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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Gaine, I heard he is coming back today. Hope to hear something and will let you all know. Rob Allison
  2. Hello Grubstake, Nope, that one is mine! Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello All, Here is a scanned image of some of the recent gold nuggets I have found. This spot we have taken close to 3 ounces of nuggets. Biggest so far is just over 1/3 ounce that Leaverite found (not pictured). The gold is very rough and very close to the source. Thought you might enjoy, Rob Allison
  4. Hello RD, Never hunted that country, but I would suggest looking for higher benches to get away from some of the trash. Sometimes the higher benches are older gravels and have less trash unless the old-timers worked them. Don't give up, there is gold along that River, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Trev, Forgot to tell you that Glenn took my "R-Factor" Mono to Moore Creek. Will be interesting to see how it does on the GPX-4000 up there. Hope you continue to bring new designs and configurations out in the near future. I think some of those "Secrect Mono's" would be great sellers. Also, didn't care for those Green test coils. The color .... I really liked the original Tan colored coils or maybe some new you might have cooking! Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Rex, One of the first Coiltek Joey Searchcoil I got was a light Tan color. I really liked the color and hope they come back with it. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Reg, I know when I used to hunt every so often with "Frugal" Floyd Allen, he liked to hunt with a silent threshold on the SD2000. He pretty much knew he was missing some of the smaller stuff, but was pretty convinced he was getting the biggest stuff. I personally never cared much for silent hunting on the SD or GP series. I found you loose small and large nuggets at depth. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Grubstake, Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow buddy. We are all here for you and I will say a special prayer before I go to sleep tonight. Keep us all updated. Rob Allison
  9. Hello Trev, First I would like to say congrats on the ownership of your new business! Yahoo .... Secondly, I'm excited to know you're back in the saddle for the "Research and Development" of new ideas and designs for Coiltek. Trev, you know I have supported Coiltek from day one and will always promote Coiltek. Without a doubt, they are the best aftermarket coil manufacture in the world. Now some might say, well I think another coil is better. Well, to be the best manufacture, it's not all about coils. It's about Integrity, Pride, Customer Service, Good Manufacturing and having a great US Distributor. This is what makes Coiltek the best all around in my opinion. Knowing that Trev is back means a lot. It means we are going to see a lot of new changes and new products in the near future. Last but not least, Trev is open for ideas. For all your gold nugget, coin and relic hunters, it's time for you to give Trev some ideas. P.S. Trev, make sure you keep me on the "Testing Team" for new stuff. I'm always willing to give you my best assessment on new stuff. I've already gave you some suggestions on mono coils. Wishing you the best success Trev. We are all here for you! Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Just curious if anyone has heard how Glenn and a few others are doing at Moore Creek? I know Dave from Tucson was also up there the same week. Wonder if Glenn can pull off another 1 Troy Pound week? I should be hearing from him soon, so if I hear something first I will post it. Wishing them all luck, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Uncle Ron, Coming back from Laughlin this weekend we encountered several huge Monsoon Storms. The Monsoon's do wonders in some areas, but seen other areas where it does very little besides make the ground wet. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Grubstake, Good to hear you guys got out and found at least a nugget. Congrats to Shep! Looks like he is getting a lot of use out of that Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono. I'm telling you, that is one of the hottest searchcoils on the Planet. Leaverite and I took our better halfs to Laughlin this weekend. We did a bit of gambling and Leaverite even done some metal detecting with the Minelab Excalibur along the Colorado River. He mentioned he found a few coils, but just too many people around. Talk about hot, seems like 150 degrees along the Colorado River. I pretty much stayed indoors the entire time and played Roulette & Blackjack. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Reg, I have to agree that the operator has more to do with finding gold than the detector. Over all the years of finding nuggets, I believe I could take a lesser detector out and find more gold than a newbie with a GPX-4000. Reason, finding thousands of gold nuggets I know what to look for, what ground is better looking, can ID very old placer workings and know the likely spots for gold to hide. The detector does help a lot, expecially in mineralized areas, but the operator plays the greatest role. A good operator with a good gold detector can go a long ways. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Guys, I'm loyal to one brand for one reason, "The Minelab detectors kick ass!" However, I'm always open to see what other detectors can do. Just haven't seen anything that will really impress me over the last 5 years. You hear about all these great detectors that are in the works, like the "Titan Project." What the heck happened to that deal? Ken Roberts promised us all a year ago we would see something ... When a customer calls, the first thing I tell them is to get on all the Internet gold forums and see what people are using successfully to find nuggets. This is where you will find your answer. The customers always call back and say, seems like these Minelab detectors are the ones to consider. Not knocking Garrett, but when it first came out their were several Garrett dealers telling people on the Internet forums that the Infinium was better than the SD's and was probably going to beat out the GP series. No one really knew, but I was very sceptical. A couple of friends went out and purchased the Infiniums strickly for gold nugget hunting and for the "so-called" great discriminator it had. Well, these guys used the Infiniums for about an hour and were back using their SD's. I sat and watched them dig a "so-called good target" with the reverse discrimation. After about an hour and two feet deep, it was a tin can!! Just curious what happens to these dealers ... they seem to be very quiet anymore. Reg - Yes, we need to try to equal the detectors out by using like sized coils. The GPX-4000 has much more control, so I'm able to tweak controls I couldn't on the GP3500. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Reg, The only point I didn't like was the battery system. Yes, Fred Mason was somewhat discouraged knowing he just purchased a GS5 and couldn't use it 3/4's of the day, while other guys were hunting 12-16 with Minelabs. I'm not sure he wasn't mis-informed about the detector and battery or he didn't do enough research. Reg, you know me, and I've been using the Minelab PI's for 10+ years now on a very successful level as a recreational nugget hunting. It's going to take something very impressive, much better than the current Minelab PI's for me to make a change. However, I'm always open-minded, just haven't seen anything that will outperform what I'm using now. Let do some testing between units when you back down here. Rob Allison
  16. Hello Chris, I have to agree with you, Minelab metal detectors have so many aftermarket coils and accessories to even make them better at what they do. Not knocking the GS5, but they seriously need to make some improvements on their battery system. Remember the guy that purchased one to head to Moore Creek? He spent thousands of dollars on the trip, thousands on the detector and only got to hunt for about 4 hours. I believe he mentioned it took at least half the day to charge the battery back up, and only to hunt another 4 hours ... Not sure how much the customer researched the detector and battery life before he made the purchase. The plus side of it, the GS5 done very well on porous or "invisible gold" that the Minelab SD/GP's couldn't detect. Jim French owned one and seemed to like the detector. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello JW, You just have to be happy when you're on a roll. I've yet to get skunked with the new GPX-4000, but know it will happen. Just keep trying to beat the skunk as long as I can. Beating up old patches I'm pretty confident I can always get a nugget, but prospecting is where you can get skunked days, weeks or months ... If there are nuggets within range, that Coiltek Joey will find them. One of my most favorite coils for smaller, shallower gold or working tight areas. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello JW, Looks like those will work good. The most important factor is to keep the searchcoil wire from bouncing around on the shaft. Over the years I've seen just about everything used to secure the searchcoil wire. When I used to sell Fisher Metal Detectors, they used to sell a "velcro type sleeve" that was about a foot or so long. This worked great for covering and securing the searchcoil cable. If you used a couple of them, you could pretty much cover the entire shaft (upper and lower). Thanks for sharing the picture. Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Reg, Give me an idea when you think you might make it down here this year? I have a couple of spots that are trashy and would be interesting to see how the PD works in them. Is your Father going to make it down with you again this year? Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Guys, O'29 - It's sure great to see others find that yellow stuff! Over the years conducting field instructions I've gotten a lot of people over their first Arizona gold nugget. You just can't describe the look and expression on their face when they see that yellow. Frosty - Damn, I wondered what happened to you ... Great to see you back on the forums. Glad to hear you're trying to help out down along the US/Mexican border. The GPX-4000 is the latest and greatest from Minelab now. Send me your mailing address through a PM here and I will send you some information. I have probably the hottest special going on the GPX-4000's right now. Hope to see you on the forums more often. P.S. Glenn left for Moore Creek, Alaska yesterday morning. Be interesting to see what he turns up there. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello JW, The GPX-4000 has a greater learning curve over the prior models, but with enough practice you will get it down. I suggest purchasing the new "GPX-Factor DVD" set that I sell. It three hours worth of information stickly about the GPX-4000 metal detector. As far as electrical tape, used to use it for years and never had a problem. What I hated was the fact it got real sticky when it got hot. It also would attract tons of dirt and grim. I suggest the stronger Coiltek tape. One roll will last you several years, maybe even more. Wishing you the best out there, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, Well my partner Glenn just left for Moore Creek this morning, but we discussed what was found in this area so far. We have located 52 nuggets from this area and right at 3 ounces of weight. Not a bad hit for Summer prospecting. More nuggets will be found in the general area, I'm pretty positive of that. However, we are going to give up on this spot for awhile and hit some high country areas until it cools off again. Colorado Bob - Yep, know all about that dreaded heat. This is one reason we are calling it quits on this spot and going to hit the higher country for a bit. Man, can only imagine how hot the Quartzsite region is right now. That is Winter hunting for me ... Looking forward to the upcoming 24K pushes. You going to make it back over there this Winter season? O'29 - Haven't heard much from you lately. Hope everything is well in the Dale District. Keep in touch with us, always enjoyed your stories. Bandana Don - Strange this area hasn't produced much under 1/4 Dwt. Most of the stuff is 1/2 Dwt and better. Not complaining, I would rather find some more sizeable stuff. Have 1000's of those dinky doo's from the Bradshaw's. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Bob, Since you're playing around with the detector, can you tell us if the unit is a "Multi-purpose" or strickly a "Gold Nugget Hunting" metal detector? I'm sure I won't be parting from the GPX-4000 anytime soon, but would be interested in knowing more about an American PI. Keep us updated, Rob Allison
  24. Hello DrKillStick, I've only found a handful of spots over the years that were "Trash Free." Those spots are great cause every target is a nugget! Also, the oldtimers never found them, so there could be a lot of gold around. Most of the trash free spots that I have found have produced a 100 or more gold nuggets. The spot we are currently working does have trash. The oldtimers never placered the wash, but did explore for the vein. Many prospects around the area, so we are finding a lot of tin, nails and some lead. Trash can be a good thing, but doesn't guarantee there is gold. If the area is known for gold nuggets I would continue to dig the trash at least in the "likely looking" spots. These spots would be where the logical nugget(s) would be deposited. I guess I would call it selective digging. Hope this helps, Rob Allison