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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Guys, Well it's about 6:30am here in McGrath, Alaska. Thought I would tell everyone I had a great trip to Moore Creek once again. Steve H. is a great host and the Moore Creek Mine is a place everyone should see if you enjoy the outback of Alaska and want to chase a bit of gold. The dozers were all down, but that didn't stop the hardy from finding those ellusive gold nuggets. Our group found over 20+ ounces of nice gold nuggets. I ended up with 3 over an ounce, for my best year at Moore Creek. Glenn was amazing once again running down the tailing piles and fighting the brush to score more gold nuggets then prior years. Dave M. found a beautiful 3.44 ounce the first week and Steve F. found an awesome looking crystalline 3/4 ouncer. One of the best nuggets I've seen before. Like always at the Moore Creek Mine, great friends, food & GOLD! We didn't need any dozer .... Just get out there and pound dirt, there are hundreds of gold nuggets to be found at the mine. P.S. The Minelab GPX-4500's with the new Coiltek Goldstalker 18-inch coils kicked ass~! Talk with you all later, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Guys, Thanks for all the comments. I'm sure our group will do well. If I find a few ounces I will be happy. However, a double digit piece is always nice. Dennis and I are sitting here waiting for Karl B. to show up. Glenn and Rich Lampright will be coming in later tonight. Will try to get some good pictures and videos. Talk with you all later, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Carl, Sounds good. I'm here in Anchorage right now. It' only took me about 2 hours to get on with this dial-up internet connection them have here at the Hotel. We head into Moore's Creek in the morning. Talk to you when I return. Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Tomorrow morning Glenn, Dennis and I leave for Moore Creek. The forcast is predicting rain all week! Hope I can come back with some stories and decent Moore Creek nuggets. Talk with you all when I return. Rob Allison
  5. Hey Steve, I'm wishing for colder weather without rain. However, sure looks like we might be socked in with rain during that week. The cooler weather will elliminate most of the bugs, but hunting in the rain all day kind of sucks. P.S. Not sure what time you are arriving in Anchorage, but most of our group will be there Tuesday day or evening. I have a double suite reserved at - Executive Suite Hotel 4360 Spenard Road Anchorage, Alaska 99517 (800) 770-6366 (907) 243-6366 fax (907) 248-2161 If you need a place to crash, call me, or head to this Hotel and find us. I think we are going to wait for Karl B. to show up around 8 - 8:30 and get some dinner. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Guys, Regardless of what I find I'm going to have fun. Alaska is such a great place to visit. I highly encourage everyone to visit Moore Creek. This might be the last year, so if there is any opening still available I would jump on it. Sounds like the mining company is getting close to their goal and after that the entire "pay-to-mine" venture will probably be over with. Steve, where are you going to set up the next Alaska adventure at? Rob Allison
  7. Hey Guys, Thanks once again for your comments. Rob Allison
  8. Hey Steve, Thanks for the update. Sounds like everyone is finding some gold. Congrats to Gaine and Dave M. on their larger finds! I done a quick average of what was found. 37 gold nuggets - 3 large gold nuggets minus the total of 13.72 equals 6.97 ounces. Then divide that figure (6.97/34 = 0.21) by 34 remaining gold nuggets and you get an average of 0.21 ounces per piece. Pretty much what I told a friend on the phone tonight. If you find a nugget at Moore Creek, the average is close to 1/4 ounce per piece. Looking at the forcast for week 2, looks like rain the entire week. See you soon, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Seeker, Thanks for the update. Congrats to John Pulling for finding the 5.7 ounce slug. Was the piece a specimen or more solid gold? I believe they should have two days of hunting left for week one. They will fly out Tuesday afternoon to McGrath and then we will see them Wedesday morning. Hope to hear more updates. Rob Allison
  10. Hello Allen, It's an older Camcorder, but took great video's in the past. Here is the info - Panasonic 1.2 Mega Pixel 3CCD 700x Digital Zoom Model Number - PV-GS120 Li-Ion battery is a VSB0470 7.2v 1050mah Looking for a charger? Rob Allison
  11. Hello Debsbuying, I agree with Inhere. I've never seen a Black GP3000 stock coil. The Black coils were only available for the GP Extreme (11 and 18-inch round). This is at least what I've seen here in the US. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Onion Gold, Thanks! Great to hear you received it quickly. I love this hobby and I love my business. I put 110% into them both. You're going to love the Coiltek Pocket Rocket Li-Ion System. Mount that system right on the side of your Minelab with the short power cord. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email. Thanks once again for your business, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Glenn, I haven't heard anything lately. I heard the dozer was down, but hopefully it's up and running now. Steve, are you out there? Any updates on Moore Creek and what is being found? How is the weather and bugs? Hope to hear from you, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Digger Bob, Thanks for sharing the nuggets with us. Rye Patch sure has some beautiful gold nuggets. Rob Allison
  15. Hello Doc, I have a real camcorder, but can't seem to locate the damn li-ion charger for it. I'm limited to just my digital camera right now, which is not the greatest for video footage. I have to keep shutting down the camera to work with my hands. Doing this makes individual video's, rather than just one larger one. Glad you enjoyed, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Jim, I have experienced good signals getting weaker as you get closer or dig them out. However, I feel it has more to do with the shape or character of the nugget over the halo effect. I'm not a solid believe that the "Halo" really has much effect on a PI, like the "Halo" of an iron target. Gold is noble, only a few natural chemicals can leach it out. The small amount of impurties that are contained within a gold nugget is minimal at best. Nothing like an iron target that can rust down to powder over a hundred years. You will never see a gold nugget rust away or become powder like iron. I believe the PI's are more effect by the Halo of true iron targets, or iron rubbish. Just my experience. Rob Allison
  17. Hello Doc, I agree with you. After some testing as I reported, you're only loosing some audio. If you're wanting to make the audio level back up, you will need to use a high quality signal enhancer such as the Detacc or new Goldscreamer. I have both in stock if anyone is looking for one plus the 4-5/5-4 pin gender adapters. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Steve, I know my PM's are working fine. I believe there is a control in your "My Controls" link on top of the page that will send you emails when you get a PM. It might have gotten disabled. Anyone else having trouble with PM's? Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, I was just informed today of the recent price increase. There has been a price increase on pretty much all Coiltek and other accessories. The Inventory I have in stock I will still sale at the normal price, but all new inventory purchased will be sold at the newer, higher price. Doc and Coiltek kept the prices down for many years when there should have been a minor increase. I tried to correct all the prices on the forum, but the website still has some older prices listed. Just an update, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Uncle Ron, Some of those very old coarse tailing piles from drywashers can be easily overlooked. Great to hear you have the eye for them! Just amazing what they discarded in the piles, but then again they were probably getting a good amount of fines, flakes and smaller nuggets that would pass through the screen. Thanks for always sharing your finds and stories with us. Rob Allison
  21. Hello Doc, Can't wait to see what else Coiltek has in store for us. I'm looking forward to some type of Pocket Rocket System for the GPX-4500. Coiltek spoiled all of us with those damn systems, but now we are back to the big Minelab li-ion ... Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Tony, I've found some nice gold/quartz specimens in mine dumps, but the PI's aren't the best for mine dump hunting in my opinion. A high freq. VLF works best. The Fisher Goldbug 2 was my favorite for hunting mine dumps. Every mine is different. Some mines the gold ore can be scattered all through the tailings, while others it might be layered in the dump. Some mines have different piles, but I would search for the "pride" piles. These are normally smaller piles that were going to get processed and contained a higher value to them. It wouldn't hurt to start at the bottom and zig-zag your way up the pile. Most tailings will have tons of iron rubbish, bullets & casings. If you get a signal on something, you might not see VG (visible gold), but don't discard the rock. It's very possible for a specimen to contain a good amount of gold within a rock with little or no gold exposed on the surface. Here is a rich piece of ore I found many years ago. I found several that were in the 8-9 ounce range that had 30-40% gold. 2.31 Troy Ounces Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Doc, The short videos make it easy to demonstate or display stuff. I'm hoping to have more of them in the near future. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Uncle Ron, Those are some great finds! Hope to see more in the near future. Are you finding most of them in the washes, benches or hillsides? Operator Error ... Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Jerry, Thanks for the update. I was hoping it wasn't a major heart attack. Well it's great to hear he is recovering. We are all praying for Gary, his wife and family. When you talk with Gary again on the phone, tell him he needs to get back on his feet and regain his strenght so he can play around with a GPX-4500 when I come back out. I will bring down an extra one so Gary can use it while we are hunting together. Also, he promised we would have another Pizza Dinner this year! Get well buddy, Rob Allison