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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Guys, Thanks for viewing the new online store. We are focusing on just US orders right now. Under many dealership agreements, we have agreed to only sell with the US. We have a added a few more items witin the last couple of days and will continue to add more stuff (books, videos, map and accessories) in the very near future. Everyone seems to like the really simple interface where you can search by manufacture or product type (i.e. searchoils, picks and such). Thanks once again for viewing. Rob Allison
  2. .Hello All, Well it's been some time, but figured it's about time I launch a new online store. For the last 10 years it's all been word of mouth and the help of my other website - Over the years customers recommended it would increase business, allow customers to know everything I sell and make it easy and convenient. I figured it's about time I take their advice. My new online store can be seen at - You can now see different categories or search by manufacture to find something specific. We will be adding more products and much better product description. The site is hosted on one of the most secure servers available along with added Gateway credit card protection to prevent any type of credit card fraud. You can use Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express on the site. If you have any problems with the site or ordering, please contact us at - If you would like to order by phone, please call our office during normal office hours at - 623.362.1459 Have a visit and let us know what you think! Looking forward to earning your business. Rob Allison
  3. .Hello All, Well it's been some time, but figured it's about time I launch a new online store. For the last 10 years it's all been word of mouth and the help of my other website - Over the years customers recommended it would increase business, allow customers to know everything I sell and make it easy and convenient. I figured it's about time I take their advice. My new online store can be seen at - You can now see different categories or search by manufacture to find something specific. We will be adding more products and much better product description. The site is hosted on one of the most secure servers available along with added Gateway credit card protection to prevent any type of credit card fraud. You can use Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express on the site. If you have any problems with the site or ordering, please contact us at - If you would like to order by phone, please call our office during normal office hours at - 623.362.1459 Have a visit and let us know what you think! Looking forward to earning your business. Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Well it's been some time, but figured it's about time I launch a new online store. For the last 10 years it's all been word of mouth and the help of my other website - Over the years customers recommended it would increase business, allow customers to know everything I sell and make it easy and convenient. I figured it's about time I take their advice. My new online store can be seen at - You can now see different categories or search by manufacture to find something specific. We will be adding more products and much better product description. There are also drop down menus for coils that have different sizes, such as round and elliptical coils. The site is hosted on one of the most secure servers available along with added Gateway credit card protection to prevent any type of credit card fraud. You can use Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express on the site. If you have any problems with the site or ordering, please contact us at - If you would like to order by phone, please call our office during normal office hours at - 623.362.1459 Have a visit and let us know what you think! Looking forward to earning your business. Rob Allison
  5. Hey Rog, Show Low seems a bit off the path for gold geology, or any type regional gold, but crazier things have happened. It wouldn't be my first place to try, but sometimes gold is where you find it! Hope the leads pan out for you. Rob Allison
  6. Hello Local Digger, Do exactly what Ray has mentioned! I have done this process many ... many years ago when I was staking out Lode claims and it works. Keep in mind the source might be long weathered away, but this process will place you right where it came from for the most part. You can pan on site like Ray mentioned, or take sample bags, mark each spot with flags and then work them at home. If you take your sample too far apart, you might have to come back several times to the apex at the top, which can be very narrow. Also, you could have multiple pockets erroding depending on the angle of the source, where it's exposed and where the chuts might be. Would be interested to hear what Jim Straight has to say about this. Hope this helped a bit, Rob Allison
  7. Hey Guys, I was a Fisher dealer for many years and used the GB and GB2 for a long time. I have owned a handful of Bug 2's, still have one. I had a customer that purchased a GPX5000 not long ago that also purchased a GoldBug Pro cause of all the hype. He wasn't impressed, but figured he would bring it out and let me play with it. We done a lot of testing and I'm not anywhere convinced it's even close to performance of a GB2 at least on smaller gold. Personally, it seems more like a multi-purpose detector with a much lower operating freq, so I won't be going out in investing in a GB Pro anytime soon. The GB2 will find much smaller gold no question about it. I think a Minelab PI and a GB2 is the ultimate combination if you can afford to own both. The Minelab PI gets majority of the gold in the higher mineralized ground and larger/smaller pieces at depth, the GB2 can clean up the surface dinks, invisible gold (very porous) or specimens with smaller amounts of gold content. You won't be missing much if you use these two together in an area. Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  8. Hello All, The new Northern Bradshaw Footprint is now available and being shipped. If you're interested, please contact me and we will get a copy shipped off to you. The price for the new DVD is $70 + shipping & handling. Below is more information on the new Northen Bradshaw Footprint DVD - The BEST Summertime prospecting goldfields in Arizona are in the Bradshaw Mountains near Prescott. Lynx Creek, Big Bug, Walker, Groom Creek, Poland Junction and the Upper Hassayampa mining districts are all mapped in detail on this FootPrint. We cover over 200 square miles of some of the most productive gold territory in the country. Detailing over 600 Mineral Patents granted between 1874 and 1962 proves the mineral wealth of these mountains. Many of these patents are now open to prospecting and claiming as part of the Prescott National Forest. Lynx Creek is the most productive placer creek in the history of Arizona mining. This FootPrint maps the entire creek drainage, including the Lynx Creek Withdrawal Area, the popular public prospecting site that still produces good gold and is workable all year long. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patents & History In the area covered by this FootPrint we detail over 700 Patents. Including Homesteads, Mineral Placer, and Mineral Lode Claims. There is a wealth of easily accessible historical data about mining in the Bradshaw Mountains. Knowing the locations and names of mineral patents allows you marry the history of the area with the map Doing this can provide valuable insights as to where the gold may lie. We provide a custom map layer, showing the boundaries of all Land Patents in the area along with a database that tells you if the mineral rights were transferred with the patent. An actual copy of the patent is provided where available. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geology The Bradshaw Mountains have a complex geology. This FootPrint maps the Geology of the entire area at a scale 1:100k, clearly identifying numerous mineralized belts where gold is likely to be found. Combining the Geology layer with the Hydrography layers will help you identify those downstream areas most likely to contain placer gold. The complete USGS Geologic Report is included with the FootPrint for extended research. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mining Claims As with all of our FootPrints, we map all claims to their Actual Boundaries as filed with the County Recorder. The land covered by the North Bradshaw FootPrint is mostly within the boundaries of the Prescott National Forest and open to mineral entry. There are still thousands of acres of good prospecting areas available for claiming identified on this FootPrint.
  9. Hey Uncle Ron, Over the years I have been fortunate to hunt with many old pro's, but never in person with T-Bone. Richard Doherthy was the guys that really got me up and running. I owe him everything for spending the amount of time with me over the years showing me everything I needed to become successful. Without his help, I would probably be dredging rather then detecting. He told me about a week before he killed himself, that he never had such great friends like Floyd and I. I almost broke down on the phone when he told me this. Richard Doherthy and Floyd Allen were best friends, so I spent a lot of time with Floyd also. Richard actually got Floyd involved in looking for nuggets back in the 80's. Floyd spent most of his time before that searching for Indian artifacts. Richard and Floyd have both passed on, but my memories of them will never die. Glen Anderson, Larry Sallee & Nugget "Bob" G. were a few others I spent time with. I actually still talk with Nugget Bob often. Nugget Bob was a true pioneer for nugget patches around the Rich Hill area back in the day. I'm sure depending on what part of the country you are from, there are a handful of guys like these that have been icons in this hobby of looking for those ellusive gold nuggets. Thank God for great people like these guys. P.S. I know a handful of others guys that I didn't mention, that would rather stay out of the "spot light" and continue chasing nuggets with much success. Rob Allison
  10. Hey Uncle Ron, Terry Bone was a great guy. Met his several times in person at Arizona Al's prospecting store in Phoenix. Al and I were pretty good friends and he purchased a bunch of Terry's gold over the years. Terry spent a bunch of time prospecting the Bradshaw Mountains and we even got a bunch of old Topo's from Arizona Al before he sold the store and headed back East. I didn't realize that Terry has so many damn nugget patches in the Bradshaw's. I remember one time when Terry was at Al's store and he had a old briefcase that was loaded with gold. He was pretty hush-hush about where it came from, but it sure looked like Northern Nevada (Eugene Mountains) gold! His death was a weird one to say the least. I heard about 4 different version of the death at the Pronto, NV railroad crossing. The last time I was at that crossing I was told the old car bumper lying on the side of the road was from his car. About the big nugget, well there was also many stories on where it came from. Anywhere from Eugene's, Blue Mountain ... well I better not say anymore. T-bone was an icon to say the least. Rest in Peace my friend. Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know effective July 2011 all Minelab warranties are transferable. You can find all the details on Minelab's website at this link - 2011 Minelab Transferable Warranty Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Guys, Thanks for all the comments. Either way I'm loosing any sleep over if it's a meteorite or not. Just thought I would toss it on the forum and see what you all have to say about it. I've seen stuff that looks like a meteorite over the years, but turned out to be rusted parts and such. I've also seen stuff that don't look like a typical meteorite and it was for sure a meteorite. Some day I will get this piece checked out or allow someone to look at it in person. I've found enough of them over the years that I can say it's not my thing. I'm sure if I found a new find or a rare one I might change my tone. If one happens to be in my path while out detecting I will surely pick it up, but I'm not heading out to the nearest salt lake or such looking for meteorites. Thanks for all your help and comments. Rob Allison
  13. Hey Russ, If you only knew how many of those pieces you posted I toss out detecting from Quartzite East you would be amazed. Seeing what you have I know I have found handfuls of meteorites that got tossed back on the ground. I'm far from the meteorite expert, so probably need to keep more of these "strange finds". I have boxes of Gold Basins, some Franconias, a few Canyon Diablo's and some other stuff that probably needs to be looked at some time. I know back in the mid-90's I found a very nice sized iron meteorite with thumb prints around the Quartzsite area, but tossed it back on the ground. I knew nothing at that time about meteorites and my focus was gold nuggets with my new SD2100. I went back several times looking for this pieces, that was probably softball size, but was a bit longer in length. I could never locate the exact spot, even though I knew I was within 100 yards or so from where I found it. It's amazing after 10 years how the ground and vegitation will change in one location. Will keep you all updated on what I found out about this piece. It was not found in a mining area, no trash around, so that is what sparked my interest in the find. I was not prospecting for gold. Rob Allison
  14. Hey Uncle Ron & Doc, You might be right, but the weight is 2-3 times heavier than any stone or stony-iron I have that is similar in size. I guess I just need to get it tested to see what it might be. Anyone else have any thoughts?
  15. Hello All, Just wanted to post this new find and see what you all think. I won't say too much, cause I have someone looking at the piece now that believes it's a new iron meteorite find, but I won't know for sure until it's tested and results come back. I know some of you guys are "meteorite guru's" so thought you might give me some input on what you think. The piece was found in a dry wash at several foot in depth. The piece screamed like a huge chunk of iron, but once I seen it I had a better idea it could be a possible iron meteorite. Let me know what you think. Thanks for looking. Rob Allison
  16. Hey Jim, No wonder I've had so many recent calls for this book. I think I sold 5 copies today with several more customers that I haven't called back yet. Thought it was kind of strange all of a sudden, but then seen this post back up towards the top. Hope you're doing well Jim. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello gdm4, The X-Terra 705 and 705 Gold Edition is the same metal detector, the only difference is the stock coil that comes with them. The Gold Edition comes with the 10-inch Elliptical DD, 18.75kHz coil. This coil is best for gold nugget hunting, so the unit is called the 705 Gold Edition. The stock 705 coils with the 9-inch round, which is best for coin/relic hunting. Both units are the same price, $698.95 shipped. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  18. Hello gdm4, The price for either 705 is $698.95. This includes free shipping/insurance, headphones, nugget scoop & environmental cover. Give us a call if you're interested. Rob Allison
  19. Hello GDM4, The are all great detectors, but understand the 305 & 505 are coin/relic detectors, while the 705 is a multi-purpose detector (2 in 1 detector) where you can hunt for coins, relics and gold nuggets. Minelab also just introduced the new 705 "Gold Edition" which comes with the stock 10-inch elliptical 18.75kHz DD coil, which is best for gold nugget hunting. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Guys, I have to agree with all your comments. I have used all the PI's since the first SD2000 with much success here in the Southwest. The biggest jumps in my opinion were the follow for these reasons - VLF to SD2000 - Huge improvement on mineral immunity being the first PI and superior depth. Sensitivity to small gold with even a small gold was in the 6-7 grain range. Not the best for small gold, but superior on mineralization and depth and very quite. I found pounds and pounds of gold with this unit. SD2000 to SD2100 - Huge improvement on small gold and smaller gold at depth. I was able to now find nuggets down to like .8 grains with a smaller searchcoil and even found deeper gold due to better overall sensitivity. SD series to GP Extreme - This was huge!!! I found the most gold, size and numbers with the GP Extreme. This unit allow the user to get about 20% more depth over the SD series and about 55% more depth on small gold. I kicked ass and took names on all my old patches that I covered many times with the SD's. GP to GPX (mostly 4500 & 5000) More user control, much smoother unit overall. More immunity to EMI and much more sensitivity. Overall depth is still a question that is un-answered. I couldn't imagine if I had to go back .... I'm spoiled with the Minelab PI's. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Arizonaregional, Very hard to see the pics since they are so huge. You might want to try to resize them down to like 1000x1000 pixel or less for the forums. Platinium and Gold banded together does seem strange, but if that is really what it is, you have something good going there. Would enjoy to see more pics and stories behind the deposit. Wishing you much more success. Rob Allison
  22. Hello Arizonaregional, Wow, sounds like you had an awesome weekend. I've nuggethunting the Southwest, most Arizona from one end to the other and never found or seen a Platinum nugget found here. I've pesonally found thousands of gold nuggets, and hundreds of copper and silver pieces. I would love to see a real Platinum from Arizona, so hopefully you can post the pictures here. I'm sure you're positive they are Platinum and not Galena or Silver, which is very common around gold bearing areas. Can't wait to see them. Wishing you much more success. Rob Allison
  23. Hello SilverEagle, That is a good question, but have yet to see or hear of anything for the coin/relic detectors. Each year Minelab will have a partners meeting, so I will make sure I bring that one up. Rob Allison
  24. Hello Ruby, Great to see you both at the Mesa GPAA Show demostrating the Footprint DVD's. I personally wanted to see more on them, even know I sell and distribute them, I still have some questions. Hope to see you both at the next show. Rob Allison
  25. Hello All, A forum member on antoher thread asked me about this: For starters, I think Minelab detectors can be confusing when it comes to their labeling. The whole "Deep, General and Custom" is more confusing than anything. These three settings are just factory pre-set settings for guys that know nothing about the unit. You can flip the switch into one of these three settings and take off and hunt. That being said, you can also customize these three settings to what you like and then save them. This is done by flipping the switch into one of the modes, let’s say "Deep" for starters." Now let’s back up here for a second, when you're in the "Deep" mode and looking at your LCD screen, you will see there are settings already set up, but when you switch that toggle switch to "General" or "Custom" the settings will change. Like I said, these are three factory presets you have to work with. How you can save your own 3 settings: When you're in "Deep," you can customize your own settings, volume, gain, audio, ground balance, iron reject and such .... to however you like it. Once you shut the GPX5000 off, those settings you just customized will now save over the factory Minelab presets in that "Deep" mode. You might label in your own mind that setting now as "Patch 1" or Shallow Ground" ect .... If you do this same thing with the "General" and "Custom" modes, you will have three of your own, completely customized settings you like. You can label them whatever you want in your mind, so the "Deep, General and Custom" don't mean anything anymore besides still being labeled on that toggle. If you ever decide to change the unit back to stock or factory presets, you can do this by holding down the ON/OFF toggle switch until you get the screen that shows "Change all settings back to default." At this point you can either reset one of the modes you are currently in, reset all three of them back or exit the screen and leave them the way they are. You mentioned running settings together. You can run any combo of settings together, but keep in mind the only thing you have to understand is timings. With the GPX5000 you get a total of 8 timings on this unit. Two of the timings, Normal and Enhance are their own timings and don't combine with the Special timings on the LCD that you can change. Normal is its own timing, Enhance is its own timing and if you have Normal with Sensitive/Extra or Fine Gold for example, you really only have "Normal" timing. (Please reply to this post if you don't understand this) If you want to use the other 6 timings, you must be in "Special timing" on the front control panel and then choose what timing you want from the LCD screen, which would be like "Salt Coarse, Fine Gold, Sensitive/Extra, Coil/Relic" and such. There still seems to be a bunch of confusion on this, so lets just start here for beginners. If you have questions, comments or concerns about this, please post them here. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison