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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, LaPoliceGear called today and stated they didn't have my size after I made the order. I canceled the order and took Dutchman's advice and ordered through Desert Tactical here in Arizona. They had the size in stock and will be shipping today. Excited to try them out on the goldfields. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Silver Dog, I highly encourage all my friends and new customers to post their finds. Some are not real computer savy, others are working on their nugget pokes and some are posting here and there. During the Summer months the forums get a bit slower than normal, so I'm hoping I can get out and post some finds. P.S. When you coming out for field instructions on your GPX-4500? Before too long it's going to be blazing hot. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Matt, Hopefully I can make an announcement soon about the new product. I've personally been waiting 2 years for it. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Rodd, Thanks for the heads-up. It was probably some scam to start with. The minute they kept talking about sending them money I knew something was not right. Hopefully no dealers got sucked into this and sent money thinking they would be the first dealer or distributor in the US. Maybe Deepers (where ever they are based out of) needs to know about this. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, I was contacted by "Deepers" recently wanting to know if I would like to carry their products. I have never used their PI nor do I know anyone that has. I have read various tests on them over on the Australia forums. I requested a metal detector to be sent over for field testing, but was denied that request. To be honest, without seeing my own report or test I'm not willing to shell out several thousands of dollars. I did mention to the company if the unit would do what they claimed I would purchase the test unit without questions. However, they shot down that offer. I thought if I could get my hands on one of the Deeper's PI's I would make a public announcement and have a field outing so anyone interested could see the unit and the performance against other detectors. If the unit does what they claim, it would be a way to increase their sales in the US ten fold. However, they declined the request. Anyone have any input on this unit or company? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, Just curious if anyone is using the Footprint DVD's out there? I've sold some along with the dealers and wanted to get some feedback. Any questions, comments or concerns? Thanks, Rob Allison
  7. Hey Guys, The X-Terra 705 is a great detector and one of the only completely digital detectors. However, keep in mind, when you're using the VLF or V-Flex technology you will still experience and encounter ground noise, hot rocks and less depth. Advantages of the metal detectors normally under $1,000 is lightweight design, costs & sometimes more sensitivity to small gold. The new DVT (PI's) are now able with the right settings and coils to find nuggets under a grain in size. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  8. Hello All, It's great when guys want to show their finds. Like I said before, you don't have to give details. The finder is a very good nuggetshooter and friend. Hopefully he will continue to share his finds. Out of respect, go find your own spots, don't try to chase him down! I'm sure this piece will look very nice slabbed up. Eldorado would be the person to do it for me. I have yet to see any work as good as his.
  9. Hey Dutchman, I ordered that exact pair from La Police Gear I think for $83 and some change. I'm going to give them a whirl and see if I like them. The Black Bates gets a bit hot in the Summer. Sounds like a bunch of guys are now wearing the Converse. P.S. What is the status of your claims? Someone else living on them now? PM me if you get a chance. Thanks, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Guys, I know the operation on Buckhorn very well. It's a shame when someone spends a lot of hard earned money trying to get a gold operation off the ground and then you have some pukes that try to steal stuff. This is the main reason why all the small mining operations up around Rich Hill have carekeepers, hidden cameras and others watching out for shit like this. You steal from the wrong guy you might find yourself at the bottom of a mine shaft or buried under 25 foot of overburden and never found! Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Guys, I've always been told that the new Goldstalker Mono's are "Super Sensitive" on the GPX series. This might be the reason for the extra noise if you're in very heavy mineralization. You might have to make some adjustments to your settings and timing to smooth everything out. I actually like to run my detectors a bit hot to get the extra edge. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Guys, I've always been a fan of the Black, Bates Waterproof boots, but I'm looking into something else now. Been wearing them for about 10 years now, but noticed I'm going through about 2-3 pairs per season. My partner purchased a pair of the Bates M-9 Tan ones and also said they don't last any longer than the Black Bates. I might look into the Converse that have the zipper if the price is right. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, Hopefully here are some larger pictures. Not sure what happened to the first ones I posted.
  14. Hello All, Here is a specimen that a friend in California sent over to me and said I could post it. The specimen was found with a Minelab GPX-4500 and a Coiltek Mono Searchcoil recently. The total weight of the specimen was just under 10 ounces with over 2.75 ounces of gold per the specific gravity test conducted. My friend stated he found another one in the same location, but uncertain about the size of the second piece. Just goes to show it's still out there! Congrats to my friend. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Emamco, If you owned a GPX-4000 or prior PI, yes the Detacc or Goldscreamer (newest edition) would work well. However, since the GPX-4500's stock li-ion battery has a signal enhancer built in and controlled from the "target volume" feature, it would be no benefit to you. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Grubstake and Ebonbetta, I'm surprised gold is sticking this high and believe it's going to drop back down a bit. I'm not a fan that gold will go up to $2000 - $5000. Seems as if the people that are selling gold are the ones that are telling you this. If gold gets that high, we have much bigger issues than gold. First off, if gold goes to $5,000.00 something is very ... very wrong and most will be more worried about their jobs and family rather than trying to buy gold. That being said, during times like that, who is going to be buying your gold at $5,000 per ounce? I've considered selling some gold at the current price. Heck, if you think gold is going that high, I have a great investment for you. I have a couple hundred ounces you can purchase for $1,200/ounce. Just think, you can double or triple your money. Lets see how fast I have it sold ... zzzZZZzzz Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  17. Hello All, There are two sides to "showing your finds" in my opinion. How many have been out in the hills by themselves and found a nice nugget(s), but were not able to show the find to someone? You probably rushed home to show someone like our wife or friend. Come on, I've done it and know many of you have also. Many are proud (including myself) of finding a good find since they are getting much harder to find. There is no harm in showing a find, but when you do you need to know of what might happen. It's very easy to show a find and not tell the entire story behind the find. You can find a nice nugget and say it was found in Arizona with a certain detector with minor details. I think it also encourages others that nuggets can still be found with hard work. Many choose to keep their finds quiet and there is no harm in doing so. If you're worried about someone finding your spot, don't tell everyone where you're going. This will surely make your patch a public domain for anyone to prospecting it. Many here on the forums have taken guys out on good intentions to their spots and later found out the people they have taken out have not only pounded the spot(s), but continue to bring others with them. You have to know when you take someone to a spot and don't discuss any type of terms, it will turn out bad in the long haul. A suggestion might be if you're taking someone to a spot - (1) Tell them if they find anything over a certain size (1/4 oz for example), they don't get to keep it. (2) They can only return with you, the orginal finder of the spot (3) They can't bring anyone else there - or - All finds get placed together at the end of the day and we split or pick them. The original finder gets first pick or the biggest find of the day. These are just some ideas to keep things straight. If you invite someone to a patch and don't discuss details, someone's feeling will get hurt. Just some thoughts, Rob Allison
  18. Hey ChickenNugget, First, welcome to the forums. I think you received some very good information about the detectors you asked about. Keep in mind, no metal detector is a magic wand and they all require you getting over a nugget or whatever you're looking for. The VLF's are older technology, probably 20+ years now. With a VLF you will have pro's and con's. The VLF's are normally very lightweight, easy to use and for the most part very sensitive to small gold near the surface. Some of the major drawbacks are - (1) Unable to balance out some ground conditions (2) Detecting much more hot and cold rocks (3) Limited on depth ability (4) Limited on accessories (aftermarket parts) If you're willing to spend $700, you might consider saving a few more hundred and searching for a used PI, such as a Minelab SD series, White's TDI or Garrett Infinium as a starter PI. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, Was able to get out this weekend and conduct field instructions with Al C. from Tucson, AZ and done a bit of beeping another day. I managed to find these five gold nuggets within a few hours this weekend. All nuggets were found with the GPX-4500 and Goldstalker 14-inch Elliptical Mono. I'm also testing a new product, but can't say much about it yet (tell me when Doc!). As strange as it might sound, it made my GPX-4500 run much smoother. I was a bit puzzled about it, so I need to test it some more to make sure. It actually felt good to get back out and actually nuggetshoot for some nuggets. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Doc & Dogrunner, Very important point about twisting the coil cable too much to get it aligned just right. Like Doc stated, if you wrap your coil wire all the way up and then realize the tab on the connector is 180 degrees out, then it's best to re-wrap the coil wire to make the alignment is better and you don't have to twist the connector so much to get it to fit. P.S. Grubstake, I still have one of the original Platypus test coils and it still runs great. I haven't used it much this year, but last year I done well snipping some of the watercourses around the Bradshaw Mountain Range. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Dogrunner, Like Grubstake instructed, you need to make sure all connections are tight. You don't need to use any type of wrench/plyers, but make sure they are finger tight. Sometimes when you bump obstructions such as rocks, bushes and other types of vegitation you might get a response. It has to do with the windings moving, but since the windings dont move in the Platypus coil, I would say it's probably in the cord and connections. It's very normal to get a response if you coil is only 4 inches away from where you're digging. I recommend placing the detector and coil 2-3 feet away from where you're digging. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, Many customers have asked about a Layaway plan. I do offer a Layaway payment plan (United States only), so if you're interested in getting a Minelab GPX-4500 before the price change or any other detector, give us a call for details. Many customers are glad to hear I'm offering this finally. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, A friend sent this picture over today and said I could post it. The gold was found in California with a Minelab PI metal detector and Coiltek Goldstalker searchcoil. I will let him post more details if he wishes. The gold is still out there to be found. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Uncle Ron, It's a shame about your area. Your nice and show one guy then it becomes a "free for all" for the person you invited and all of his friends. Your advantage Uncle Ron is your prospecting skills. You can choke it up and move onto another place and find gold. Some of these others guys have to follow guys around to find gold and will struggle once that area is played out. On another note, I know of a couple of pockets that were found in California also that were not reported on the forums. One was pretty good, not sure it tipped 120 ounce though. That is one good hit! Congrats to the finder on that one. Take care, Rob Allison