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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Curley, The price on the DetectorPro Pistol Probe is $189.00 US. I would have to know your complete shipping address and zip to get an accurate shipping cost. You can PM me through the forum if you want to leave your shipping information. I always have these probes in stock and they rock!!! Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Jager, I have them in stock and sell a bunch of them. They are great for recovering gold nuggets. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Tony, The Platypus is awesome! When I was testing it out when it first came out, I found a nice 8+ Dwt gold nugget in the Bradshaw's with it. I would have missed it, but the nugget was down on bedrock in a pocket that was covered with about a foot or so of water. I submerged the coil down in the pocket and the coil screamed. Both the Mono and DD work great. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  4. Hey Guys, John B. responded to this same thread on another forum. Here is what he had to say - Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Here are some pictures from last weeks hunt with Russ, Dennis, Doc, Trev and I. Trev found a nice 1.88 ounce specimen and I found a nice 9 Grammer solid gold nugget. We were all using Minelab metal detectors and Coiltek searchcoils. Great to hunt with you all. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hey David, Thanks for joining the forums and "Thanks" for purchasing the X-Terra 70. I'm surprised the "Pro-Pack" didn't arrive yet. Gloria at Minelab USA, Inc. stated it was shipped to you. I will be out of town for a few days, but will find out what happened. Trust me, it's on the way though, they probably didn't ship it out until later in the week. For the inconvience, I'm going to ship you a FREE 6-inch 18.75 inch coil! Just make sure you remind me when I get back so I don't forget. When I was testing the X-70 when it first was released, the 18.75-inch elliptical gold coil wasn't available. I took it up into the Bradshaw Mountains and hunted some shallower washes. I ended up finding two small gold nugget the first day along with a bunch of iron rubbish. I was impressed on the discrimination ability in the coin/relic mode and the sensitivity to small gold nuggets in the gold prospecting/all metal mode. The stock coil won't be as sensitivity to small gold in the range of 2-8 grains, but you can still find some small pieces if you turn the sensitivity up a bit higher. For the time being, don't allow the stock coil to discourage you, I've found gold with it along with hundreds of others. Just make sure you're in a good location, keep the coil close to the ground and hunt areas others might overlook. Experiment around with the settings and ground balance to see what will work best. Wishing you the best out there. Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, It's a great pleasure to be part of the Coiltek team here in the US. Since Coiltek was first introduced back in the 90's I using and promoting their products. I was also one of the first, if not the first US Coiltek dealer under Doc. Over the years I've had many opportunties to sell other aftermarket coils, but it's always been in my best interests to stick with Coiltek. In my opinion, Coiltek makes the most reliable and consistant searchcoils. I've found well over 100 ounces of gold since the 90's using Coiltek searchcoils here in the US. Now with Trev being the owner and in the drivers seat, I know we are going to see some great new products in the future. I'm actually testing some stuff right now, but can't discuss what I have. It was great to meet Trev in person and get to hunt with him and Doc. Thanks to my great friend, Russ, that invited us all over to one of his secret patches. I think everytime we go back to this spot someone ends of finding a nice nugget. Hope Trev can make it back down here again so we can do some more swinging. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Desert Digger, I have JP DVD's that are on the GP3000. I believe this was JP's first DVD, then on the GP3500, GPX-4000 and the new SETA one on the GPX-4500. I also have Chris Gholson's new one that features "Bob Montana Dansie and Myself," which is more directed towards the GPX series. Give us a call at 623-362-1459 if you would like to order it or have questions. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Al, It's my understanding that the minerals are not open to claiming and that is how it has been for a long time. It could be someone new not knowing about the status and placed some claims out there. Let us know if you find anything out about it since you're down there often. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Uncle Ron, Congrats on the new nugget. I was out yesterday with Goldstudmuffin, Doc and Trev from Coiltek. Trev found a nice 1.88 ouncer and I found a nice solid 9 Grammer. It was hot, but the gold is still out there to be found. Coiltek does have some new stuff coming out and I got to see some of it, but can't say anything right now. Hope your luck continues out there, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Au-Dacity, Both metal detectors are great, but like anything have pro's/con's. I'm partial to the Minelab PI's, so my choice would be the SD2200v2. There are a lot of mods, battery additions and tons of aftermarket searchcoils and accessories for the SD2200v2. I've used them both and even done some testing between them. Either way you choose you will have a good nuggethunting PI metal detector. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Jerry, Thanks for the update. I've noticed in some spots Google Earth was great, but some places you couldn't zoom down much at all. Great to hear that Google Earth has updated maps in the Bradshaw Range and more areas heading out West. P.S. Having any luck nuggethunting lately? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  13. Hey Grubstake, Yep, he contacted me through email today, so he just have seen the post. Thanks, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Uncle Ron, Great to hear you helped the little guy out. Some might have just shot the little guy dead. As silly as it might sound, no good deeds go unaccounted for. Your good Karma is allowing you to find all those nice nuggets! Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Merton, I know it's hard getting a hold of you, but give me a call or shoot me over an email. The number I have for you is now disconnected. It's about the coil you ordered awhile back. Thanks, Rob Allison
  16. Hey Chuck, I know what you mean about those leaks. Our house is pretty new, only a few years old now. For a long time our water bill was high, but couldn't figure out why. One day during the Summer I noticed a bunch of water around one of our plants. Low and behold for about a year there was a pipe busted and leaking water. We finally got it fixed, but never figured out how much extra we paid for water lost. P.S. I never found any nuggets there either! Rob Allison
  17. Hey Guys, First I would like to give a bit congrats to DigDeep on the new nuggets found! Sure would like to get over there and hunt with you, but so limited on time right now. Speaking of loosing nuggets, I have a story for you. Going back about ten years ago at Rich Hill I found a nice 3+ Dwt gold nugget. A friend and I were leaning over my Toyota 4x4's hood just shooting the breeze. I toss my nugget over to my friend so he could see it and it rolled down the hood right into the groove that seperates the hood from the side panel. I could hear the nugget fall down into the engine area, but never heard it hit the ground. We spent about an hour trying to find out where the nugget went, but never recovered it. I even moved the truck thinking maybe it did fall on the ground and we couldn't see it, so I scanned the entire area with the metal detector. Go figure, it's probably still riding on the engine and someone else now owns the truck. As for handguns, I used to carry a Ruger 9mm with a couple extra clips of ammo. The darn thing just got too heavy, so I purchased a S&W Airlight .44 Mag for Alaska. I now carry this handgun since it's much lighter and much more powerful than the 9mm. The downside is I only have 6 shots. I kind of liked having more round just in case you got into a shootout with someone. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  18. Hey Bob, Yep, the Baby is only about 4 weeks old now and I've already noticed changes. I'm sure before I know it she will be much bigger. Hey, congrats on your new nugget additions (9+ Grams)! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hey Bob, Talked to Chris a few nights ago and he mentioned you found a nice patch. Congrats on the Whopper 4+ ouncer!! Just goes to show they are still out there if you're willing to spend the time and hunt for them. Thanks for sharing your finds. Wishing you much more success in and around that location. Rob Allison
  20. Hey NvChris, You're very welcome! Thanks once again for your continued business. I've built my business on honesty, integrity and customer service! Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello All, Yesterday Dawn and I received the check and gifts. Doc was kind enough to raise some money from many of the forum members (special friends). Many of the members have sent cards and gifts prior to this check, but Dawn and I wanted to make sure you all know how much we really appreciate it. I'm now starting to realize (very quickly) how much a newborn can cost. Diapers, cloths, formula .... diapers, diapers and more diapers! Just to let you know, Doc sent me a detailed list at my request on who sent what. You all know me, I will make it right for you down the road. Thanks once again. Rob & Dawn
  22. Hey Jennifer, Thanks for the reply back. Keep in mind, my website is very outdated .. , so if there is something you're searching for I probably have it. Just shoot me over a PM, email me or call when you're ready. On another note, Moore Creek is awesome! You should really try to make a trip up there if you can. I'm not sure how much longer Steve will have Moore Creek running, but I'm going to miss the place this year. I have a bunch of other projects going, so I don't have enough time to make Moore Creek again this year. I have well over a pound of gold nugget/specimens from Moore Creek from the last three visits. JP's videos are great and I highly recommend them to anyone. They pretty much cover all the Minelab's from the GP3000 up to the new GPX-4500. The Platypus is a great waterproof coil. The first time I used it in water up in the Bradshaw's I found a nice 12+ Dwter down about 6 inches in the water. I guess it paid for that coil the first time I used it in water. Happy Easter to you all! Rob Allison
  23. Hey Guys, If anyone would know that country, it would be AZNuggetBob. Someone asked about the current operation on Weaver and that is owned by Bob Bassett. He has a couple of hands that help him, one couple is from BC. I have a feeling several other operations will be happening very soon along Weaver. Gary - I have no clue why it's doing that. Is anyone else having that trouble? No one has mentioned anything to me. Happy Easter Everyone! Rob Allison
  24. Hey Bob, Sounds like you might be shooting for more depth. Keep in mind, when you start increasing the coil size you will loose some sensitivity to the small nuggets. I would stick with the new Goldstalkers since they are very lightweight. The Round will probably give you a bit more depth if you're paying close attention. I really like all the new Goldstalkers, so it's hard to tell you what will be best not knowing much about the type of gold you're finding, size of the gold and type of mineralization. However, you probably couldn't go wrong with either the 16 or 18 inch rounds or the 18.5 inch elliptical if you're shooting for much depth. The Mini UFO and UFO are great coils and waterproof, but I think you should stick to the newer coils since they are "False Proof." For max sensitivity to small, shallow gold I would suggest the new Goldstalker 6-inch round or the Coiltek Joey Mono. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  25. Hey Jennifer, Coiltek, Doc and I all have the same type of customer service. We all believe in 110% customer satisfaction and spent time with the customers on the phone, in person and in the field. The DVD is a good one. I really enjoyed doing it and have plans to do another sometime in the future if things work out. All those products you're talking about including the Hipstick we have (Doc or I). Great to have you on the forums. Rob Allison