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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Patrick, Here are the prices for the items, plus the Treasurescreamer amp. Snake Gaitors (from Small to XXL Camo Color) - $62.00 Single External Speaker System (Slimline design) - $49.95 Dual External Speaker System (Slimline design) - $89.95 DetectorProtector Hat (keeps the sun off your head and back) - $29.95 Treasure Screamer Signal Enhancer - $125.00 Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Way2cool, I can't believe I left that one out. Yes, the DetectorProtector Hat is a must for skin protection and to keep you cool. In the Summertime I will soak it in cold water and then wear it. The cold water will keep your head and neck cool for a good hour or so. Here is more information and picture of this products that I also sale for $29.95 Detector Protector Hat Soft lightweight t-shirt material with SPF 40. Protect your skin and neck from skin cancer. These fantastic hats will not interfere with headphones; as a matter of fact they keep your ears cooler and dryer because they wick away moisture. Colors may differ, but all are light colored. One size fits all. Detector Protector Hat - SPF40 to protect your skin from the sun This hat may look funny but you will never wear anything else to detect with! One size fits all, fully adjustable. Detector Protector Hat does not interfere with headphones. Soft clothe material wicks away mositure, keeping your ears cool and dry under hot headphones. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Guys, Uncle Ron - They are the Snake Guardz, Snake Gaitors that you see everyone out there wearing. The go to right below your knee and come in various sizes. Here is a picture of them - Patrick - Here is a picture of the single speaker system. They have a standard 1/4-inch jack, but using them on any other detector besides the Minelab PI's, you might need an amp to power them better. I sell a "Treasurescreamer" amp that works on all other detectors besides the Minelab PI's. Here is a picture of the single "Slim-Line" speaker system - Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Just wanted to let anyone know that might be interested in a Minelab GPX-4500, that the new price will take effect on May 6th, 2010. You have 2 days to get in at the old price of $4,495.00, after that the new price will be $4,750.00. I'm running one of the best bundle packages right now, so don't wait to get in on this deal before it's too late. I currently have them in stock and available for sale with next day shipping. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Well Summer is just right around the corner and it's starting to really warm off here in the Southwest. Customer have been calling for many Summer Prospecting items, so I thought I would let you know what I have available. Snake Gaitors (from Small to XXL Camo Color) - $62.00 Single External Speaker System (Slimline design) - $49.95 Dual External Speaker System (Slimline design) - $89.95 DetectorProtector Hat (keeps the sun off your head and back) - $29.95 These three items seem to be hot sellers once the temps start getting in the 90's - 100's. My online store or catalog is not really up to date, so I try to use the forum to get information out to you guys/gals. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, I thought the topic of "How many modern day gold nuggets don't get reported," would be a good converstational thread. A customer purchased some Minelab accessories a couple of nights ago and we talked on the phone for about an hour about gold nugget finds. He was telling me of some big gold nuggets being found in Montana, some over 30-40 ounces solid by detectors. Then the conversation about how many of those nuggets never get talked about or shown was brought up. I know here in Arizona over the last 15 years or so I've found some big ones, but nothing that would be big enough to make any record books. I've personally seen big nuggets from about 10-30 ounces solid. I really don't care so much about specimens, cause someone will find a 20 pound quartz chunk with about 2 Dwt's of gold and said it's a 20 pound nugget. I'm talking solid chunks of gold with very minimal quartz attached. The two biggest ones I seen were found in La Paz county about 10 years ago. A collector had them and I got to see them in person. One was a 39 ounce solid chunk with no quartz and the Mother was a 71 ouncer with a few spots of ironstained quartz. You know many big nugget finds never get talked about nor get talked about on the forums. Just curious if you know about any that never really got talked about? Thought it would someone different to talk about. Rob Allison
  7. Hey Chris, Several guys are going around on the forums buying up used coils for the normal used sale price and then placing them on Ebay for 2-3 times the price. Hey, more power to them I guess. Times are bad right now and I guess people have to make money any way they can. Sometimes I get a bit fired up when I see this, but have learned to realize the economic has gone to shits! A small percentage are probably making a killing, while the majority of the US is struggling to make ends meet. Who cares about keeping up with the Jones .... Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Sean, That is probably exactly how they found it. Sounds like they were sampling or working some of the old "Blue Leads" Ancient Channels with the Backhoe and probably detected when they got close to bedrock. The nugget was probably 10 foot down from the top of the overburden. Wishing them the best of luck finding more nuggets. Rob Allison
  9. Hello All, Sounds like a stretchy ruler story. You would never hear that nugget with the biggest coil and Minelab PI at that depth. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, I know it's no big secret that big nuggets are being found, but a friend text messaged me today and said one of his relatives found a 4.5 Kilo gold nugget with a Minelab GPX-4500 and Coiltek Goldstalker 18.5-inch coil. I'm hoping to have some pictures in the very near future. There is no doubt some biggies are being found, but wonder how many guys are not doing that great? You always hear the success stories and big finds, but you don't hear about the guys that aren't finding anything. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. Many have asked about this Pinpoint Probe, so I figured I would share a video I took some time ago that I forgot to post. The Pistol Probe is great if you use it for this application. It's not designed to find "fly-speck" gold nuggets and the chance of damaging a $1 nugget don't bother me! However, If I think it could potentially be a biggie, I don't want to destroy the value of it. I have a Pistol Probe out there someone being tested. I lost track of who actually has it now .... Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Uncle, I re-sent the PM to you. Shoot me back one when you get a chance. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, Here is a short Youtube video showing when I use the DetectorPro Pistol Probe the most. These probes come in real handy and help you elliminate damaging a nice nugget. I sell a bunch of these probes througout the year. Questions, post them here or give me a call. Here is the video link - Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Bunk and Chris, I have to agree with you. I've personally found thousands of small nuggets, way under a Dwt in size with the Minelab PI's. It's just a selling tactic that VLF dealers use to their advantage. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Jen, Ya, this thread is like two years old, but it's worth bringing it back up. JP is a wealth of info and has always been very informative to everyone on the forums. I have to "thank" JP again for writing a specific tip sheet called the "GPX-4500 Overview" exclusively for my customers. Many have comments how the tip sheet has helped them get started and used as a reference later down the road. JP's been a bit quiet, probably out digging big gold nuggets. Must be nice .... Someday I might be able to see that Australian soil. Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hey Bunk, Great to have you onboard selling the "Footprint" DVD's. I was informed today that I will be receiving a very large order for them. There will be a handful of new areas coming very soon. If you're currently prospecting or plan on prospecting any of these areas (San Domingo, Vulture West and East, Bradshaw Mountains), I highly recommend you purchasing one of these DVD's to help research areas that have open and closed mineral claims. With these DVD's you can research out potential new claims for staking, figure out where to go/not to go and get a much better idea where the mineral claims are, which tells you the mineralized zones. Anyone looking to order these DVD's can contact me directly or contact any of the dealers that are selling them. I highly recommend you support your local dealers. Take care, Rob Allison Footprint DVD US Distributor
  17. Hello Wyndham, These "Black Nuggets" are coming from a regional sringer vein in the immediate area. Actually, there are many "horsetail" stringer veins running across this hillside shedding nuggets, specimens and the Black Gold. If my memory serves me right, the "Lost Pegleg Placers" are in Southern California. The "Black Nuggets" are not real common, but I have found them in difference Arizona gold districts. This particular area seems to have much more than I have seen in any other district I have prospected. Several months ago I had a GPX-4500 customer out in this area with me. He said he found a nice one around a Dwt or so, but didn't realize it was gold and tossed it back into the creek. We both tried to search for it, but neither of us were able to locate it. The customer (not knowing) tossed it back into an area loaded with iron rubbish. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, I had a customer call last night and said he was going to purchase a PI (didn't say brand), but was convinced by another dealer that didn't sell PI's that a VLF is much better. My first questions is, did the dealer ask any questions to see what this customer was looking for, types of hunting, areas being hunted and such ...? I find it hard for any dealer (myself included) to say a detector is best for all around conditions. This dealer did say that most of the gold is small, which I do agree with. However, he also told the customer that if you purchased a PI, you wouldn't find any gold under a Gram in size (15+ grains). This is what bothers me ... when a dealer gives misleading information about a detector he dont sell nor even know about. Personally, I've used just about all the VLF and PI that are out there. I was multi-line dealer way before I sold just Minelab's. I've never mislead a customer on what to purchase and have down sold detectors many times. The point I'm getting across is dealers need to be asking questions and making sure they are targeting customers with te right detectors. Do the Right Thing! Rob Allison
  19. Hey Guys, That is exactly what it is. If you noticed, the older Commander 15x12 didn't have it, or at least I had several that didn't have them. The Commander 15x12 is a popular coil, but damn it's one of the heaviest coils I've ever swung. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Guys, Yes, the "black" does come off pretty easy if you want it to. However, I prefer to keep the black on the gold. You don't find a bunch of black nuggets, so I prefer to keep them in their nature state more for a conversation piece(s). I have a Geologist friend that wants to figure out where the black gold is coming from. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Guys, Haderly - I just want to see what a big Black one would look like (did that sound right?). Adam - How about Yavapai County? Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, Today (Sunday) Glen and his partner Don came out from Sun City, AZ for their field instructions. Glen purchased his GPX about a month ago and finally was able to make some time to get out. After spending about an hour with Glen he took off on his own and found his first gold nugget. The nugget was found in an old drywasher tailing pile and was only an inch or so down. Within 3-4 foot of this location there was a fresh detector dig. Not sure who was here before, but they just missed this nugget. Glen spent most of the time working with the Minelab Commander 8-inch Mono Round and was amazed with the sensitivity to small targets. Glen was more than pleased with the field instructions, bundle package and service. I think Don is just around the corner from making his order after seeing what a GPX can do. Thanks once again for your business Glen and CONGRATS on your first gold nugget find! Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, This weekend Doc, another partner and I were able to do some detecting. We managed to find these Black Gold nuggets from a place in Central, AZ. Black Nuggets like these are not real common and are coated with a Maganese Oxide. All nuggets were found with the Minelab GPX-4500's and Coiltek Goldstalker searchcoils. I have yet to find a real big Black Nugget, but hoping one of these days I can score a 1+ ounce one. Biggest to date is a 3.5 Dwter. Here is a short Youtube video of the Black Nuggets - Here is a picture of the Black Gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Eldorado, That is exactly what it looks like. Kind of reminds me of the "Grease Plates" to recover diamonds. Yes, very impressed on how it recovers gold, especially very fine gold that you can hardly see. The trick is to get the level and waterflow just right for perfect recovery. Take care, Rob Allison