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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Tony, Heck, I might go in half, they are including FREE shipping along with it. Shit, if someone wants to find some gold, I will sell them some "gold nugget patch" maps for a couple thousands that will put them right smack in the middle of good goldfields. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Blues Dad, Well sounds like you had a great time, but understand what happened to you. I know all about that dredging, so if I invited you out you would be right there helping me suck that paystreak up! Too bad the other guy didn't let you get to work the paystreak, if it even was there to start with. However, you now have a lot of dredging experience, so next time your on the end of a dredge nozzle you will be ready to make a killing! If you spent that amount of time dredging with the 4 or 6-inch at Moore Creek you would have doubled your take and found some very nice nuggets to boot. The guys I seen dredging up there only played around with the dredged for a few days and found in the range of 1/2 to 1 ounce of gold and they were all pretty much "Greenhorn" dredgers. Last season a few friends (Leigh and Steve) done very well using the Keene Highbankers working some virgin paystreak about 100 yards from waterway. Within just an hour they found over 1/4 ounce, most of the pieces being very course gold and a few Dwt sized gold nuggets. IF I remember correctly, they found nearly an ounce of course gold within 2-3 hours. Most of the guys swinging metal detectors, including myself, wanted to drop the Minelab and pick up the #2 shovel. Anytime you're down here I will help you with your metal detector. By the way, what brand do you currently own? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Chuck, I also want to wish you and everyone else out there a Happy Thanksgiving! This year has been good to Dawn and I, we both got married, have a little one on the way and both still have great jobs! I know about a dozen friends that have recently been laid off by their employers right before Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner. I would also like to Thank all my customers and friends that have supported Rob's Detector Sales for all these years. Happy Thanksgiving, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Zippoz, I have the Minelab and Otto lower shafts in stock at all times. Priority Mail I can have that lower shaft just about anywhere in the US within 2-3 days. I'm not sure what shops are located in Nevada, but I'm sure some prospecting store that carried Minelab metal detectors should stock them. If you would like to have us send you one out, give us a call at (623) 362-1459 and talk with Dawn or Rob. Happy Thanksgiving, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Rich, The pushes are broke down by claims. There are two push sites on the West Side of Rich Hill, located on the Desert Special claims. These two pushes the first year produced a nice 12 Dwt gold nugget and many Dwt and smaller gold nuggets. These two pushes continue to produce small gold nuggets, but nothing recently of any size. On the other side of Rich Hill, is the Devil's Nest claims, which have five push sites. Several of the push sites on this side have produced multi-ounce gold nuggets and hundreds of other ones ranging from several ounces to several grains. These were/are the most productive claims and pushes on the 24K Gold Hunters Claims. The first season, which I believe was 2006, I found nearly 150 gold nuggets off the Devil's Nest pushes and I spent more time helping customers and friends find gold. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Don, I didn't spend any time on the pushes this last weekend, but heard from Elly this evening and she stated about 8 gold nuggets were found on the Desert Special pushes. There are always members that don't show their finds, so I would guess another 4-6 nuggets probably found and not reported. Didn't hear of anything of any size, mostly smaller gold nuggets in the Dwt and smaller range. I'm looking forward to seeing the larger dozer work the Devil's Nest pushes next month. Hope this helped. Rob Allison
  7. Hey Oakwoodtrucker, I would agree the Minelab Commander 8-inch is a great coil on any Minelab PI. I sell a lot of these along with the Coiltek Joey 10x5 for small gold. I'm not sure anyone at Minelab would say such a thing, especially a so-called "head honcho." I couldn't imagine going back to the GP3000 after owning the GPX-4000 and GPX-4500. I had to run a DD in most of the areas in Arizona, which ultimately gave me performance loss vs. using a Mono coil all the time on a GPX unit. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Tool, You know what I think about them! These are the best coils I've ever used on a Minelab metal detector. I have a couple of customer testimonies that I just received, so I will post them. One was on the new 16-inch round and the other was a 18.4-inch elliptical. Coiltek also has a new 6-inch Mono Round coming out in early 2009. I'm currently testing this little guy right now with great success on small gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Uncle Ron, What pick did you end up getting? You can't go wrong with the Ground Squirrel pick. You seen how much we dug up with that pick. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Dutchman, The ones I found today were very rough. The biggest one has some ironstone and quartz on it. They were all found below a very rotten quartz outcrop. I have yet to find anything shedding down from the outcrop, but believe it was probably the source of the gold found. These nuggets were no where close to Rich Hill. An old "unlocated" placer we are chasing down, hopefully today proved we are on the right track at finding it. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Below are some new gold finds from the last couple of weekends worth of nuggethunting. I was using the Minelab GPX-4500 and several of the new Coiltek Goldstalker Lightweight Searchcoils for all of these finds. All the gold is from the Arizona goldfields. Picture 1 - Almost 3/4's of an ounce of gold nuggets a partner and I found. The biggest gold nugget is 6 Dwt, then the next is 3.7 Dwt. Three small gold nuggets that were found later are not pictured. Picture 2 - Four gold nuggets I found today working a new location. We spent the majority of the day searching for new placers. I hit these gold nuggets in the first location we checked, but couldn't seem to turn anymore up. Biggest nugget was 2 Dwt's, total was 3.5 Dwt's. Picture 3 - Friends gold nuggets he has been finding up in the Prescott region. Biggest is 1/3 ounce, second is a 1/4 ouncer and then smaller. He is also using the Minelab GPX-4500 and new Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoils. P.S. I've been testing the new 6-inch round Goldstalker Mono. Wow ... very impressive to small gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Guido, That is one hell of a hike! I'm done it many of times, from different sides. The fastest hike is now off limited, but we had it down to about 45 minutes from the base of Rich Hill. I used to also be the carekeeper of the Potato Patch claims back with Jack and Laura Culp owned them. However, due to jealous I got ran out by some clowns! Long story .... Just so everyone knows, Potato Patch is Private Property surrounded by a large group of unpatented mineral claims. I heard the new owner was allowing some people from the Stanton Camp to come up and take pictures only. If you have never seen the top, it's an amazing place to see. The oldtimers really placered the top of the hill hardcore. I'm sure there was some really big gold nuggets found in the early days. The entire top of the mountain has been worked very hard by metal detectors going back to the early to mid 70's. I recommend anyone wanting to hike to the top and metal detect to join the 24K Gold Hunters claims. The 24K club does have claims that join right up to the claims on top and probably have some potential. However, there are no road, so it does require hiking to the top of the mountain. My cousin, Chris Gholson also has a few claims on top (Frenchman's Flat). Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hey Dutchman, I didn't even hunt them, I decided to work the other side of the hill with some friends. Dennis and I drove over to the Desert Special Pushes at the end of the day Saturday and heard two very small nuggets were found by Crown King Steve. The dozer operator this time done a very good job, but there wasn't much gold to be found. I found a few small ones in the Devil's Nest. P.S. I brought the pick out Saturday hoping I might bump into you. Let me know if you're still interested in it. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Tony, That is correct. If you're in Normal or Salt timing the "Sensitive" menu is disabled even though you can still choose it. Minelab don't make this real clear in the GPX-4000 and GPX4500 instructional manuals. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Uncle Ron, I have them in stock, they are $79.95 each and come with the magnet. Shoot me over an email or give me a call. Rob Allison
  16. Hello Way2cool, I believe you're talking about the new Goldstalker Series of coils. The 14-inch elliptical is actually a bit cheaper than the 16-inch round. Take a gander at the prices below - Goldstalker Mono 6-inch Round - $179.00 (Pre-Orders Price Only) Goldstalker Mono 14-inch Elliptical - $399.00 Goldstalker Mono 18.5-inch Elliptical - $454.00 Goldstalker Mono 16-inch Round - $410.00 Goldstalker Mono 18-inch Round - $454.00 These new Goldstalker series are just as light, if not more than the competition with a lower price! Coiltek Quality is the best available. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Guys, Matt - Will put you down on the list. The minute I get them in, I will contact you. I've been waiting for this coil for sometime. This is the smallest searchcoil available for the Minelab Pulse Induction Metal Detectors. This coil will have a lot of uses from pinpointing to sniping bedrock crevices. It will have the great sensitivity to small gold due to being the smallest Monoloop searchcoil available. I think mine is on the way! Anyone looking to get one of these coils, give me a ring at (623) 362-1459 to get one of the first ones. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Azaware, I would have to agree with Chris and the Geologists on this one. Most of the mountains ranges are uplifted and this would include Rich Hill itself. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Doc, Do you still have any of the W3's left in stock? It was my understanding you only had the big "Serial Killer" ones and the Wombats. Let me know, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Guido, What pinpointer brand were you using? I haven't had any of the DetectorPro pinpointers shut down any Minelab metal detectors. The new "Pistol Pulse Pinpointer" is a very hot item right now and probably gets the best depth I've seen out of any pinpointer. Get back with us, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Uncle Ron, The closest picks right now are the ones that Travis makes called the Pro-Gold picks. They come in 22 and 28-inch handle lenghts. I believe I have both of them in stock and they are $59.95 regardless of handle size. Doc also has the "Gold Squirrel" picks that are pretty much break proof! They also have a lifetime warranty. They are a bit more expensive at $79.95. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Junker, Just like Dutchman stated, many of the Granite rocks contain iron seams that can be very hot to even a Minelab metal detector. If you're using a GPX series, the Sensitive/Smooth or Enhance timings pretty much ignore these, but if you're running Sensitive/Extra or Normal timings some of the Granite screams! When it doubt, move the rock if you can. I've found many nice nuggets under Granite rocks up there at Rich Hill. Sometimes it's just the rock, other times it's a gold nugget. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Tony, Since the GPX batteries are $349.97 I would recommend the Coiltek Pocket Rocket system also. Several nice things about this unit is the weight (14 ounces), size and the fact you can mount it to the side of the control box. I wouldn't recommend using the GPX-4500 Li-Ion Battery on the GPX-4000 since you can't control the signal enhancer on the GPX-4000. You have no "Target Volume" control on the GPX-4000, which controls the signal enhancers volume. Give me a call if you're interested in any of these systems, I have them all in stock at all times. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Dutchman, Wish I could talk more about this, but not at this time. All I can say is what you're asking about is being done right now. Many of my specimens and nuggets have been linked to various vein systems around Rich Hill. If I see you around this weekend I will explain more off the record. Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hey Dakota, Thanks for posting. This should help all the people that have been asking about the push dates and other events on the 24K claims. Friend called today and stated they are pushing right now and are using a bigger dozer than before. Hopefully some nice gold nuggets will be pushed out and detected this coming weekend. Take care, Rob Allison