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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Bob, Was able to open up the new file. Thanks for sending it. Still searching for your original Rich Hill secret map that I have. I'm pretty sure it's your original like you mentioned. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Guys, Thanks for the comments. This spot was a good hit. Partner found 4 nuggets also that are not pictured. Also fun to find a new area, just a bit too hot to work it. Bandana Don - Really loving the GPX-4000. Can't wait to get back over some spots this Winter after figuring out some good settings for big, deep gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Grumpy, The best I could do is the Bobbing Bobcat. Just too tired at the moment, not sure I would do any better though. Can you find any games that involve gold nuggets? Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Just thought I would post the scanned nuggets I found last Sunday. Right at 8 Dwts of nuggets. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Guys, Was hoping to get back to this spot, but it's going to be 115-116 degrees! After looking at the maps, there are a other spots that I have hopes for. GotGold - I wrote you back a PM about the samples. I will have to bring in a mule. Uncle Ron - Most of the larger nuggets were right on bedrock, or very close. The smaller ones were down at depth. I like finding new spots, you don't have to crumb crunch for dinks, at least not right off. Take care all, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Uncle Ron, I think we are the only country in the world that accomidates for everyone else but us Americans! Great video, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Bob, Tried to open the pdd file you sent over. I downloaded a free program that will open those files, but the file is nothing but a black screen with some kind of writing on it. Might just have to come over and get a real copy. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Steve, I'm really looking forward to coming back to the Moore Creek Mine. I was really tempted to come with Glenn, but have too much going on here at the moment. I'm very interested in booking something for the 2008 season, so please keep me in mind. I was thinking an entire week, but not certain that is available or not. Shoot me over a PM or email if you get a chance. Feel free to use this forum as much as you wish to promote and inform people about Moore Creek, Alaska. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello All, Good friend, Dave M., just returned back from Moore Creek, Alaska. This season Dave found a solid 1.32 ounce gold nugget and many others. Dave was using a Minelab Metal Detector and the Coiltek Platypus & Wallaby DD Pro Searchcoils. Moore Creek Alaska is the best pay-to-mine camp in my opinion. Congrats to Dave! P.S. What do you mean you're going back? Rob Allison
  10. Hello Chris, Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Sure looks like some beautiful nugget hunting country up there! I really miss California's weather and gold, Grubstake kind of spoiled Leaverite and I. I bet that area hold some good potential for your next visit. Keep us all updated if you would. P.S. Leaverite and I went out today and scored 14 nuggets. Glenn took his new GPX-4000 out and scored 8 crystalline gold nuggets in a new area today. Haven't seen the nuggets yet, but sounds like he close to the source. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello DrKillStick, I've always heard the darker the better, but then again I'm no Gem Collector. Sure looks like a nice crystal cluster to me. Congrats, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Bob, Good talking with you today. Always nice to keep that Skunk far away if possible. I really love the Minelab GPX-4000. I don't think I have been skunked with it yet! We will have to hit it hard this coming Winter season. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, This morning Leaverite and I headed up to the higher country to try our luck in a new spot. The area is somewhat remote, so we left around 3am in the morning. We arrived at the spot around 5:30am and geared up for the long hike. After about 6 hours of continuous nugget hunting we ended up with 14 gold nuggets. We also dug several pounds of iron rubbish. Old-timers placered and worked some of the lodes in the area. The area shows good potential for more nuggets. However, the amount of trash makes it frustrating to hunt. We both were using the Minelab GPX-4000's and Coiltek 10x5 Joey Mono Searchcoils. <Pictures below> Nuggets on the right side of the coil are mine, left side are Leaverite's. Right at 1/2 ounce worth of nuggets. Biggest nugget was just under 3 Dwts. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Grubstake, Congrats on the breaking in your new GPX-4000! I'm sure you're going to find many more in the near future. Been working so much haven't been out nugget hunting much. Heading out in the morning in hopes of digging some yellow metal up. Haven't tried the new GPX-4000 in this spot, so I'm hoping to find some nuggets I missed. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello JP, I was just razzing you about leaving gold. I've left some nice ones behind, just because I was lazy or didn't swing the coil in the right spot. It's very difficult to cover every square inch to max depth. When the GPX-4000 was first released I experimented with most of the settings. I honestly didn't see any real gains to a "Higher" or "Faster" motion setting. I did notice the machine was slightly a bit noisier, but didn't see any advantage to depth or sensitivity. I might need to re-visit the motion setting to see if I was overlooking something, but didn't see anything during the initial testing. I must be honest, I got used to the "Quiteness" of the GPX-4000 using the Sensitive/Smooth/Quiet settings. However, most the areas are shallow with smaller gold, so I doubt I'm missing much. Any thoughts or suggestions? Rob Allison
  16. Hello Guys, I wish I had more free time to escape and visit these mining camps in Alaska. About 4 years ago I went to Ganes Creek, but didn't do very well. It was the first trip and I sold myself short when it comes to detectors. I brought the Minelab GP and the White's MXT. I was killing myself digging deep trenches with the Minelab, so I decided to use the MXT in the Relic Mode. This worked well, but I was only using the 10-inch elliptical and couldn't cover much ground or get much depth. Wishing all the guys that are there now the best of luck. Rob Allison
  17. Hello DrKillStick, I know what you mean, cause I'm happy to just find a single nugget when I'm out. Do you own a metal detector right now, if so, what type? It's just a matter of time and you will find a nice nugget. Rob Allison
  18. Hello DrKillStick, You might see a bit of razzing back in forth on the forums, but for the most part it's informational. JP finds Kilo's in OZ, we find Pounds in the US! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. The GPX Factor DVD Video- NEW!!! Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know I now have a good stock of the new GPX Factor DVD's. Below are some of the high points you will see in this new DVD set: - Tips for mastering your Minelab GPX-4000 - Over 3 Hours of footage! - Exclusive interview with Minelab inventor Bruce Candy - Interviews with Minelab’s R&D Team - Actual nuggets being dug live to camera - In-depth look at the GPX’s new features & settings - 2 DVD Box Set This is Jonathan Porter’s newest training video on the new GPX-4000. This 3-hour production will cover tips & techniques for getting the most out of this new detector. Only $59.95 + S&H Order Today by Phone (623) 362-1459, Email - Visa/Mastercard & Paypal are gladly accepted. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello JP, I know all about the factory preset settings, you need to tell me something new and exciting. I think most understand the factory presets are a benchmark to work from. However, most of the gold is smaller, shallower and I will not be using a "Higher" motion setting when I'm hunting areas where I know the gold is and searching slow. Also, I will not be "Lower" the gain since there is minimal or no interference or instability in my threshold. If there was, I wouldn't be able to find small gold nuggets down to 2-3 grains at depths of 3-4 inches. You're right, I haven't been to OZ, but would love to come over and hunt behind you! P.S. Order 20 of your new GPX-4000 DVD videos. Should have them in a few days if anyone is interested. Just razzing you, Rob Allison
  21. Hello DrKillStick, Welcome to the forums. Thanks for the comments about the pictures. It's always fun to find the gold nuggets laying right on the bedrock. I know all about ditching work and prospecting. Back in the early to mid 90's I was hitting the electronic prospecting hard core. If there was a chance I could skip work for a bit of nugget hunting I would. However, back then finding 1/4 - 1/2 ounce per day wasn't very hard. Sure miss those good old days. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello JP, I found pounds of gold with the GP3500, but did the best with the GP Extreme when it comes to numbers and overall weight. However, I think a lot of that had to do with the new technology (SD to GP). I tried the higher Motion Speed and Lower Gain setting on the GPX-4000 and didn't care for it at all. I believe Montana Bob also stated he used settings close to mine with good results here in Arizona. Just goes to show that your settings might not be the greatest for US hunters, and our settings wouldn't be the best for some places in Australia. I prefer the the slower Motion Speed and Higher Gain on the GPX-4000 for mild to moderate mineralization. I haven't been skunked yet with the GPX-4000, so I'm either using the right settings, have a clue what I'm doing or really freaking lucky! Maybe even a combination of all three ... Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, Read on another forum that Gerry from Idaho scored a nice 22+ ounce gold nugget recently from Ganes Creek, Alaska. That is one heck of a lifetime type gold find! Can't wait to see some pictures of that monster nugget. Don't know Jerry personally, but he is a Minelab dealer out of Boise, ID. Always heard great things about him and how he treats his customers. Congrats Gerry, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Shep, It's tough to beat the Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono. The settings you are running are pretty much the same settings I was using when I found the gold up there. Today I was using the Sensitive/Extra mode with the Coiltek Joey and found stuff so small I had to squint to see them. I seen a post about Gain/Motion settings and must say those settings don't work well at all where I've been hunting. I think everyone needs to understand how the GPX-4000 settings work and go from there. I don't think anyone can tell someone what are the best settings over the Internet, but can give you some good general advice on where to start. Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Guys, It's always nice to find new spots. It was so freaking hot, I think we are going to save that spot for the Winter season. There is a lot of potential in that area, just too far to drive and hunt during the Summer. We did check out another spot not too far from home this morning. Glenn picked up his new GPX-4000 last night and wanted to get some time with it before he leaves for Moore Creek, Alaska. I was so pooped, I didn't even get out and hunt at the first location. We decided to hit the second spot and I finally was awake enough to find two small copper nuggets and two dinky pieces of gold. P.S. For all the recent GPX-4000 customers, just let me know when you want to get out. It's so freaking hot right now, figured most of you guys are staying inside! Most weekends work for me if you're willing to brave the heat. Take care, Rob Allison