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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello JW, The DVD video is great, but I like to point out one thing. Keep in mind, the video was done in another Country, so not all of his settings will be the best for you. What makes the GPX-4000 so powerful is the fact you have so many options and settings to work with (unlike prior Minelab's). Also, the GPX-4000 is partially digital, so I believe the signal response is also much cleaner over Analog. I really like the Sensitive/Smooth setting if the ground is noisy. However, try the Sensitive/Extra and see the difference in signal response. I've been experimenting with different settings and found a couple more combinations that work great! Just a matter of playing around, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Grubstake, Leaverite mentioned this weekend that he missed that crystal clear water in the Merced. We are actually getting a good amount of water, some of the creeks are starting to run. I'm hoping we get a very wet Winter. Would love to drop the dredge back in a few creeks. On another note, hopefully we both can get back up there to hunt with you again. I know I really enjoyed it. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Fred, There is no reason to apologize. You just stated the fact about what happened, and many probably wanted to hear the truth. You're a great friend and I'm sure everyone enjoys you on the gold forums. Hope to hear from you more often. Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Well Glenn mentioned he ran his new Minelab GPX-4000 at Moore Creek maxed out! That is right, Gain at 15, Deep, Normal .... etc. He said he knows for a fact he missed several nuggets at depth with the GP3000 that he found with the new GPX-4000. He said at Moore Creek using the cranked up settings the machine still ran very smooth. Sure wish I could have been there ... Rob Allison
  5. Hello Chuck, Oh No .... Not another hyped metal detector. I thought you would have your GPX-4000 by now. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Uncle Ron, Sounds like a lot of people are excited about the new season on the 24K Gold Hunters claims. Just curious if you have heard anything from Elly? Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Billy, Congrats on the new find. It's always fun to find those ellusive gold nuggets. Thanks for sharing the story and photo. Hope you find more soon! Rob Allison
  8. Hey Steve and Kitty, It was great hunting with you both. Congrats on finding more at your spot. I've been driving by the upper part of that wash for years and always wanted to hunt it. I just knew there was gold up there. How big were the gold nuggets you found Sunday? Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Uncle Ron, Let Leaverite try one. I'm always finding him eating something out of the desert. He loves those Cactus Fruits that the Javalina like. However, he did mentioned they have tons of small seeds. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Shep, What the heck, Dennis and I didn't get an invite there? LOL ... Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Bandana Don, My GPS unit is still attached to the Studmuffin's truck. No really, I don't use a GPS anymore. Figured if I ever lost the darn thing someone would know all my secrets. LOL ... Have you been beeping much? Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Leaverite and I headed out early this morning to a remote spots in hopes of some recent Monsoon action. The area was pretty remote and the road has always been rough. On the way in we actually got my truck high-centered and it took us both about an hour to get unstuck. We hunted for about 4 hours and I ended up with (3) small gold nuggets. I found them with the Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoil. Man, it was so humid today, within an hour my entire shirt was drenched in sweat! We tried to hunt longer, we neither of us could keep enough liquids down. <Pictured Below> My three gold nuggets on the left. The nugget on the right is one Leaverite found up near Prescott during the week. P.S. Monsoon rains didn't move much in certain parts of Arizona ... Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Bunk, Congrats on the new nugget find! Hope you're using my pointers I suggested on the last phone call. Just remember, it's a process of ellimination! Back to your nugget, it has great character. Not sure how much you have worked the area, but there is normally more than just one nugget in a wash. You might want to spend more time right around where you found that nugget. The Coiltek Joey Searchoils (Mono and DD Pro) are deadly coils. Probably the best for small gold hunting. However, you just proved they are good for all sized nuggets. Keep up the great hunting Bunk, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Reg and Others, By any means I'm not trying to put down any metal detector out there, just stating the best for "me" is the Minelab GPX-4000 at this time. Reg, when you have been using something successfully for 10+ years, it's tough to make a change. I'm very in tune with the Minelab PI's, and have used them all for at least a couple of years starting with the Minelab SD2000. My ears and mind are programmed to understand what the Minelab PI's are telling me. Thanks for the comments you stated about me. I have a true passion for this hobby, and love every moment I'm able to be out there hunting the ellusive metal. I'm hoping we can get together again this year and do some more testing and nugget hunting. I'm very intersted in hearing more about the White's PI. As much as I love the Australian metal detectors, I would love to support my own country, the USA. Kris - It wouldn't matter if I sold another Minelab, this is just a side business for me. If I had to rely on selling detectors, I would be eating canned beans! I used to be a multi-line metal detector dealer, but sold Minelab ten fold over other manufactures. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Crownking Steve, Kitty and I heading into the Arizona Goldfields this morning. The weather was excellent for nugget hunting with an all day cloud cover. Later in the afternoon the clouds unleashed one of the biggest Monsoon rains I've ever seen. Before the rain ran us all out of the hills, Steve and I found a total of (5) gold nuggets. Today Steve found his second biggest gold nugget to date. <Pictured Below> Steve's (2) nuggets on the left side of the coil, Right side are the (3) gold nuggets I found. Steve was using the GP3500; I was using the GPX-4000. We both were using the Coiltek Joey Mono Searchcoils. Good hunting with you Steve and Kitty! Rob Allison
  16. Hello Gary, Sorry to hear about the crash. Shep PMed me and mentioned you can't get onto the forums, but I see you have logged in and posted. If you're still having problems, email me at - Rob Allison
  17. Hello Shep, Congrats on nice nugget finds! However, you need to let Gary get a nugget every so often. I think Gary is holding out for the monster Mariposa nugget. Crownking Steve, Kitty and I went out today. We hit a bunch of old washes and I thought I was going get my first skunk with the GPX-4000. The very last wash of the day, Steve and I took a total of 5 gold nuggets. Steve got a nice 1.8 Dwter, second largest gold nugget he has found. See, I do take people to spots, just the nice people. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello RD, I know I sell the Coiltek Extension cords for the SD/GP series and even the Minelab Explorer. However, not sure either of these will work for you. You might want to contact my distributor, Doc, and see what he has to say about it. Coiltek actually might have something for that unit. Rob Allison
  19. Hello Fred, I know who you are and your full name, just didn't want to use names on the forum. If I knew it was ok, I would have used your name. In my honest opinion, I think there was a lot of hype about the GS5 before you purchased the detector. Kind of like the hype about the Garrett Infinium. Not that both detectors are not good detectors, but don't met the hype in my eyes. I could probably say this also about Minelab. Even though Minelab detectors get more depth than any other handheld detector that is similar, they don't get some of the exhagurated depths I've seen posted on the forums. What I tell all people before they purchase any detector is, "Research on the forums what detectors are finding the most gold." It's very clear that the majority of the users in the US and OZ are using Minelab Pulse Induction metal detectors for gold nugget hunting. Conclusion: Over the last 10 years, I've heard all the stories, rumors and hype about new gold detectors soon to hit the market. Out of about 20 that were rumored to come out, I've seen about 2 that actually amounted to something. What about the Super Detector from Germany .... What about the Titan .... Many are still waiting. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Uncle Ron, I know a good dozen or so washes in the LSD area that are worth going back to. However, they are all heavily claimed now. I believe Glenn found (2) one-ouncers in one drainage. Thanks for the update, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Glenn, Thanks for the update. The most important part is you're with your Mother. Dawn and I will say a special prayer for your Mother. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Uncle Ron and Colorado, Heard that six more nuggets were found on one of the 24K pushes last weekend. The person only hunted the area for a few hours. The nuggets were all small, but 6 more from a pretty worked areas is good. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Uncle Ron, Probably will go out this weekend and explore some of those places where I think water might have moved some stuff around. Any word on nuggets coming from the WSPA claims? Don't hear much about nugget finds. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Digger Bob, Thanks for at least keeping us somewhat updated. I'm not going to worry about it much, I think it's going to be pretty hard for any manufacture to match the GPX-4000. I'm always hoping to see something new, but "seeing is believing." Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello All, Got an update today that Glenn had to leave Moore Creek early. He found 5 nuggets before he had to leave. I will let Glenn tell the story. Rob Allison