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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys, I have to agree, Weaver Mining is worth the weight in gold for $50 per year. I heard rumors that they were dropping a bunch of claims due to the new BLM fees, so I stopped in and check it out in person. They stated they were going to keep all claims, so I'm guessing they are paying the fees and there will be no issue with claims. If you're around Congress, drop in and talk with them in person. I don't know much about the 3-day passes, but this might even be a cheaper option for people out for a weekend or so. P.S. Yes, I have had great success with nuggets around Rich Hill, but I must say I paid my dues the hard way. Thousands of hours of swinging the detector across the tough landscape with falls, scraps, scratches, cactus thorns and even close calls with snakes. I also had a un-numbered days with no nuggets!! Keep in mind, you always here the success stories, not the stories about days without a single nugget! Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Tom, Jerry and Friends, Congrats on your new finds. Those areas keep producing the gold nuggets. Dennis and I were out this weekend working our butt off. We scored some gold, but worked harder than ever for it. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Rob Allison
  3. Hey Tom, A guy at work showed me something very similar and they work great. He was just keeping them in his coat pocket and every so often placing his hands on them. I might have to give them a whirl. Thanks for posting!
  4. Hey Guys, Supafly136 - Welcome to the forums! Thanks for the business and comments. You have the most powerful hand-held detector on the market, now it's time to get some gold! For the most part, you don't hear about theft much in that region. However, there is always someone willing to take something without asking. Not sure if the guy is just a thief or someone struggling to make ends meet, but that is no excuse to steal. I think most prospectors would be more than willing to help out with a can of gas or whatever if asked in the right way. Honest and asking will get you a long way and build friendship, stealing will only get you black-balled from the entire region and you will be labeled a thief where ever you might roam.
  5. Hey Tom, I heard the same also about the stuff getting taken or borrowed ... I heard the people around Stanton know the vehicle and color.
  6. Hey Pete, I didn't even realize we were getting filmed until I seen the Youtube video several months after the event. I wasn't the one that filmed it, I believe it was Terry S. Terry might have more videos from the Minelab Training Center. Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, Well Rich Hill was so damn wet and muddy, I bailed out of there this afternoon. The rain didn't stop, a steady down pour from 5am to around noon. Everything was soaking wet, Antelope Creek was starting to run and all the roads were slippery and muddy (some of the worst I have seen). I did run into Tom & Tom Sr. and they were also on their way out before they got the RV buried somewhere!
  8. Hey Guys, I know we got hammered here in Surprise with rain. My guess is Rich Hill area will be nasty, but could be good for nugget hunting old patches. Sometimes the damp ground being more conductive can help detectorists squeak out deeper nugget(s). Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Guys, There are times where I want to jump in and help, but then again it's a learning experience for the users. It's best to let them do it, learn on their own, while giving them instructions. It's kind of like "on the job" training.
  10. Hey Mike, Depending on the ground mineralization and if you choose to use discrimination down the road, would be some factor in choosing a DD over a Mono. That being said, the new GPX 5000 can run with a Mono in places older PI's couldn't and you had to use a DD to hunt without a bunch of ground noise. As far as sensitivity, the small Mono's will have a better chance at smaller gold, slight depth advantage and also hot around the edges. The NF 8x6 Mono and Joey Mono are close in performance, but a DD Joey will give you discrimation ability and maybe some advantage on extreme mineralization. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Ray, Looks like a great place to hunt with friends. Did you guys score anything from that area? Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Here are some pictures from this weekend. We had 3 Minelab customers out for field instructions. All were from different locations, WA, CO and MD. All customers found at least one nugget, but Omar from MD hit three nuggets towards the end of the day. He is getting ready to head to Honduras with his new GPX 5000! Thanks for all your business my friends. Wishing you all much success out there in the goldfields through the US and overseas. Rick "Auggie" from WA with his new Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector "Auggie" & Rob with Rob's Detector Sales Dick from Colorado Springs using the GPX 5000 Omar & Rob with Rob's Detector Sales P.S. We are now doing field instructions for "non-detector purchases" from us. Give us a call or shoot us over an email for more information about Minelab field instructions in Arizona. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, Here are some pictures from this weekend. We had 3 Minelab customers out for field instructions. All were from different locations, WA, CO and MD. All customers found at least one nugget, but Omar from MD hit three nuggets towards the end of the day. He is getting ready to head to Honduras with his new GPX 5000! Thanks for all your business my friends. Wishing you all much success out there in the goldfields through the US and overseas. Rick "Auggie" from WA with his new Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector "Auggie" & Rob with Rob's Detector Sales Dick from Colorado Springs using the GPX 5000 Omar & Rob with Rob's Detector Sales P.S. We are now doing field instructions for "non-detector purchases" from us. Give us a call or shoot us over an email for more information about Minelab field instructions in Arizona. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, Here is a customer of mine that owns a Minelab GPX 5000. During field instructions I was able to locate a section of wash that had some nuggets. I allowed the customer to search a virgin section of the wash and he found his first, second and third gold nugget with minutes! Always great to see a new customer find their first piece of gold. " If you have any questions about Minelab metal detectors, contact us anytime at Rob's Detector Sales. Hope you enjoyed, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Here is a customer of mine that owns a Minelab GPX 5000. During field instructions I was able to locate a section of wash that had some nuggets. I allowed the customer to search a virgin section of the wash and he found his first, second and third gold nugget with minutes! Always great to see a new customer find their first piece of gold. " If you have any questions about Minelab metal detectors, contact us anytime at Rob's Detector Sales. Hope you enjoyed, Rob Allison
  16. Ok, finally was able to get the video to display on the forum. Hope you enjoyed.
  17. Ray, Ya, that person is gone!! Oh, now you're going to post on my forum ... Hehe... Hope to see you posting more in the future. Many nuggets for you. Your friend, Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, Here is a partial video clip of myself and Bill Southern at the Minelab Technology Center in Prescott, AZ doing a short presentation on detecting for gold nuggets. The Minelab Tech Center is no longer open. Several dealers were asked to do a short presentation and Q & A on Minelab detectors and searching for gold in general. " Hope you enjoyed. Rob Allison
  19. Hey Grubstake, You have all my families condolences and prayers during these times. I know between you and your Uncle things haven't been that great. The good news is there is a far better place for all of us that believe in the Great Lord and I'm sure your Uncle's Wife is there now with the Great Lord smiling down on your both. God Bless, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Border, Congrats on the great finds lately. I'm still waiting on the water, so until then I will keep the detector swinging. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Hot Rock, Thanks again for your business and friendship. Wishing you much success out there in the hills of Arizona. P.S. Continue to post your stories and finds if you would. Rob Allison
  22. Hey Goldstudmuffin, Sounds like an interesting area. I'm sure the cabin was there for some reason, whether it was hardrock or placer, it's worth investigating the area. Hope it turns into a new placer area for you. If you need another scout, I'm always for hire! Thanks for sharing. Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, Minelab has the gifts to make this holiday season treasured. While supplies last from 11/23 - 1/15/13 Minelab is offering bundles on the follow Adventure and Treasure hunting detectors - Safari Explorer SE E-Trac CTX-3030 X-Terra 305 X-Terra 505 X-Terra 705 Standard and Gold Pack You can view the Holiday bundles by visiting Minelab's main website at - If you have questions, call or email us, or reply back to this post. Wishing you all Happy Holidays! Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, Just a quick update, we have changed the GPX 5000 bundle once again for Christmas. Keep in mind, we can customize any package as needed. This package will only be available for December 2012. Thanks!
  25. Hey Chris, My partners and I are all using the new NF 14x9 Advantage solid searchcoils. Very stable and smooth searchcoil. I haven't used the 17-inch solid as of yet. Rob Allison