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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Ogi, Like I mentioned on the other forum, there are no "best" settings. The best settings are what works best for you on a given ground condition. The settings I would use on mild, moderate and heavy mineralization would all be different. On mild or moderate ground I would be able to run the GPX much hotter, but probably not has cranked up with very heavy mineralization. For heavy mineralization (mineralized soil and hotrocks) I would suggest the new Enhance or Special/Smooth timings. For more moderate mineralization you might try the new "Special/Sharp" with a DD, or even experiment with the Monoloop. As you can see, there are too many combinations to say what is best for you. Experiment, experiment and experiment. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Doc, Congrats to the new finder! The new Coiltek Goldstalker Series is really taking off. I'm getting a bunch of reports from customers from California also that don't want to talk much about their finds right now. I'm sure they are pounding the hell out of those old and new patches with the GPX-4000 & GPX-4500 with the new Coiltek Goldstalker Lightweight Mono Searchcoils. I know between myself and three other friends we took over 16 ounces at Moore Creek with the GPX series and Coiltek Goldstalkers. Most of this gold was on pounded, old dredge tailing piles. Now you tell me the detector or coil is not doing something! Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Guys, ARKANSAS BRYAN - Looking forward to seeing your finds. Doc - The bugs were very minimal at least the first part of the week. There were a few times when it got buggy, but not too bad. I pretty much kept the bug shirt off the entire time I was up there, just used some Deet. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Everyone, Just wanted to send out a Congrats to my good buddy Jim Straight. I heard he just got induced into the "Treasure Hunters Hall of Fame." Congrats Jim! Rob Allison
  5. Hey Guys, Just added Title's and discriptions to all the pictures of Moore Creek. Go up to the original post and click on the link. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Gaine, The old Miner's Cabin was actually off the road heading up to the Broken Shovel Prospect, or where Full Metal was doing their drilling. We were just driving quads around for awhile taking pictures and we seen it. There was a lot of old relics and Beaver Traps there. The really crystalline nugget was .75 or 3/4's of an ounce. It was found by Steve F. from Southern California. The nugget was found on one of the Black Tailing Piles up around Six Pup or Nevada Gulch. Steve mentioned it was just a faint whisper and the area had previous fresh digs around it. One beautiful gold nuggets for sure! Congrats to Steve. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, Here are all the Moore Creek, Alaska pictures I promised. I uploaded them all to the Photobucket website so I didn't have to use all the forum space to host them. You should be able to scan through all 62 of them or even use the slideshow feature. Click here to view the 2008 Moore Creek pictures - Moore Creek, Alaska 2008 Group For more information on the pay-to-mine Moore Creek operation, please visit their official website at - I believe they still have a few opening for the last week, but I wouldn't wait long! Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello CJ, Welcome to my forums. I'm not real familar with placers areas of Colorado, but know a lot of guys here on the forums are from that area. Hopefully a few of them will be able to chime in and help. Glad you joined, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Steve H., Just curious if the 3rd weekers are doing well at Moore Creek? Many are also interested to hear how Steve and Leigh are doing on the highbanker? Did they continue to work into the paylayer and find more chunky and nuggety gold? P.S. The second week the two guys mentioned above found almost 1/2 ounce of nugget and chunky pieces of Moore Creek gold within just a few short hours of shoveling. Everyone was eager to hear if they continued .... If people only knew what was being found at Moore Creek vs. some of these other pay-to-mine beach operations around Nome would be shocked. A partner and I worked the beaches of Nome for many days and got less than what I could have gotten in about two shovel fulls at Moore Creek. No BS my friends! Hope to hear more soon, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Gaine, A funny story about the cable on 5-ounce flat. Glenn found 4-5 smaller nuggets on one end of push where the road went up over one of the piles heading down stream. I was detecting that area and worked towards the cable, but didn't see it. I heard a nice target, dug it up and it was the 1.1 ouncer. Then I looked right next to my hole and seen a small trench that was dug up. I scanned over the trench and my detector SCREAMED! I then looked a few feet over and seen the cable poking out of the ground. If I would have seen the cable first, I would have walked away from that spot and never found the gold nugget. I'm sure that is what most done the first week. If Moore Creek is running next year, we need to get all the 3rd and 4th year returnees to make it on the first week. This would get us all back together on the first week. This would include You, Keith, Dave M., Rusty, Glenn, Dennis, Rich L, Me and others I'm probably forgetting (please forgive me). Dutch John - Thanks. Always great to hear from you. I'm selling your 7th edition books like wild hotcakes! Also, Congrats on getting into the "Treasure Hunters Hall of Fame" See I hear things from time to time. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Guys, Thanks for the comments. I still have a bunch of pictures to post, just been so busy trying to play catch up now since I was gone for a week. Trev @ Coiltek - You're welcome to use any of my pictures my friend. I have a lot of pictures that are not on the forums, so let me know if you're looking for some in particular. AuGlenn - The bugs were minimal the first part of the week due to the cold weather and some light rain. The last couple of days the Sun popped out here and there and warmed the place up. The bug got a bit annoying the last day or so, but nothing that you couldn't put up with. The worst spots are when you tromp through the Alders and brush. Talk with you guys later, Rob Allison
  12. Hello DigDeep, Looking forward to doing business with you in the near future. On another note, I'm sure you know there are ways to increase performance on the SD's. One of the first things would be a regulated battery system and then maybe a signal enhancers to pick up the audio a bit. However, even with these additions to any SD, the GPX series is still light years ahead in my opinion. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  13. Crykee Mate! A bit of Beans Mate! Great looking nuggets my friend. Always great to find nuggets, but nothing like when you can share the experiences with friends. Thanks for posting your finds. Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, Here are a few pictures that I wanted to get up tonight just so you can see them. I will get more up tomorrow night. I probably have 60-70 pictures total of the trip. Picture 1 - A few small gold nuggets (0.1 - 0.2 ounce) that I found the first couple of days at Moore Creek. All these gold nuggets were found in either non-pushed or pushed dredge tailing piles. Both of these gold nuggets were found with the Minelab GPX-4500 metal detector and the new Coiltek 18-inch elliptical GoldStalker searchcoil. Picture 2 - A nice 1+ ounce gold nugget found on a tailing pile that has been heavily worked. This piece has more gold than quartz. Probably 80-85% gold the rest host rock, which is mostly quartz and feldspars. The piece was well over 12-inch deep and also found with the GPX-4500 metal detector. Picture 3 - Is the biggest nugget I found on the trip. The gold nugget weighed 1.65 ounces, but sure looks a lot bigger. Probably has 50% gold 50% quartz. This piece was a good 16-inch deep on a tailing pile. There are many more nice nuggets to be found at Moore Creek. More pictures coming soon! Rob Allison
  15. Hey Gaine, If I remember correctly I was working along the edge of Moore Creek or another small creek and heard a loud signal. I scanned over a bit and got a screaming signal and looked down and seen the pick. I just assumed it was one of Steve's and someone dropped it. However, I did notice it had a round super manget and knew Steve didn't have magnets on his picks from what I seen. Later Keith asked if I found a pick and I told him I did. He then mentioned you lost one the prior week. No biggie on the reward, I'm just glad we were able to locate your lost pick. Heck, I should have spent more time in that area, you probably found your big ones there! Do you have plans to return next year if Moore Creek is still running? P.S. Dennis and I took (3) 1+ ouncers off of Dean's mound down Stream. All of them were very faint whisper type targets. Steve F. found a nice 1/2 ouncer and Glenn found (3) .03 ouncers near the bottom that were all faint. Just off that one mound we found 6-7 nice nuggets. I'm pretty positive the GPX-4500 and bigger coils made the difference. The 1.1 ouncer I found in 5-ounce flat was pretty loud, but right next to that large metal cable. Talk to you soon, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, Here are some short video clips I took at Moore Creek, Alaska last week. All the gold nuggets in the videos are what I found using the Minelab GPX-4500 & Coiltek Goldstalker 18-inch mono searchcoil. To learn more about Moore Creek and availability, visit the official website at - Moore Creek Mine Website Here are the videos - More coming soon, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Lon, I'm trying to figure out if I want to load them all on the forum or do a Photo Bucket deal. I just hate to use all my space with the new pictures. The new Coiltek Goldstalker lightweight 18.5-inch elliptical is amazing! However, like all coils, you have to get it over the gold. Let me know if you're interested. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Don, I'm sure if I stayed another week I could turn up another 3-4 ounces with ease. However, after hunting 4-5 days straight your body starts to break down. My shoulder was pretty worn down after 4-5 days of detecting 12-14 hours per day. The hardest part is walking on uneven ground, crashing through Alders and detecting sideways 90% of time. However, it was well worth it in my opinion. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Gaine, First, congrats on those awesome Moore Creek nuggets! Yahoo! Wow, sure looks like a good amount of snow still on the ground there the first week. Heard you guys has some great weather. It rained a few times for several hours during the second week, but nothing to keep us from hunting too long. Also, found your pick that you lost. I was hunting along and all of a sudden my detector started screaming. I looked down and there was a like new Walco pick with a round super magnet attached. Keith was taking it home and I guess going to mail it to you. He said you owe me a pound of that coffee! Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  20. Hello DigDeep, One of greatest advantages of the GP and GPX series is their ability to find smaller gold at depth. You might be amazed on how much smaller gold might be in those areas just out of VLF range, but within the GP/GPX series range. I've never dug so many smaller nuggets (from a few grains to 2-3 Dwts) at great depths. I can't state you're going to find a bunch of bigger gold at depth that you missed with the SD series, but I would almost bet there is smaller gold at depth being missed with the SD. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Grubstake, It was a great trip this year at Moore Creek. We had a couple of days with crappy weather, but for the most part it was great. I ended up with almost 6 ounces of gold, Glenn found right over 6 ounces and I believe Dennis found just over 3 ounces. A nice batch of 1+ ouncers were found the second week and we didn't even have any help from the dozer. Both dozers broke down, so we pretty much pounded dirt the entire week. Will get some pictures and a few short videos up soon. I'm curious how the third week is doing? Steve F. & Leigh from Australia stayed for the third week. The last day they both decided to tackle some highbanking and got .41 ounces of gold in just a few short hours of digging. Some great highbanking and dredging potential is at Moore Creek. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Grubstake, Make sure you do what the Doctor stated, "Take it very easy at first!" I know how you are, you're going to want to cover all those hills in a few short days. If you wear youself out too soon I won't be able to come up and detect with you. We will just have to sit at the Pizza Joint and talk about gold stories! I will keep keep an eye out for the Doctor's call, if he decided to get into this hobby. Talk with you later champ, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Kid Saxon, Just returned home from an Alaska trip. Man, sure sounds like you're doing well working that dump. Thanks for joining the forums and sharing your experiences with us. Hope you guys continue to find more. However, make sure you guys are safe when you decide to tackle detecting the mine. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Uncle Ron, Congrats on another very nice nugget. Sure sounds like your long research has now paid off big time. Hope you continue to find more nice nuggets and new patches. Keep us all updated if you would. Rob Allison
  25. Hello Vini, Thought I would check the PC one last time before I leave McGrath. I have a good amount of pictures and some short videos I will post when I return. Most, if not all the gold nugget/specimens are found in old dragline dredge tailing piles. Some of the piles are huge and can take a good 2-3 hours to scan them. The Minelab PI's are the ticket to finding great gold at Moore Creek. Some areas were pushed before we arrived, but both of the dozers went down when we arrived. There was at least 7-8 gold nuggets found in the old pushes from the prior week. A matter of fact, one of my one ouncers was found right in the middle of one of the old pushes. I guess everyone was just walking around it. Full Metal Mining, an exploration mining company out of Canada is drilling the Moore Creek Mine. This potentially could lead into a very productive gold mine. The assays from some of the cores showed great potential, but I don't know enough. I'm sure Steve H. can explain more about the mining company being there. I just hope their cores come back to prove there is a huge overlooked gold deposit there. One of the Geologists on site mentioned the Moore Creek mineralized system could be on the same trend as the Donlan (spelling?) project that has over 60 million ounces of gold. Talk with you later, Rob Allison