear, so I can't even imagine what is going through his mind, let alone is wife and family. You can read more about the news on Bill Southern's forum at this link - After some thought and reading the post above, I knew not having insurance that the bills would be overwhelming, something that their family don't need to stress over. I contact my rep at Minelab Americas and asked for permission to run a raffle on a new Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector. All the funds collected will go directly to Bill Southern and Family. I think this is an awesome opportunity for everyone to help a Brother in need, but at the same time have a shot at winning one of the most powerful metal detectors on the planet. Raffle tickets are $25 per ticket, no limit on amount of tickets. At the end of the raffle I would personally drive over to Bill's, deliver the funds and allow him to pick the winner of the new Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector. I felt this would be the quickest way to raise the most amount of money in a short time period. I'm hoping you all feel the same and are able to at least help out in some way, even if it's just the power of prayer for Bill and his family. Grand Prize - Minelab GPX 5000 Metal Detector - From Minelab Americas & Rob's Detector SalesCarbon Fiber Shaft - From Accuturn MFG/Herb BrowningGPX 5000 DVD - From Jonathan PorterOther Prizes - Gold Specimen - Fred MasonMeteorite - Fred Mason(2) GPX 5000 DVD's - Jonathan Porter(3) Detector Hipsticks - Chris Porter - Nevada Chris(5) Pairs of SEAL SKINZ SOCKS - Jacob Macias(3) Bottles of ultra premium California wine x 4 - Robert SulatyckyLSD Footprint DVD - James PressleyVulture West Footprint DVD - James PressleyHow to Send Payment - $25 per ticket, no limit (1) You can go to any Bank of America bank in the US and deposit the funds directly into this account # - 457020655606 This account was set up today 2-12-13 strickly for this fund and will be closed when the raffle ends and a Cashier's Check will be written to Bill directly. (2) Send check payable to "Bill Southern" to this mailing address - Rob's Detector Sales - PO Box 8926, Surprise, AZ 85374 If you deposit funds into the B of A account, please email me so I can keep records of who deposited what to make sure you get your ticket numbers. You can email me at - if you have any questions. Raffle End Date - is Friday March 1st @ 7pm Arizona time. After that date, I will no longer except Paypal or Bank Deposits to the account. Hoping we can raise as much as possible. Rob Allison
  17. Hey Guys, This weekend I was using my GPX 5000 Demo unit (much newer than my older unit) with the Goldscreamer. I noticed a noise that sounded like "puffing air," like shss.... shssshh ... shhess I coudn't figure out what the heck was doing it. I started to get frusterated cause we were so far back in and I didn't have a backup unit. I noticed I had my Apple Iphone 5 on the same side as the control box, so I decided to shut it off. Low and behold the noise disappeared. I didn't have this issue with my older Minelab GPX 5000, used the same phone, but an older version of the Iphone. Bottom line, shut the phone down or place on airplane mode like AJ mentioned. I've never heard of any issues with noise on the Goldscreamers and have sold hundreds. Not saying it can't be the first, but I would make sure you don't have an cell phone, 2-way radio, GPS or anything else that is too close to the control box that could be interferring. Keep us posted. Rob Allison
  18. Hey Gary, Welcome back. Take it easy and don't push it too much. Heck, if you won the GPX 5000 you would just have to give it away .... P.S. Received your Uncle's Credit Card info. Thanks!
  19. Hello All, Well I'm still beat for the long hike and 30+ miles on the quad, but we managed to turn up some copper and gold in a new spot. This spot has probably never been walk in the last 100 years due to how remote it was. There is more potential, but I'm not sure I'm ready for another trip like that anytime too soon. Was using the Minelab GPX 5000 and both the NF 14x9 solid and NF 8x6 for some of the very shallow bedrock areas in one location. It's still out there! Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Everyone, I have added some updates to the first post. I also added what others have donated for additional prizes. Thanks guys!
  21. Hello All, I have added some updates to the raffle. Some have offered to add other prizes and we have established an end date for the raffle (March 1st 7pm Arizona time). Please read the first post above. Thanks!
  22. Hey Guys, Just an update, everything is moving along great. I have some friends that are going to spread the work at some of the local clubs and even the Quartzsite Gold Show this coming weekend. A handful of people have asked to contribute products to the raffle, which I think is great. I guess we just need to coordinate with all of them and figure out how we want to do it. One single grand prize, or multiple prizes. Make sure you're passing the word around, most imortantly the willingness for prayer. Rob Allison
  23. Hey Guys, If you havent seen, I have put a couple options of payment methods. I know some already sent funds to Bill, which is great! However, I would like to get you in the raffle if possible since you're willing to donate and help a friend & dealer out. If you don't want in, that is fine, but just wanted to give everyone the option of getting in if you wish. If anyone know other ways we can get this advertised out there to raise the most amount of money, please do so. You can send them this forum link, bank account number, paypal account, Bill's info and forum URL, or whatever we all need to do. Working together and networking will be the best success. Anyway we can work together as a team, that would be great. I'm just trying to get this started with a great prize thanks to Minelab Americas willingness to help me. I know others mentioned about donating other prizes also, so I was thinking maybe we could have multiple prices if that is ok. Lets work together!
  24. Hello All, If you're interested in sending payment, here are the two options. If anyone wants to mail a money order, cashier's check or personal check, I can give you my PO Box. If anyone want to send payment direction to Bill or already has, please make sure I have an idea so I can make sure you get in the raffle. How to Send Payment - $25 per ticket, no limit (1) Use Paypal - and send payment to this email address - Also, please comment that this is for the "Bill Southern/GPX 5000 Donation" fund. (2) You can go to any Bank of America bank in the US and deposit the funds directly into this account # - 457020655606 This account was set up today 2-12-13 strickly for this fund and will be closed when the raffle ends and a Cashier's Check will be written to Bill directly. If you deposit funds into the B of A account, please email me so I can keep records of who deposited what to make sure you get your ticket numbers. You can email me at - if you have any questions. Hoping we can raise as much as possible.