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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Guys, Thanks for all the comments. I have to work out some details with Minelab USA, Inc., to make sure everything is done right. I will also post more detailed information on where the money will be donated to. Talk with you all soon, Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, I'm hoping to be able to raffle off a new Minelab GPX-4000 in the near future. Have to work out a bunch of details, but if it happens all the funds will go towards a fund that helps Children that are born with Heart Defects that are life threatening. This would give you an opportunity to help a good cause and have a chance to win a $4,000 top of the line metal detector. Anyone interested? Rob Allison
  3. Hello Zippo, It's pretty easy to ID gold or nuggets once you get the eye for it. I will post a picture of some recent nugget additions that haven't been cleaned. Most of the time the nuggets are dirty, covered in dirt, clay or caliche. Nuggets can become Red stained if they are lying in or around a lot of iron mineralization (ie. red soil). Nuggets can also range from their nature color from a light white color to a deep brase looking color. The color can vary depending on the impurities. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Guys, It's always fun to find the bigger nuggets, but I will take all the small ones I can find. The GPX-4000 is amazing on smaller gold at depth. I can honestly say the GPX-4000 is the smoothest metal detector I have owned and operated. Minelab continues to build the best "deep seeking" metal detectors in my opinion. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Leaverite and I have been doing some exploring and found a few areas that are loaded with smaller gold. The biggest nuggets that I have found in this general area have been around 1/4 ounce, but a lot of smaller gold nuggets, fines and flakes. These spots have never been worked by the old-timers, they must have figured they were too unecomonic back then. After about 4 hours of hunting we recovered the nuggets on the searchcoil below. All nuggets were found with the Minelab GPX-4000's and Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoils. Probably the best combination of detector/coil available for smaller gold nuggets. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Doc, Congrats to Jackhammer and his Army of nugget hunters. Would like to make it over there someday to swing a coil. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Guys, My partner recently found a 1 Dwt nugget toward the edge of the new pushes. A couple of 1 - 1.5 Dwters have been found and several dinks. I would guess about 8-10 nuggets were recovered from the West side pushes. My partner mentioned there was still grass clumps in the push, so sounds like they just pushed the boulders off. I'm sure once the push gets deeper more nuggets will be recovered. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Ken, The cheapest gas around Surprise, Arizona that I've seen is $3.03/gallon. I've seen it as high as $3.25 for normal 87 rated octane. Getting way overpriced! Rob Allison
  9. Hello Zippo, Iggy posted the link to the main 24K website. It's one of the best club around for nugget hunting. The club does pushes every so ofter where new ground is exposed. Since the starting of the dozer pushes, more than 500 nuggets have been recovered from the claims. Nuggets so far have ranged from just a few grains up to nearly 2 solid ounces. The claims have produced nuggets well over a pound in the past, I've personally found them as large as 5 solid ounces up there many years ago. Elly is the owner of the club. I suggest you give her a call. Tell her you know me and she will love you to death! LOL ... Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Guys, Thanks for the comments. Leaverite went back and scored another 5 nuggets in the same general area. Ron, I think the soil matrix is "Artillery Peak!" Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Zippo, I used to sell Fisher for many years, so know all about the Goldbugs. Spent a lot of time with a Goldbug2 in Arizona, but tough to work some areas due to the amount of iron mineralization. The advantage of the Minelab Eureka Gold is the "3 Freqs." All other VLF gold hunters are single freq. The multiple freqs give you more versatility over more ground, expecially in the Southwest. Give me a call, Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Leaverite and I went back to a spot that we both worked in the past. The general area has produced a good 100+ gold nuggets, most of them under a Dwt in size. Within 3-4 hours we both found the group of nuggets shown on the Coiltek Searchcoil below. I found the gold nuggets on the right side and Leaverite found the ones on the left. My biggest piece was 1.4 Dwts, the rest are 1/2 Dwt and smaller. The wash is loaded with fines and small flakes. Have plans to take a good friend back that loves to drywash and vac. I wouldn't doubt if there is several ounces in smaller stuff that we can't detect. All nuggets were found with the Minelab GPX-4000's, Coiltek 14-inch Mono Rounds & Joey Mono's. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Dakota, If I can get all my school work done tonight (could be up very late), I will be out there checking out those pushes. Hard to believe not a single nugget was found. I've found some nice ones over there many years ago. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Grubstake, Congrats to your Uncle. That is one hell of a nugget! However, I have my fingers crossed that yours will be much larger than any of them found so far. You have been really good to all the guys you have allowed to hunt up there. I'm hoping yours top over a Troy Pound! Rob Allison
  15. Hello Leaverite, Don't tell anyone about the secret patch you hit! I think that general area has produced well over a 100 nuggets to us. Lets leave a few signs for the guys that love to chase behind us. LOL ... Congrats on the new nugget additions. Rob Allison
  16. Hello Guys, I was talking with Elly last weekend and she stated this Sunday (April 29th) the push on the West side of Rich Hill will be open to 24K members only. I never heard an update on what was found on the "Keene" push. Hopefully some nuggets were found. Keep us updated if anyone makes it out there this coming weekend. Rob Allison'
  17. Hello Grubstake, The pushes have more gold if someone is willing to work them very slowly. Many run across them quickly and miss the faint signals (nuggets at depth). I believe there was close to ten nuggets taken off one push last Sunday. That particular push is like 3 weeks old and still has nuggets on it. Would be nice to find something with a little more weight, but at least I'm keeping that skunk far away. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Uncle Ron, Is that a new find, or something you had from before? Either way there is a good showing of gold. I'm looking for one of those veins about 4 foot thick, 1000 foot deep and about a mile long!! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Grubstake, Jerry and Brent, Good to hear you all had a great time. Great to hear Brent found a nice nugget up there. He's a good guy, but I know Grubstake and Jerry know that already. Hope to make it up there soon, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Jeff, Good to hear you had a great trip and found some metal! I didn't know you were going to be down here or I would have tried to break free for a day. How often are you hunting in Arizona? Thanks for your business. You're going to really fall in love with the Minelab GPX-4000. I've just sold a couple more tonight. Congrats on your finds, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Matt and All, I guess I need to be more specific on why I don't like the price of gold where it's at now. Claims - Back in the early to mid 90's gold was $250-$280 per Troy Ounce. Most of all the good hunting locations were open, most had no interests in claims or mining or prospecting for gold. When the price of gold gets high, you get everyone in their Brother thinking they can make a quick buck searching for gold. Now with the use of the Internet and websites like Ebay, you have many trying to claim and sell everything they can. Passion to Hunt Gold - I never started chasing gold for the money value, but rather the adventure and thrill of the kill. I've always had the "Rockhound" in me since I was a young boy. I love the outdoors and enjoy being out there every moment I can. Prospecting for gold is a way I can "Free" my mind from the daily working stress. Selling Prospecting Accessories - I would be stupid to say I started "Rob's Detector Sales" not to make any money. I have a passion for prospecting and thought it would be great trying to run a small business doing something you really enjoy. If I really had to make a living selling prospecting gear, I would probably be living in 1-bedroom apartment hoping to make my next meal. This business is very competitive and can be a "doggy-dog" world. I don't like telling customers what they want to hear, but rather the real facts. I could probably increase my sales 25-40% if I really BSed all the customers and told them gold was just lying out in the hills and all you needed was a good metal detector. When the price of gold increases, more and more dealers think they can make "big money." Just like guys selling claims on Ebay, new dealers think they can find the "Mother Lode" selling prospecting items. Would I sell more if the price of gold was $4,000? Yes and No. If the price of gold was $4,000, most wouldn't have many spots to prospect. I actually sold more detectors with the price of gold lower cause more areas were open to prospect. I love running the business cause over the years I have met some great people and formed some great friendships. However, if I never sold another prospecting item it wouldn't effect me financially one bit. P.S. Oh, forgot to add there are more nuts in the goldfields when the price of gold is high. I’ve recently heard of two shootings here in Arizona over gold. Gold is not worth anyone’s life, nor is even thinking about pulling a gun on someone in the goldfields. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, Leaverite and I met up with Jeff and his Son Brandon today at Rich Hill. Jeff and Brandon are from Shasta County, California and flew down for their Minelab GPX-4000 field instructions. They both picked up on the GPX-4000 very quickly, so I'm sure they won't have any problems finding gold nuggets back in the Mother Lode State of California. Surprisingly Karl Baltz showed up on the 24k Gold Hunters Claims today. Karl, it was great seeing you again. However, don't let my lucky 14-inch Coiltek coil find too much gold for you! Steve and Kitty, great seeing you again. Glad to hear you beat that damn sickness you had. I know you had one nugget before we left. Did you happen to find anymore? Can't believe seven more nuggets were found on that push. Leaverite and I managed to find seven nugget between us today. I located the nuggets on the right side of the coil. Half of them were found with the Coiltek 14-inch Mono Round, others with the Coiltek 10x5 Joey Mono. On the way back home I met up with Bill and Dianna from Oklahoma. Bill great meeting you and thanks for the business. Hope you and yours find some nice nuggets during your trip. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Bob, I'm not going to Alaska this year, but plan on doing it next year to Moore Creek or somewhere else. Would be nice to get another small group organized and head up together. I've been talking to some customers that purchased GPX-4000's that have a bunch of private property along the Yukon. This might be another option if I can get everything organized before next season. Was going to stop by this evening, but had to meet up with Bill & Dianna around Wickenburg. I picked up 6 small nuggets today during some GPX-4000 field instructions. Dennis found a nice 1.2 Dwter also. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  24. Hello AzNuggetBob, I'm surprised you haven't spent any time, or much time in Alaska. Sure wish I could have been on some of your old hunts throughout the Southwest. Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello All, I know this might sound silly, but I wish gold was around $300/ounce. Back when the price of gold was low, most had no interests to chase it. I don't chase gold for the value, but rather the adventure and thrill of the kill. Price of gold high = more nuts and less places to hunt! Take care, Rob Allison