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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Chris, Russ Ford is only one of many unfortunately that went out of business. Even with the high prices of gold, it's tough to keep the doors open when there is so much competition out there, including the Internet. One reason I love the Internet sales is the fact I can prospect on the weekends rather than running a shop. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Mike C. and All, What ever happened to the Titan Project? Ken Roberts promised us all that it would come out and I believe that was at least a year ago if not longer. Reg - I actually have several hotrocks (ironstones and other unidentified rocks) that sound off on the GPX-4000. There are some rocks that will not balance out with even a GPX-4000, regardless what others might tell you. There isn't any handheld, hobby type metal detector that I'm aware of that will balance everything out. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Chuck, I agree with you. Most dealers like AZO spent a lot of money, time and effort putting on outings. However, even though you might not make a bunch of money at the outings, it's all about PR and exposure that eventually lead to future sales. I told myself I'm going to stay out of all this personal stuff. I just have to worry about myself and let others do their own thing. I wish everyone the best of luck out there, it's not easy trying to run a prospecting business. More and more Minelab dealers are going out of business, we lost 2 more here in Arizona. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Dakota, Thanks for the update. Several members have asked me when the pushing might start, I thought it might be early next week. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Reg and Montana, I have a bunch of those "Green Blobs." I actually found them in a different spot than where John B. and others found theres. I found a small gully that was loaded from one end to the other with them. Some were so freaking large it would take several men to even move them. I also found the vein towards the upper end of the wash, pretty much looked like solid copper! Someone mentioned that some of these "blobs" have a small percentage of free gold in them. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Grubstake, I personally don't care to get into these discussions. I've been accused of stuff in the past, all being lies and BS. So what the heck happened? I've gotten PM's asking me what is going down on the AZO forum .... P.S. I'm sure forum admins can scan PM if they really wanted to. I have no clue how, nor would I even think about looking into someone's private conversation with another. Heard a few rumors about a few other admins scanning PM's, but it's all "hear-say" as far as I'm concerned. Hope it gets resolved, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Grumpy, I thought you were going to sell your Platypus DD Pro? Regardless, both the Platypus Waterproof coils are great. I'm really impressed with the new Coiltek Platypus Mono Searchcoil. P.S. I just hit the sack when you called last night. ZZzzzz Rob Allison
  8. Hello Colorado Bob, Yes, you did tell me! You could have at least invited me down. In all honestly, there are a lot of fabricated stories, but when it comes to what has been found, and what will be found on the 24 Karat Gold Hunters Claims, there is no reason to BS. Rich Hill has been one of the richest placer deposits not only in Arizona, but the entire US. Last season there was somewhere between 500-700 gold nuggets found. I know I found close to 100 myself and know several others that found just as much. There is no telling how many nuggets are being found and not getting reported, just like in the early days. I'm sure there was some Monster gold nuggets that never got reported. I'm wishing everyone the best of luck on the claims this year and hoping someone will find a very nice nugget. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Dakota Slim, Well stories sure do grow when it comes to hunting gold nuggets. Gary told me personally he found right at 3 ounces from the hole and then the nice 31.2 Grammer. That is a total of 4 ounces from the hole. Heard a story about a guy finding a 2-pounder on the 24K claims recently. I eventually got to met him and he said the nugget was his first, and was 2.3 Dwts! Wow ... how the hell did that story grow so big. Dakota, we found 3 times that amount, but it pettered out really quickly. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Dakota Slim, I will take a look at Steve's coil one of these weekends. Do you have a GPX? Thought I heard you mention you still have a GP Extreme. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Matt, I know I sell a lot of the Minelab Explorer 2's, and now the Explorer SE. I've gotten a lot of very good feedback on them. Now since I have a coin/relic forum, I'm hoping some of them will post some of their finds. I personally can't say much, my speciality is gold nugget hunting. Hopefully others will give some feedback. Rob Allison
  12. Hello Dakota Slim, Everyone has their own preference on what they want to do with waterproof searchcoils. If I was going to hunt just the beaches with beach sand, I personally would remove the coil cover to elliminate sand from getting under the coil. This might not be the best method, but I know wet sand won't wear down the searchcoil on the bottom. If you're hunting under water where you might be scratching or beating up the bottom, I would suggest leaving the coil cover on the Platypus. Silicon is another option, but you will have to scrap it off if you need to ever replace a coil cover. P.S. I still have a couple in stock, but they are selling fast. Let me know if you're interested in on. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Guys, Here is a picture of the Minelab key chain you will receive if you purchase a Minelab metal detector from now until Oct. 31st, 2007. Mini Multi-Tool with LED Light (*) Six tools in ONE: Pliers, Knife, Screwdriver, Wood Saw, Can Opener and LED Flashlight (*) Bright, Long-Lasting LED Bulb (*) Durable Stainless Steel Construction (*) Nylon Belt Sheath Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Alan, For a normal, run of the mill gold nugget, it would have to be at least 5.7 solid troy ounces to pay for a GPX-4000. I honestly haven't found one of those since the GP Extreme, but it was almost double that size and solid. What, Minelab sells directly to customers now .... Rob Allison
  15. Hello Dakota Slim, I didn't have any problems with rocks, but didn't hunt the pushes much. Steve was hunting the "birm" piles and pushing his coil through the soft material. If you keep the coil flat it's tough for the rocks to get between the coil and coil cover. It's just a matter of preference if you want to tape those spots to elliminate small rocks or dirt to get under the coil. The DD's, or DD Pro's from Coiltek are a bit more stable for the most part over Mono coils. However, like Grubstake mentioned the Mono's are very stable on the Minelab GPX-4000. Monoloop's also are a bit more sensitive and get a bit more depth over the same sized DD or DD Pro. Yes, The DD Pro Platypus uses the same mold as the Platypus Mono. Heavy Duty Coiltek tape is available, or I suggest high quality electrical tape, not the "el cheapo" stuff that get real sticky and falls off when it gets hot. P.S. The gap is about 1/32nd, not even close to 1/16th of any inch, let alone 1/8th of an inch. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Tool, I wouldn't doubt you could find gold just about anywhere along the Hassayampa River. There are a lot of old benches high and dry that need to be sampled. I've personally found some nice gold nuggets along the Hassayampa with a metal detector in a handful of spots. Need to get back and visit some of these spots that require some foot work. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Grubstake and gang, Well while I'm out hunting hard with the new coil, you guys get to knock out larger nuggets with the new coil! I'm pretty darn impressed with this new coil, and it's only the beginning my friends. Coiltek has a bunch of new stuff on the way. Jerry, damn that is a very nice gold nugget. I just had a feeling you would score a big one with the new coil you purchased from me. I was going to place a coil under the coil cover, but thought since you're a nice friend I would wish the coil luck. Haha.. Congrats. I believe I have maybe two Coiltek Platypus Mono's left after this weekend. I think Doc mentioned he is just about out also. Sounds like all you guys had a great time. Wish I could have been there. Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, This weekend I camped out on the 24Karat Gold Hunters Club claims with some friends. Figured the hill would be a good place to test how the Platypus Mono works. I was very impressed on how quiet the coil was in the hunting postion, the lightness and overall strength of the coils design. The coil is deadly on small gold at depth. I didn't find any big targets, but did find three nuggets at depth with the new searchcoil. Steve S., Leaverite and a few others were impressed with their new Platypus coil. I showed the coil to a few Minelab users and they wanted one right away! No doubt Coiltek has done it again with another great searchcoil for the Minelab metal detectors. This is the first, small, completly waterproof mono searchcoil available for the Minelab SD, GP and GPX series. That's right, the new coil will work on the Minelab SD2000, 2100, 2100v2, 2200d, 2200v2, GP Extreme, GP3000, GP3500 and the newest GPX-4000. Take a gander at the pictures below to see the new coil and some gold nuggets that were found with it. Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Guys, Just an update, the customer came over last night and mentioned he is in the process of getting his money back through PayPal. However, you have to do a bunch of paperwork and it takes some time for them to investigate. The seller disconnected his phone number ... go figure! Rob Allison
  20. Hello All, The 24 Karat Gold Hunters Club is having a club meeting/seminar for the opening season October 11th, 2007 in Congress, Arizona. The meeting will start around 4pm. I (Rob's Detector Sales) will be putting on a small seminar on metal detecting and information, while several others are doing other small seminar's on prospecting equipment. This is a great opportunity for members and non-members to learn more about prospecting and metal detecting equipment. I will be giving out about a dozen prices, so make sure you show up!! I will post more details on the exact location and contact members if you need them. Rob Allison
  21. Hello Fred and others, Thanks for the information. This Octave Token is aluminum. Will get a picture of the other one I have up soon. I also have some other relics I found that I will post. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Alan, It's always great to hear that people who hunt hard can pay for their metal detectors, even the expensive Minelab PI's. I've paid for my GPX-4000 also and know several others here in Arizona that have also. It really only takes one nice nugget to pay for a good metal detector. You guys are onto a great patch! Keep up the great hunting. P.S. Where did you get your GPX-4000? Rob Allison
  23. Hello Doc and All, Actually the customer that purchased from Ebay did get the person information and phone number, but also had his information sent to the seller. The guy called several times and actually got in contact with someone, but they claim the seller is out of town ... It's been over a week and the customer hasn't heard anything. I told the customer to contact Ebay and Paypal since he used that service. I told him if he waited any longer he might not get anything. Thanks for all the help, I will pass it on. Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, A customer and his wife came over last night to purchase a metal detector. He was pretty upset and told me he recently got burned on Ebay. He purchased a White's Goldmaster, paid for it and never received the detector. He has sent several emails and even a few calls to the Ebay seller, but never has heard anything back. What should this customer do next? Any help would be appreciated. Rob Allison
  25. Hello Alan, Congrats on the new gold nugget finds! Looks like you guys have one hell of a patch going out there. Hope you guys continue to find a bunch more. Thanks for sharing, Rob Allison