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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Guys, Just received another batch of the new "Octave Gold Mine" book. This book sells for $20 + $7 US Priority Mail Shipping. Give me a call or shoot me over an email at - if you're interested in ordering a copy. I accept Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Money Orders, Cashier's Checks and Cash. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Tony, Pretty much the clubs above will be the best for gold nugget hunting. I've found nuggets on the GPAA, Roadrunner's, Weaver's & 24K's. Never joined the "Why Not" club, heard there was some debate at one time about their claims. However, this was many years ago and I'm sure its resolved now. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Tony, The new Coiltek 18.5-inch elliptical Goldstalker Mono Searchcoil is $454.00, a little bit more than the 14-inch. This coil will give you more depth and more coverage per swing. I have them both, use the smaller 14-inch for wash type hunting and the 18.5-inch for flatter areas or areas where I think there might be larger, deeper gold. I always have them in stock if you're interested. Rob Allison
  4. Hey Guys, The section we drywashed we already detected and then came back and raked it out and found more gold. Most of the nuggets were small, under a Dwt in size, but very rough and some rock attached. We plan on working the lower section where the wash is several feet deep to bedrock. The detectors couldn't penitrate to bedrock unless there was a big nugget. In this section we might get lucky to not only drywash up some gold, but also find a few gold nuggets to boot. Montana - Most of the small washes I've found that have had a lot of gold nuggets seem to have very little gold. This is one reason I sold my Keene 151 a long time ago. Just couldn't find any washes that were productive enough to try to work. However, in the last couple of years I've found a few more washes and just couldn't believe they wouldn't have more gold. One of the better washes we haven't sampled as of yet. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Guys, Added a short video clip of the drywashing in the original post above. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Vini, It's amazing how many nuggets you will find in a small wash here in Arizona and then come back and find very little with a drywasher. This is the 3rd or 4th wash where we picked up a bunch of gold nuggets and found very little gold drywashing. Go figure ... Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, Leaverite and I decided to head out to a small wash Sunday morning where we picked up around an ounce of smaller gold nuggets. I felt this wash would have good potential for fines and smaller pieces that are not detectable due to the nature of the gold and the small prospects where the local gold is coming from. We set up my Keene 140 Drywasher and Vac-Pac and started working the small wash down to bedrock. We worked about 8-10 feet of the wash down to bedrock and then Vac-Pac all the cracks and crevices. After about three hours of work we decided to see what we had. Looking through the drywasher box we could see real small nuggets, small flakes and fines. All the gold was very cyrstalline, some still having small pieces of quartz attached. We ended up panning down the concentrates when we got home. The show wasn't as good as we expected, but we still ended up with over a DWT of gold, maybe a bit more. Didn't get any pictures, but shot a small video clip that is viewable by clicking the link below - Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Bob, You are aware there is a 18.5-inch Elliptical GoldStalker Mono Searchcoil right? I've heard they are working on some other sizes and designs, but haven't exact specs as of yet and when they might be finished or released. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  9. Hey DigDeep, The JP DVD's are a FREEBIE! Don't send any money for them, as they were part of my bundle package when you purchase a new GPX-4500 metal detector. Great to hear you got your 4500 back from Minelab USA. Hear they are replacing eight capacitors on the main board. AZO's DVD should be out around the end of August from what I heard. I will know more after this weekend hopefully. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Matt, You're very welcome. Thanks once again for all the business. Not sure if you called this evening, but I was on the phone for several hours straight with customers and some friends. Heard a lot of beeps (people calling in) that I didn't get to. Give me a call when you get a chance. Moore Creek? Rob Allison
  11. Hello Uncle Ron, I know exactly what claims they are buying, but the deal is not done as of yet. They are still in the process of buying the claims. Don't want to say too much right now until the deal is finalized. What I can tell you is we (Chris and I) found a bunch of nuggets there! Many of the nuggets were in the range of 1/4 to 1+ ounces. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Uncle Ron, Do you know what claims sold? I know the top of the hill like the back of my hand, but didn't know there were (4) claims available up there. The only claims that come to mind are AZO's (4) claims off the side of Frenchmen's Flat. The main Potato Patch diggings and surrounding areas are all Patented Mineral claims. Pretty much the entire top is claimed, claimed and over claimed. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, Just wanted to let everyone know that Moore Creek will be open for the 2009 Season! I have the entire second week reserved for next year. I will be taking 14 of my close friends and customers. Contact me for booking for the "Rob Allison" week. For more information on Moore Creek, availability & pricing, click here to visit the offical Moore Creek website - Can't wait to get back up there and find more Alaska gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Guys, I sold one of the units, but still have one left. These are great lightweight battery systems for the Minelab GPX-4000 if anyone is looking for one. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Northoceanbeach, I'm sure Alaska has a lot of untouched ground, like many of the States. Some of the Southwestern States such as Arizona, California, Nevada and part of New Mexico are hot spots for most US detectorists. One of the main reason is the amount of placer that has been found in those States along with the great weather. Like all spots, getting off the beaten path, regardless of the State, doesn't mean more gold. There are hundreds of spots I've hunted that no one ever touched with a detector and I found nothing. However, if those off the beaten path spots you're talking about never been hit and have gold, then you might do very well. "The Grass (gold in this case) is always Greener on the other side of the Hill" is not always true. One concern about taking a metal detector on a kayak is keeping it dry. If you would happen to flip over, or a bunch of water gets on the detector, you could be taking a big risk on damaging it. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  16. Hey Bob, Great to hear I steered you straight on the new 14-inch Goldstalker Searchcoil. I knew you would like it from what I've found and others that are now using the same coil. Even though it's Summer time and sales are a bit slower, it's tough for me to keep the new Coiltek Goldstalker in stock. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Doc, That is very sad to hear. Hoss Blackman was a great fellow and friend. I knew him for a long time and even done some hunting with him and his Son Bruce. Hoss is now free of pain and now with the good LORD standing on streets of pure gold. This is a sad loss for anyone that new Hoss. Warm regards, Rob Allison
  18. Hey JP, I watched the first DVD last night, but didn't get time to watch the second one yet. From what I seen so far, I think it's very informative and formatted very well like your other DVD's. My first batch of DVD's are just about gone, so there is no doubt they will sell very well. Looking forward to watching the second DVD this evening. I highly recommend these DVD's if you own a Minelab GPX-4500. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  19. Hey Claim Jumper, Talked with Dr. Erik and he wanted me to ask you about that bus and if you knew what color it was? He said there was some buses there during the 70's. This might be the time frame you were talking about. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Claim Jumper, This book has a bunch of pictures, so I went through the book quickly looking for an old bus. I didn't see any old buses in the picture off-hand. I'm sure over the years, the Octave had hundreds of workers due to the size of the mine. One interesting picture shows the Octave mine in 1900. Then again in mid-1900's, then again in 2006. Wow .... pretty interesting to see what was there and what is there now (hardly nothing). I highly recommend this book if you enjoy mining history or plan to visit the Rich Hill area sometime in the future. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello All, I just received a batch of the new GPX-4500's DVD's from Jonathan Porter. These new DVD's have a duration of 220 mins (over 3 1/2 hours!) the complete 2-DVD set of ‘The SETA Project' is now available for purchase from Rob's Detector Sales. In this fourth instructional DVD in ‘ The Outback Prospector' Series (the only instructional DVD series on PI detectors to be fully endorsed by Minelab/Codan and Bruce Candy), JP de-mystifies the GPX4500 labyrinth of menu options with in-depth explanations from Bruce Candy plus two key Minelab personnel. Learn to apply specific settings for different soil and coil types, how to customise your 4500 to suit your personal preferences, get the best set up for the latest detecting accessories plus identify common detecting errors. Gain the knowledge to fast-track your detecting skills…all from the comfort of your lounge chair! Customers who learn the skills required to operate these complex machines are more than likely to be successful with their new detector and therefore have the confidence to continue with their hobby. Order Today, Your Price - $77.00 + $6.00 US Priority Mail Shipping. Call 623-362-1459, PM me through this forum or email me at - Can't wait to watch the DVD's myself. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, I just received a batch of the new GPX-4500's DVD's from Jonathan Porter. These new DVD's have a duration of 220 mins (over 3 1/2 hours!) the complete 2-DVD set of ‘The SETA Project' is now available for purchase from Rob's Detector Sales. In this fourth instructional DVD in ‘ The Outback Prospector' Series (the only instructional DVD series on PI detectors to be fully endorsed by Minelab/Codan and Bruce Candy), JP de-mystifies the GPX4500 labyrinth of menu options with in-depth explanations from Bruce Candy plus two key Minelab personnel. Learn to apply specific settings for different soil and coil types, how to customise your 4500 to suit your personal preferences, get the best set up for the latest detecting accessories plus identify common detecting errors. Gain the knowledge to fast-track your detecting skills…all from the comfort of your lounge chair! Customers who learn the skills required to operate these complex machines are more than likely to be successful with their new detector and therefore have the confidence to continue with their hobby. Order Today, Your Price - $77.00 + $6.00 US Priority Mail Shipping. Call 623-362-1459, PM me through this forum or email me at - Can't wait to watch the DVD's myself. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, I just received a batch of the new GPX-4500's DVD's from Jonathan Porter. These new DVD's have a duration of 220 mins (over 3 1/2 hours!) the complete 2-DVD set of ‘The SETA Project' is now available for purchase from Rob's Detector Sales. In this fourth instructional DVD in ‘ The Outback Prospector' Series (the only instructional DVD series on PI detectors to be fully endorsed by Minelab/Codan and Bruce Candy), JP de-mystifies the GPX4500 labyrinth of menu options with in-depth explanations from Bruce Candy plus two key Minelab personnel. Learn to apply specific settings for different soil and coil types, how to customise your 4500 to suit your personal preferences, get the best set up for the latest detecting accessories plus identify common detecting errors. Gain the knowledge to fast-track your detecting skills…all from the comfort of your lounge chair! Customers who learn the skills required to operate these complex machines are more than likely to be successful with their new detector and therefore have the confidence to continue with their hobby. Order Today, Your Price - $77.00 + $6.00 US Priority Mail Shipping. Call 623-362-1459, PM me through this forum or email me at - Can't wait to watch the DVD's myself. Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know I have (2) used Coiltek Li-Ion Systems available for sale for the Minelab GPX-4000. Both system have been checked out and everything works fine. Both units are complete with the following - GPX-4000 Regulator (2) 7800mah Li-Ion Batteries Short Power Cord 12v Car/120v Wall Charger Carry Pouch Both units were taken back on Trade-ins. I'm asking $245.00 for the complete units. The normal sale price is $295.00 (with the short power cord). With the short power cord you're looking at $326.00. Your Price with US Priority Mail Shipping - $252.00 First person to contact me will own these units. I accept Visa/Mastercard, Money Order, Cashier's Checks, Paypal or Cash. Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Stan, Are you looking to just coin/relic hunt, or nugget hunt? There are only a few detectors that can do all of this, but they are not the best in any one field. There are entry level and top of the line coin/relic & gold nugget detectors, but not top of the line multi-purpose units (coin/relic/gold nugget). Get back with me and let me know what you're looking for and I will be able to help you better. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison