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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Gaine, Happy New Year to you also. The year is starting out good for nuggethunting, hopefully it will continue through the whole year. Are you planning on going back to Moore Creek this year? Glad you all enjoy the pictures and video's. I just enjoy to share the experience with others that are just learning or can't get out as often. I know it sure keeps me fired up when I read stories about gold finds, pictures and videos. Wishing you a very successful 2009 year. Your friend, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Colorado Bob, Good to hear from you. The years seems to be starting out well. Really wanted to get back out today, but it's raining down here in Surprise still. Are you still out at Quartzsite? Happy New Year to you also! Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Neilo, I have to agree with you about the Minelab 6-inch DD Round that was once available for the GT-XT series. I had one for my Minelab American Gold Striker and XT17000. I found my first big nugget with it at that time, which was just over 1/3 ounce. The piece was lying pretty much on the surface under a bunch of old tree vegitation that was dead. Here in Arizona the small 6-inch was tough to use once you got off of bedrock conditions. The ground was just too mineralized for a very sensitive little coil. However, I found a bunch of small gold with it and it was a must to have in some spots (especially the Bradshaw Mountains). I've seen some of these used 6-inch coils for same from time to time on the forums and even Ebay. I'm real surprised Minelab discontinued them. The new Coiltek Goldstalker 6-inch Mono for the Minelab PI's is becoming a huge hit! I can't keep these little buggers in stock. I will order 15 of them at shot and they are gone just as fast as I receive them. Welcome to the forums Neilo. Nathan - If you can locate a small 6-inch it might be worth it, but they are very ... very hard to find. These ones that are still out there, for the most part the person probably won't want to sell it. I will also keep my eyes open for you. The stock 10-inch Elliptical DD that comes with the unit will also find very tiny gold nuggets, especially if you can hunt in the 60kHz mode and use "Boost." Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hey Guys, DigDeep - I'm really growing partial to the 14-inch elliptical. Super lightweight, don't false, really sensitive to small gold and gets great depth. All the new Goldstalker's are nice, just where I'm hunting right now is pretty rocky and brushy in spots for bigger ellipticals or rounds. The little 6-inch is also super sensitive if you have a place with a lot of smaller gold. Matt - That noise was from my digital camera getting too close to the coil. I wasn't using an external speaker, just had my Black Widow headphones turned outward so the camera could hear the sound. The video's arent the best quality, but they do allow people to see some nuggethunting. Vini - There is a club up at Rich Hill called the 24K Gold Hunters. They do pushes each month with a dozer and it does leave metal track and blade fragments when it hits solid or hard bedrock. Sometimes those little fragments sound just like small gold nuggets at depth. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Guys, A few friends and I hit the hills today and revisited the small patch I hit on New Years Day. We hunted the area pretty hard and ended up finding another five gold nuggets from the spot. I think it's pretty beat down now. I ended up finding four gold nuggets and my partner found one. My biggest was 2 Dwt's, parnters was about a Dwt in size. We also spent a little bit of time on the 24K Gold Hunters claims. I hit one of the pushes for about an hour and scored a decent litle nugget down about 8 inches with the GPX-4500 and Coiltek 14-inch coil. Here is a short Youtube video that I shot - Picture of gold nuggets from today. My nuggets are the four on the left, partners on the far right. All found with the Minelab GPX-4500's and Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoils. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Angmo, Nice looking gold nugget you found there. I picked up four more nuggets from the area today, one off of push 5. It was around 1/2 Dwt in size and down about 8 inches in the red clay. I have a YouTube Video of it, but I'm waiting for it to be published on their site and go live. I will post a new thread with the gold nuggets and link. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you much more luck out there. Rob Allison
  7. Hey Minerdude, I only use what I believe in 110%. I love this Hobby of electronic prospecting and also love to show people how to find gold nuggets. I guess it's just my nature to teach and pass on what I've learned. There is no other feeling to see a new customer find his first gold nugget. The expression on their faces is priceless! Minelab and Coiltek have a lot of confidence in me, one reason I'm one of the only US field testers. Whenever you're ready to jump into the Minelab world, just let me know and I will get you set up with all the stuff you need. I also received your email and wrote you back. Lake Havasu is a good gold nugget area and also known for meteorites. Some big nuggets have been found there over the years including a nice 40+ ouncer on the Lake Havasu Gold Seeker Claims. Moore Creek is an absolute blast. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend a visit if you can. I've done very well there with the Minelab/Coiltek Combo along with many friends such as Glenn. Speaking of that Glenn, he found over "one pound" of gold nuggets in a weeks time there. Thanks for joining the forums and hope to see you posting more in the future. Rob Allison
  8. Hey Nathan, Without getting too specific I would focus on any waterways that have exposed bedrock. There are many good gold bearing creeks/washes around Prescott that would be worth looking at. If you can brave the trash, Lnyx Creek has potential along the bedrock stretches. The entire Bradshaw Mountain Range is worth exploring. Hundreds, if not Thousands of creeks, washes and small drainages that potentially can carry gold nuggets. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  9. Hello All, I have to restraint from saying what I want to say .... but the dude is worthless! Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Guys, Thanks for all the comments. If you can think of any improvements or suggestions about this forum, please let me know. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Nathan, Like Montana stated, Turkey Creek is a great place to find gold nuggets. Search along the exposed bedrock sections of Turkey, Poland and Black Canyon. Keep in mind, most of these area are under claim if you're not part of a prospecting club such as the Roadrunner's. There are also a bunch of private claims (non-club claims) along the course of these waterways. The Minelab Eureka Gold will have a good shot at finding the small & larger gold nuggets down in the schist/shale/slate bedrock cracks and crevices. I would use the 60Khz mode when scanning the bedrock for maxium sensitivity to small, flat gold. Great to see you back on the forums. Was wondering where you went. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Guys, Here are a couple of short Youtube Videos I created from the last hunt. IronMike - Yep, the big ones does look like a Heart. Was pretty surprised when I hit the bigger one. All the smaller ones seem to be right around the same size and shape. Nuggetshooter - Looking forward to your visit and field instructions. If I can't get you over a nugget, then I will just retire! I can never guarantee a nugget, but I do my best to put you right smack in the middle of where I've been finding them. Always a pleasure doing business with you. See you soon ... Matt - Wish I had more free time to hit the goldfields with the new coils and GPX-4500. Too many places to go back to and too little free time. Wishing you tons of success for 2009 over there. LuckyLundy - Thanks. Weather has been really beautiful lately here in Central Arizona. They are talking rain for this coming Saturday evening or Sunday. I need to get back out and visit my dredging claims. I heard the water is running very well. Take care all, Rob Allison
  13. Hey Mike, I think you will really like the Coiltek 14-inch. These new Goldstalker coils don't false. I know I sound like I'm preaching, but it's amazing what Trev @ Coiltek has done. This is only the beginning for another huge blastoff from from Coiltek. I can't wait to see the new design/technology that he is working on. Keep us updated on what you think. P.S. Another half dozen nuggets were found in push five during the week. Rob Allison
  14. Hey Bill C., Over the years I have seen everything in the desert. I've never had any trouble with wildlife and seen thousands of different things over the years I've been nuggethunting. The only real concern I have is crazy humans! I'm more concerned about running into a wacko in the field then any wildlife that is out there. Heck, I've been face to face with a big ass Black Bear in Alaska. For the most part I carry a Smith and Wesson .44 Mag Airlight Handgun. This gun is lighter and much more powerful then my Ruger 9mm. Have 6 rounds in the cylinder and an extra quick load cylinder on my side. If six .44 Mag rounds won't stop it, I have another six for myself. I hope I never have to pull my gun on anything or anyone. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Guys, Purchased my Off-Road Decal this evening on Service Arizona. The total was $25.44 for a year. I should have the Decal within 5 business days. Only took about 2-3 minutes to complete if you have the following information - Drivers Licence Number Last two digits of your VIN Licence Plate Number Valid Credit Card Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, I had a chance to go back and read some of the recent posts and it's sure great when a bunch of guys toss in their two cents and contribute information. I know there are a lot of lurkers out there that just read and might not be really PC savy, but if you get a chance jump on here and say HI. Just wanted to send a Special Thank You for all the forum members that really contribute their information to the forums. Wishing you all Health, Wellness and Success in the 2009 Season. Warm regards, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Gary, I seriously doubt we will see anything this year. The sales on the GPX-4500's are great even though the economy is taking a big dump! My best guess would be sometime in 2010, but I could be wrong. Keep in mind, Minelab normally releases new PI detectors when the market will be good and around times like X-Mas and such where they can get a bunch of sales right out of the gate. If you really want to know, keep an eye on the Australian Gold Forums. Any new releases from Minelab will be released in Australia first. The field testing and rumors will leak from there first and get onto the forums. Wishing you all a successful 2009 season. Rob Allison
  18. Hey Guys, I don't want to this thread to take off like the others. Like many said, just be proud to be away from there and being a part of a great forum (mine). Hehe... Realistically, no reason to throw any dirt, they already buried themselves a long time ago! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hey Bill C., Sounds good, looking forward to talking with you in the future about a metal detector. I escaped out today with a few friends and we found 10 gold nuggets. All were found with the GPX-4500's and Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoils. I found eight of the gold nuggets, biggest was just shy of 1/4 ounce. Check out the new post from this evening. I do offer one of the best packages, especially since you get your choice of the new Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoils. There are some new products coming very soon that I can't talk about and I might also offer then in another revised GPX-4500 package. Don't hesistate to ask any questions here on my forums. As you can see, we have some great people here that are always willing to contribute. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  20. Hello All, Today a couple partners and I went out nuggethunting in hopes of finding our first gold nuggets of the year. I decided to work some old spots with the new GPX-4500 and Coiltek 14-inch Goldstalker searchcoil. I ended up stumbling onto an area I hit way back with the SD2100, but didn't find anything but trash. I walked right into this spot and started banging gold nuggets! I was freaking amazed on what I missed with the SD ... I must have dug about 50 trash targets along with eight gold nuggets. After about four hours of hunting this location I was pretty pooped, so my partner took over and found two gold nuggets. Biggest nugget I found was 4.8 Dwt (almost 1/4 ounce). All eight nuggets together weighed 6.8 Dwt. All came out of old drywasher tailing piles. I also have a couple of Youtube videos I will post soon. These freaking Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoils are amazing! The depths we are punching down with them on the GPX's ... Nuggets I recovered are on top of the coil. Bottom two gold nuggets are my partners. Hope you all found some New Years Nuggets also. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Guys, I heard from another fellow at work that they won't be giving citations the first couple of months. I sure hope this is the case, cause I plan on dragging the quad out within the next week or two and might not have the sticker as of yet. If that is a Polaris RZR, I doubt many Utility type quads will even have a chance out running this unit. My friend has one and took me for a spin and they are the fastest side-by-side vehicle in their class (over 35MPH in less than 4 seconds!). Really no reason to out run you anyways, they just sit at your vehicle and wait for you to return back. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Guys, I only had a few minutes when I wrote the last post, but thought I would toss out some more info. I've pretty much paid for all of my early PI's within days or weeks, but the later models it's taken more time. I've also been doing this for 15 years plus, so the experience plays a big role also. I just had two customers purchase GPX-4500's right before Christmas. Both of them headed up to the 24K Gold Hunters claims last weekend. Both of these customers haven't done much detecting prior to owning these 4500's. One customer found three gold nuggets the first day, while the other guy is still out there struggling to find a gold nugget. There are so many variables that it's tough to say why one found three and the other is still out there trying to find his first. They both have about the same experience, same detectors and coils and hunting the same ground. You can have the best metal detector and still struggle to find gold nuggets. If the gold isn't there, too small or too deep, you're not going to hear it. For the most part, I try to encourage customers to get into Pulse Induction metal detectors if possible though. They will have much less frusterations and a better chance of finding gold. The PI's are much more immune to mineralization and get 2-3 times the depth. Like Montana stated, if you're doing this for the money, then it's probably the wrong hobby for you. If you love the outdoors, wildlife and like to get away from the day-to-day rat race, then you will probably really enjoy electronic prospecting for gold nuggets. Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Rob Allison
  23. Hey Bill, It's very possible to pay for a Minelab GPX-4500 within a couple of years. A matter of fact, some people have paid for them in days in the right spots. It's all about being in the right location and knowing your equipment. California still has tons of potential for gold nuggets. The GPX-4500 isn't that hard to learn. Although, it will take some time before you become a master user. I've sold many of them where the customers were just using the stock settings and finding plenty of gold nuggets. I'm offering a great FREE bundle package and field instructions with a purchase of a GPX-4500. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Mike C., Great showing of gold you found there! As for coils, they all find gold if you get your coil over them. I'm just overly impressed with the new Coiltek Goldstalkers on the GPX-4500 that I'm using. Here are some gold nuggets I recently rounded up at Rich Hill. None of them are big, but any are nice to find. The two on the left have a Maganese Oxide coating on them. Take care, Rob Allison