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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, Here is a nice nugget, nearly 2 ounce solid found with the Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector and Coiltek Blitz 14x9 Searchcoil. The nugget was found in the bottom of an ancient stream channel that was cut away by modern day water movement exposing new bedrock. They are still out there! Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, Here is a nice nugget, nearly 2 ounce solid found with the Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector and Coiltek Blitz 14x9 Searchcoil. The nugget was found in the bottom of an ancient stream channel that was cut away by modern day water movement exposing new bedrock. They are still out there! Rob Allison
  3. Hey Chip, I was out there working around Parker for awhile, but never managed to detect there or Havasu like I planned. I was hoping to come up and see you one weekend, but it never worked out like I was hoping. Have you been getting out much?
  4. Hello All, A partner and I got an early start Sunday morning, which was around 4am. We were ready to swing the detectors by 4:45am, but it required a good 30 minute hike to get to the location we have had our eye on for years. Funny, places on the Internet (such as Google Earth) always don't look the same as when you have your feet on the ground. This spot was one of those, on Google Earth it looked great, but on arrival it was just ok looking. Within no time, my partner scored a nice 1 - 1.5 Dwt nugget, so it was exciting for a bit. After that first nugget, we both looked at each other and said, "We knew it was here, but how extensive will it be?" We roamed around the area for hours digging a few lead bullets and iron rubbish, but no more gold nuggets. We ruled it as one of those "One Nugget Patch Wonders," which we both have found plenty of. One more nugget in my partners poke, one skunk in mine! Happy Detecting ... End of Story! Rob Allison
  5. Hey Goldsmoke, How about a Dwt sized nugget? This would be 1/20th of an ounce. The spot price is $1285.00 today, so divide that by 20 and it's $64.25 per Dwt of gold @ spot price. I would be willing to sell you a Dwt sized nugget $70.00, which would include US Priority Mail Shipping and Insurance. Let me know, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Ray, Great looking gold and now you have a new place to prospect. Great to hear land owners are still willing to allow detectorist to play around, even for a percentage. New ground can be rewarding even with a 50/50 split. Wishing you much more success. Keep us posted. Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, Many of you are aware that Jim Straight updated his booklet titled, "Advanced Prospecting and Detecting for Hardrock Gold." The newest version has more pages and some color pictures. I have a couple dozen new, older "Advanced Prospecting and Detecting for Hardrock Gold" booklets, all signed by Jim Straight that I'm going to sell for $7.50 + shipping. The older price was $9.95. If you don't have this book, it's a great read and well worth the discounted price. Anyone in the lower 48 will be charged $5.50 US Priority Mail (2-3 day delivery) or I can ship media (snail mail) and figure out the price. Email or call me if you're interested in one of these signed copies. I positive they will be gone within a week. Several clubs have already inquired about them. Email - or Phone - 623-362-1459 - leave message if you don't catch me Thanks!
  8. Hello All, I just got this sad news from a friend. Please keep Jim Straight in your prayers! Jim has not only been a huge contributor on the forums, but close friend and mentor to thousands of prospectors around the World.
  9. Hey Jim, Welcome to the forums. Hope to see you posting soon. Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, I have a lot of members trying to get validated on the forums. Some people might be "real potential" forum members, but the strange username and email address will cause me to delete their accounts as spammers. If you have not been validated and you sign up for the forums, please email me at - or and let me know your username and email and I will validate you. Thanks! Rob Allison
  11. Hey Doug, Congrats on the new finds. Specimens are always nice with the white quartz and gold shot through it. Did you find them in a mine dump or just out detecting the normal landscape (washes, hillsides and such)? Wishing you many more. Rob Allison
  12. Hey Goldsmoke, Any certain sizes you're looking for? For example, under a Gram, over a Gram?
  13. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. When I start prospecting from the quad, I normally leave a bunch of items in my quad storage compartments. This is what happened, I was too tired this morning to pay attention that some of my prospecting gear was left in the quad box. I've done it before, or went out with the quad and didn't get all my gear from my truck. Dave - I haven't sampled below or along the vein. The vein is not exposed, or from what I seen, but rather heavy eroded down the gradual slope into the small gulches. I spent most of my time detecting the small gulches and gradual sloping hillside between them. Most of the rotten quartz was scattered along the slope. I focused this morning’s trip on reworked the two small gulches and then crisscrossing the slope between them looking for a potential hillside patch. I know there are more there, just a matter of hitting it when it's not so damn hot. I also traced the eroded vein over the hill and seen plenty of rotten quartz on that side. Shown below are the first ten gold nuggets I found lower in the gulch. All were pretty rough in character. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, I managed to get out on a short, solo hunt within a few hours from home. I got to the hunt site around 5am and was ready to hunt. I realized then, I was still asleep as I forgot my scoop, scoop pouch, camera and water bladder for my Camelpak. I realized I wasn't going far, so I decided to re-visit a spot where I found 10 small nuggets about a month or so ago and haven't returned since. I wanted to get up towards the headwaters of this gulch where there was a rotten quartz vein running across a small flat where this gulch was heading. I focused most of my detecting time below the vein and in the upper portion of the small gulch. No question this quartz vein was probably the source of this smaller gold, as I found two more nuggets a bit bigger in size. Both are pretty rough as you can see in the picture below. No too bad for a short Father's Day hunt. Just enough to get my gold fix out until the following weekend hits. Nuggets taken from my cell phone - Happy Father's Day to all the Father's out there!! Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hey AzNuggetBob, I ventured through an old "so-called" nugget patch Sunday as I was checking out some new spots. I'm challenging the "so-called" patch cause I must have dug 20-30 iron targets from patch zone. I think we talked about this spot in the past. A good amount of Cat Claw and great looking country for snakes, but never seen any. This was a location "if" I hit that trophy nugget it could beat the current 283 Grammer!
  16. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. Tom - 3pm wasn't too bad actually up there, thought it might be much hotter. CowKiller - What I didn't mention was the trash on display was only from about an hour. I cleaned the super magnet probably 3-4 times Saturday afternoon. The magnet would collect so much rubbish it wouldn't collect anymore, so I would have to clean it off and start again. If I just had a detector that could elliminate all the iron rubbish and pick up gold nuggets I would be in business at this location. Looking forward to the next hunt. Rob Allison
  17. Hey Blake, Well, at least you got a nugget with the new detector. It's going to take some time getting used to, but I'm sure you're going to be glad you upgraded. The Minelab GPX 5000 has been a great detector for me. Thanks for the business. Wishing you much success with the new Minelab. Keep us updated on your success here on the forums if you would. Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, A partner and I took off Saturday afternoon to head to the high country. We arrived at the hunting location around 3pm and hit the ground around 3:30pm. We pushed it until 7:30pm and I managed to get two small nuggets. The amount of trash I had to dig to get these wasn't worth it, I think I'm deaf now. Screaming targets everywhere .... made it very difficult to even hunt the real shallow areas. The local mines and prospects in this area make it difficult to hunt with a detector, trash every other swing. Sunday we tried a new spot, miminal trash and no gold! Below is my take from Saturday's hunt - Rob Allison
  19. Hey Cowkiller, I braved this heat Saturday exploring the high country and managed to get two small ones. Today a partner and I explored some new country, dug trash and both got the skunks!
  20. Hey Ray, Sniping for gold fun and the gold always looks bigger underwater! Have you ever dropped a dredge in this spot? Looks like a dredge might do very well in this spot. Thanks for sharing. Rob Allison
  21. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. It will be much easier now to get updates and take care of any issues having the forums hosted at Invision Boards.
  22. Hey Cowkiller, Congrats on the new find. Like Shep mentioned, you deserve that nugget hunting in 110+ weather. P.S. Can you stop killing Cows! Rob Allison
  23. Hey Seeker, I have to agree. I have always preached if you see something that interests you, go detect it. Sometimes a "hunch" can lead you into a nice patch or good single find. Also like you mentioned, keeping the coil right on the ground in places can mean finding a faint target or not. This is really important when you're hunting areas that have been hunted hard prior. I've found some good finds by kicking rocks, pulling down brush and getting that coil in spots others might not have. Rob Allison
  24. Hey Guys, Thanks for the comments. I have seen a huge improvement with speed on my end. It used to take 4-5 seconds to load a post, now it's less than a second. If anyone has any issues, please make sure we know about there here so we can get them resolved ASAP. Thanks to all my members for keeping this forum board strong!