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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Grubstake, Your Grandson will be in our Prayers. Must be very hard on you and your wife. Sorry I didn't post early, but our Internet was down for almost an entire day and I've been working around the clock with all the power. I believe in Power of Prayer, so I'm sure your Grandson will be fine. Please keep us updated, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Guys, No doubt a great club. I highly encourage anyone looking to have a great time metal detecting one of the richest placer locations in the US to join the 24K Gold Hunters Club. The pushes, outings, food and friends you will meet is a bonus. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Lon, Damn! That is big enough to scare a grown up person. If I seen those crawling around I doubt I would be detecting that area. Makes me wonder if it's a real deal. That is pretty huge for a Scorpion. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Many have thought for some time the Minelab SD2100v2's were discontinued. I also heard this same thing, but then later heard they are still available, but only what is left in inventory. I was smart enough to order a batch since they are one of the "Best" all-around metal detectors for mineralized ground conditions. With the SD2100's you can really add a lot of accessories onto this unit to increase the performance even more than stock. Just wanted to let everyone know they are still available for a "Limited Time" and I have them back in stock if anyone has been searching for them. I actually turned a few customers to other dealers since I heard they were discontinued for good. The cost of the Minelab SD2100v2's are - $1,995.97 per unit. Pretty hard to beat this PI for under two thousand dollars. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, I know a handful of my GPX-4500 customers were waiting for the stock batteries to be released. They are finally here, so if you're waiting for one your order will process within the next day. If anyone is still searching for a backup GPX-4500 Li-Ion battery, I now have them in stock and available for sale. Give me a call at 623-362-12459 if you would like to order or have questions. You can also contact me through the forum or email me at - Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Ken, Thanks for the comments. I'm hoping to get some new videos on the forum here soon. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Dutchman, There will always be people that struggle with finding gold up there. Some of those people probably get discouraged and spread the bad rumors. I made a mistake and told several guys some old patches up there and thought they were just going to detect them. Low and behold they started rolling all the boulders, digging up the area and tearing down all the vegitation. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  8. Hello All, Recently I've been trying to attach some short nuggethunting video clips to a new website page I built. I can't seem to get a "happy-medium" on what I'm trying to do. I can run them from Youtube or another upload site, but trying to get away from a visitor having to see them through Youtube or such. I figured out how to load them on my site, but I'm having trouble with formats. Some of the videos that I have taken are only 1-2 minutes in lenght, but are up to 25MB in size. This video's take forever to download from the page for the public to view. Any suggestions on what format I should use. When I'm using Microsoft Widow Movie Maker, these are some of my choices. However, some of the smaller, quicker downloadable files are really choppy .... WMM File (very large, orignal size of video, but much longer download time) Local Playback 2.1 Mbps Local Playback 1.5 Mbps Local Playback 2.1 Mbps NTSC Local Payback 1.5 Mbps NTSC Video for LAN (1.0 Mbps) Video for Broadband 512 Kbps Video for Broadband 340 Kbps Video for Broadband 150 Kpbs Any suggestions? Rob Allison
  9. Hello Dutchman, Without a doubt, there is still a lot of gold to be be found on the 24K claims. Most of the easy spots have been hit pretty well, even with the Minelab metal detectors. However, if someone is persistant like Dutchman, and willing to spend hours, if not days digging and rolling boulders, you will find gold. Keep in mind, it's always great when you have a nice showing of gold to show, but there are many days, sometimes weeks where you can dig and not find a single nugget! I've done all the digging and rolling over the years and found many ounces of gold doing so, but by any means it's not easy. Also, if you don't have a clue where the patches are, you might dig for months without a single nugget. Wishing you much more luck Dutchman. BoulderDash - The areas where Dutchman is working don't seem to produce much smaller gold. I spent some time many years ago trying to drywash some of the locations and was really disappointed on the finds. Seems like the best places for a drywasher around Rich Hill are down in the gullies. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Doc, Yep, Richard passed away some time ago. I don't remember the exact details, but I found this on Bill's forum - Richard will be missed for sure and is definately looking down at you Jaminson! Rob Allison
  11. Hello Bunk, For check up under warranty there is no charge. I'm not sure what it would cost "out of warranty." Sometimes Minelab is good about just fixing them if they are not real busy. P.S. You could always call and talk with Dick Shultz in Repairs to get a better idea before sending it off. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Today I got a late start, but finally made it out into the Central Arizona Goldfields at Noon. While exploring with my quad I actually seen a small wash that has some handstacking towards the top end that I missed before. I pulled the quad of the side of the small trail and walked down the wash to see pretty much the entire wash placered. I decided to start towards the bottom and work up the small wash with the Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoil. After about 3 hours of hunting, I picked up a bunch of iron rubbish (mostly wire) and two gold nuggets from this location. After taking a short break, I decided to hit another small wash in the nearby area and found another couple of gold nuggets. I was using the Minelab GPX-4500 Metal Detector with the Coiltek Joey Searchcoil in the Special/Extra timing. Below are two pictures of todays find. Don't forget to watch the short video also below. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hey Bunk, I don't think you need to send a metal detector to Minelab unless there is something wrong with it. However, if you feel you need to send it in for a "Tune Up" I would do it just so you feel better about it. I popped four nuggets today with my GPX-4500. I doubt I'm going to send it in unless it goes down or gets really wacky! My GPX-4500 is working great. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Jim, I used the White's for a very limited amount of time in Alaska this year. Most of the guys that I know sold their TDI's, it just wasn't what they expected. However, I'm really hoping in the next couple of generations we will see something running against the big Minelab PI's. I'm glad to see White's making a step into the PI's for gold hunting. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Oakwood, I didn't hear about this fellow, but it's not impossible for a small dredging operation (1-2 man) to find an ounce a day in some of the major Rivers of California. A good buddy of mine owns many claims on the Feather River and has found hundreds of ounces from running a Proline 6-inch and a 10-inch dredge. I'm going up next season to help him dredge for about a month. He said an ounce a day is common on his claims once you get down to the paylayer. Wishing the guy on the Klamath the best! Rob Allison
  16. Hello Glen, Glad you like the new Coiltek 18-inch Goldstalker. This is just the beginning (once again from Coiltek). If I could only talk about what is coming .... Some good reports are coming from many US customers and tons of great reports are being reported to Coiltek out of Australia. I'm moving the new Coiltek Goldstalkers "Hand over Fist" to say the least and there are only two right now. Just imagine when the entire series line gets introduced. Without a doubt the most reliable, stable and lightweight searchcoil you can purchase for the Minelab PI's. Thanks once again for your continued business. Wishing you the best out there. Rob Allison
  17. Hey Laszlo, For some reason your emails keep bouncing back to me. I tried to send you the information on the Coiltek coils. Give me a call or shoot me ove a PM through the forums. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  18. Hey Guys, This new GPX-4500 Instructional DVD will be great. Just from some of the Promo videos I'm excited to see the whole thing. If anyone is interested in this DVD video, please email me at - or call to get on the list for the first ones to arrive. You can also post a reply back here if you're interested in getting one of the first copies available. This DVD is filmed entirely here in the US (Arizona), so for all your US hunters you will find this DVD very valuable. Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, I was just here thinking that six months ago several Australian's were bragging about these great PI's to hit the market. This just goes to show, like I stated for the last 8 years, don't believe anything until it comes out (Seeing is Believing!). It seems like this happens right around when Minelab is going to release another PI metal detector, you start hearing about all these great "hopes" soon to come out also. Like always, Minelab continues to come out with new units, but the others ones fall short once again. Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  20. Hello All, I finally received the first batch of Coiltek Goldstalker Searchcoil covers for the new 14 & 18.5-inch ellipticals. If you're still waiting to get one of these, please give me a call, email me or contact me through this forum. I know many customers were waiting a replacement coil cover to have. Price is $28.00 for either size + shipping. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Slim, It all depends on where you're riding your quad. Some roads require licensed, street legal vehicles, while other roads don't. I believe all roads that require licensed vehicles that are back country have to be marked. You must have a licensed, street legal ATV if you're going to drive any type of backtop roads. Another solution is not to get caught, if you do, haul ASS!!! Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Guys, The 24K Gold Hunters Club is always accepting new members. The website is - The road heading into Stanton can have a lot of washboards on it. However, the road only requires a two wheel drive vehicle, you don't need 4x4 to get to Stanton or the 24k claims. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Jim, There is a lot of potential on the 24K claims still. I'm hoping some new sites will be pushed this year. I heard there are some guys not rejoining, while there will be a lot of new faces on the claims this year. Like always, I will be there! Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hey MontanaGold, One of the disadvantages of the Coiltek, NF and Minelab coils is the fact they can false if they are knocked around enough. For the most part, you can get a good couple of years out of them before they start falsing. If the coils don't get used much and are stored properly, you might get a lifetime out of them. The advantage of the new Coiltek Goldstalker line of coils is "no falsing." Not sure what Trev @ Coiltek has done, but I can't get these coils to false nor can customers that purchased them. Trev really looked into some of the problems prior coil designs were having and tried everything in his power to fix them with this new Goldstalker design. Keeping the coil wire secure like in your picture is the best thing you can do to help a coil from falsing or making more noise. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  25. Hey DigDeep, If you go back and look at the four gold nuggets I found last weekend, you will see they are pretty small. The smallest one might be 1.5 grains. The 14-inch Goldstalker is very sensitive and does get slightly more depth than a 11-inch round. However, if you're looking for the smallest gold nuggets, I would think about a Coiltek Joey 10x5 Mono Elliptical or the Minelab Commander 8-inch Round Mono. Both of these coils are deadly on small gold nuggets. Talk with you later, Rob Allison