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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Slim, We were at Disneyland and California Adventures this weekend with family. We left about an hour before the Earthquake. We still had some family at Disneyland at the time of the Earthquake and the entire park felt it. Family stated they shut down many of the major rides to check them out for damage. Ring of Fire! A lot of tectonic activity along the Ring right now. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, This weekend one of my hunting partners came over and showed me a nugget he found at Moore Creek. This nugget was covered with ugly quartz and ironstone, but after he left it in a tumbler for several days this is what popped out. I remember seeing the original version of this nugget/specimen and you probably couldn't give it away. However, after some tumble action you can actually see the gold. Total weight was right at 3 Troy ounces. Gold Nugget was found at Moore Creek a year or so ago with a Minelab GPX-4500 and Coiltek Searchcoil at depth. Thought you would enjoy. Rob Allison
  3. Hello Ebonbetta, That was my goof up, I meant to say a Troy Ounce is heavier. A troy ounce is heavier than an avoirdupois ounce (1 avoirdupois ounce = 28.35 grams, a troy ounce = 31.1 grams) A troy pound is lighter than a avoirdupois pound because it contains fewer ounces. (Troy pound contains 12 troy ounces, avoirdupois pound contains 16 avoirdupois ounces. Even though the troy ounces are heavier, that difference is not enough make troy pounds heavier.) Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Ebonbetta, A Troy Pound is heavier than a Av. Pound cause it requires less ounces to make a pound. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Jen, I heard about this today. Sounds like it might be very close to getting passed. However, I guess that gives all the criminals rights to hide a handgun also ... Rob Allison
  6. Hello Dog Runner, The test coil I have is being tested in Gold Basin right now. After that I have a friend in Congress that wants to give it a run. Reports are good so far. I'm waiting for Doc to give us a release date on it. I have a handful of guys that are waiting to get one. Hope this helps a bit. Rob Allison
  7. Hello Dennis, I'm not calling anyone a liar. The owner called me and asked me to edit the post and I respected his request. He could have asked to delete the post, but he knew most loved to see nuggets like this. Regardless if there is a 6 Troy Pounds of Gold or the entire rock weighs 6 Pounds, it's a very nice piece! Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello All, The owner of this nugget called me today and requested the information be corrected. The nugget was not found on Spanish Creek nor was it a recent find. The nugget was found several years ago and contained approx. 6 Troy Pounds of gold. The owner just asked me today to clarify where the nugget was "not found" and it was found several years ago. Great talking with the owner today on the phone. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Guys, Thanks for all the comments on the gold nugget picture and fast shipping. I do my best to get the orders out the same day or next day at the latests. I know when I order something I want to get it soon, so I do the same with others. Thanks for all the continued business. On another note, the nuggets in the Minelab Coffee Cup are from Arizona. It took a lot of hard work, but I'm not the sole owner, just part. I can't take all the credit, several of my partners helped out and it was a team effort. Without the team effort we wouldn't have those nuggets. Just goes to show what hard work and some research can do. We are now in search for another patch or pocket. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Thought you would like to see some new Yellow stuff. Just goes to show it's still out there if you're willing to search for it. This batch here took a lot of hard work, but it was well worth it at the end of the day. All found with a Minelab GPX-4500 & Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoils here in the good old Arizona. Just thought you would enjoy. Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, A few weeks ago a partner and I decided to take the quads and hit a few washes that were productive in the past. When we arrived to the general area we noticed some of the washes didn't see much action from the rains, while a few others got blown out. We decided to hit a few of the washes that had more action and scored 8 nuggets in just a few hours time. I found 6 nuggets shown on top of the coil and my partner found 2 shown on the bottom. All the nuggets were found with Minelab GPX-4500 metal detectors and Coiltek Goldstalker 14-inch elliptical Goldstalker's. Just goes to show it's still out there! Read the captions below to learn more abou the photos. In the photo below you might notice the iron dikes on the hillside. Over the years in this small wash I've taken many ounces of gold ranging up to about 1/3 ouncers. No ones knows about this spot, so it's nice to get back to it when it rains heavy. Notice the small, ancient bench that my partner is hunting on the side of the wash. The main wash below has produced many ... many ounces of gold over the years, but it's not a major, known wash in the Bradshaw's. When I first started hunting this wash back in the 90's the nuggets were everywhere. We are still finding them and just started hitting the old benches that never been hunted. They also have gold nuggets, but we just began to hit them. Miles and miles of old benches and very little time to hit them ... Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Chris, I'm surprised you didn't know that Coiltek has been making Heavy Duty Straight and Curly Power Cords for the Minelab PI's dating back to the SD2000, well over 10 years ago. I've sold hundreds of them over the years and in my opinion they are twice as strong as the stock Minelab ones (at least old ones). Minelab is now making a much stronger version. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  13. Hey Matt, Some very great "I love" comments about finding gold nuggets. I've done all the ones you posted and it's exciting. Damn, you covered about all of them .... I love when you dig down into a crevice several inches and it has hardpacked clay. You almost always know it's gold! I love when you say to yourself, "Damn this looks like a good nugget trapping location," and right at the moment you get a nice, smooth sounding target (which is normally a gold nugget). Hopefully some others will have some good ones. What a great post. Rob Allison
  14. Hey Mike, I can't understand why the BLM allows it to happen, beyond putting more money in the BLM's pocket. I just received an email from a guy that has several claims at Rich Hill and stated he just recently got claimed over cause someone mentioned there was a mistake in his paperwork, even though the claim has been there for years and he has paid on it. Rob Allison
  15. Hey Afriscot, Welcome to the forums. Nice batch of gold nuggets you have there. Thanks for all your continued business and friendship. P.S. Hope to see more gold pictures in the near future from you, but you might want to resize them down to around 1500x1000 pixels or smaller. Your picture is so huge I can't really see much. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, I recently was informed that several groups are going around Rich Hill and claiming over exsisting claims. I know one of my friend's claims on Weaver Mountain was just recently filed over by a couple of guys. Sounds like the BLM or County don't want to get too involved and suggested my friend take the issue in front of a Court. Go figure .... Anyone else hear anything like this around Rich Hill or other surrounding areas? Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Terry, Great review on the Footprint DVD's. I'm starting to get more and more interested in them. I've found a couple of new, unclaimed areas after spending a few hours with one of the DVD's. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  18. Hey Mike C., I think we are both due for one of those nuggets. I will give you a hint on where it was found .... North of Lake Pleasant, South of Prescott, West of Black Canyon City and East of Kirkland Junction. Hey it's a big area, but it's the Bradshaws for sure! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hey Mike, Welcome to the forums. I'm not going to make Nuggethunting sound easy, but if you spend the time and effort you will find gold. Over the last 15 years of selling detectors and dealing with thousands of gold hunters, I've seen all sides of it. Some are very lucky, some struggle and others can't seem to get a break when it comes to nuggets. I've seen some new guys walk out and find more gold on their first day than many will find in a years time. I've also seen and talked with many guys that have struggled to find their first gold nugget. Some have went as long as years before finding their first, but I must question what they were doing wrong. To increase your chances to find gold nuggets, you have to do everything you can to be successful. This includes (in my opinion), buying the best metal detector you can afford, learn and understand it, research, research ... and research and plan to spend a lot of time exploring. Many have good success working in and around the old historical known gold areas, while others like to get off the beaten patch and find spots that have been overlooked or missed. What you do will make or break your success as a nuggetshooter. Don't let anyone say it's easy, but then again don't let anyone tell you that nuggets are too hard to find or they are all gone. There are still hundreds of thousands of gold nuggets waiting to be found. Wishing you the best of success. P.S. I think investing in a used Minelab PI is a good choice if you plan to stick with this hobby. Rob Allison
  20. Hello Guys, The nugget is for sure a Bradshaw nugget. I know the exact spot, been there many times myself with the finder. However, I'm not going to say since the finder hunts there often. Uncle Ron - The picture belongs to me, I took it after my friend found it. Not sure how it got on Ebay if it was the same picture. Not sure I ever posted this find before. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Guys, Colorado Bob - I think I know what one you're talking about. The carekeeper (if it's the same one) carried a picture around of it. I actually got to see that one also about two years ago at their camp. I think their nugget was about 23 ounces though. We could be talking about a different nugget also. Grubstake - Nope, that is not "you know who's" nugget. He has yet to find on that big, but it's just a matter of time. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, I just wanted to bring it to all forum members attention that we recently had some complaints about some forum posts. Please "think" about what you're going to post before you do so. Please keep it clean, there is nothing wrong with a good debate without cuss words, racial attacks and such. I not only have the power to "warn," but do have the power to "ban" members also! Thanks for your understanding. Rob Allison
  23. Hey Uncle Ron, Sure, I will get the coil over to you so you can test it out on the modded SD2100. Let me know what address you want the coil shippped to. Rob Allison
  24. Hey Guys, The nugget was found in Arizona. It was found by a good friend that wanted me to post it. He found it in the Bradshaw's at a place some others worked pretty hard. I doubt anyone has held this nugget, as my friend don't "show and tell" much. Just goes to show they are still out there. Rob Allison
  25. Hey All, Thought you would like to see this picture. Can't say a whole lot right now about this picture or find. What I can say it was found with a Minelab Metal Detector and Coiltek coil. Hey who was the finder? Just shy of a troy pound! Take care, Rob Allison