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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Mike C., This spot is many hours from the Weavers. Those pieces haven't been clean, but after I cleaned one of them they turned out very golden in color. I know what you mean about that brassy colored gold, I have some from the same general area you were talking about. Having any luck lately? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Bob, If you had to make an educated guess, what percentage of the time did you find nuggets out of the wash (upper benches or hillsides) when you found nuggets in a wash? I know this is a hard questions to answer ... I've found hundreds of washes over the years that had nuggets, but very few times every found something on the hills above. I know the better patches are probably high and dry. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  3. Hello 29Prospector, I heard you purchased Steve F's used GP Extreme. I know it can find gold, cause I've hunted with Steve many times down South over the years. I believe I sold him that GP Extreme. Good to hear you're back onto the gold seam. Hope to see more stories and pictures in the near future. Rob Allison
  4. Hello Glen, Interesting gold nugget you found there. The shape of the nugget can drastically change the tone of the target to resemble a trash target sound. Most of the time, long nuggets like the one you found will give you that "double hit," which is normally a piece of wire or nail. You have to dig everything to be sure. Thanks for sharing and Congrats! Rob Allison
  5. Hello Grubstake, Heck no I wouldn't mind, go ahead and post it. Rob Allison
  6. Hello Bob, Since you're a "Master Patch" finder I might need to ask you for advice. I get really discouraged hunting the hillsides for any amount of time. I know it's like a needle in a haystack, but know if I could just get one it might lead to a nice patch. The nuggets we are finding are very local and I'm sure there would have to be a few on the higher benches or low sloping hillsides. Any suggestions? Rob Allison
  7. Hello Uncle Ron, Congrats on the new nugget/specimen find! There's no doubt you know that LSD country well and seem to find nuggets every trip out there. Thanks for sharing the story and pictures. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello 29Prospector, Great to see you're still out there pounding the dirt and finding some color. If we had to make a living at this gold stuff it would be tough. Too much "hit and miss." However, the friendship, wildlife & muscle workout is the true gold. Hope you're beeping all those holes after you dig them up. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Grubstake, We both have been great friends over the years, even though we never have met or hunted together. I know how you are feeling right now, so I'm praying that the Lord will give you and your family Strenght, Comfort and Understanding during these times. If there is anytime I can do for you Gary just let me know. Warm regards, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, I would also have to agree, the Coiltek Wallaby series are great coils. I've found a bunch of gold with them over the years. Almost a pound alone in Alaska with the Wallaby DD Pro. Pretty darn good price, since a new one is $349.00 + Shipping. I'm sure you won't have a problem selling the coil Ron. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Guys, The little one hit pretty good on the GPX-4000. I had the Gain at 14, was in the Sensitive/Deep mode, Sensitive Extra, Deep Audio and Mono Mode. The coil I was using was the Coiltek Joey Mono. The gold is very rough, or coarse. There are a couple of small prospects and one smaller mine we found towards the end of the day. I believe one of these was the original source to the gold. Some hillside hunting is needed, since there might be a patch just up out of the wash. Chuck - I have hundreds of those "Rob's Detector Sales" stickers for your coil or whatever you want to place them on. Send me over a PM with your address again and I will get some out. AZNuggetBob - Nope, this is nowhere near where we talked. I wouldn't even attempt to check that spot without your permission or without you being there. I figured you already hit the location. We need to get out there before it gets too damn hot though. Talk with you all soon, Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Sunday morning Leaverite and I headed out to a new spot. We found several small drainages where the old-timers placered during the Depression years. Several small camps and a lot of shallow prospects around this new area. We worked the area for about 6 hours and ended up finding seven really rough gold nuggets and a ton of trash. The old-timers loved to toss all their junk right back into the washes, so it was tough digging all the iron rubbish. Speaking of small gold nuggets, take a look at the small gold nugget I found lying on the "Rob's Detector Sales" sticker. Haven't weighed the piece, but my guess would be about a grain, maybe 1.5 grains. I found the four nuggets on the right side of the coil, Leaverite found the three on the left. Take a gander at the pictures below, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Bob and All, I found some huge copper pieces down South several years ago and heard some of them have a fair amount of silver and gold. Never had an assay done on the ones I have, but know where someone could pick up an easy 100-200 pounds an hour if they wanted. I guess they dubbed these pieces the "Green Turds." Heard they have minimal free copper metal, but the damn things sure are heavy. Talk to you all later, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Goforgold, Congrats on your gold finds. Yes, I would also consider the 4 grainer a nugget. I call anything about 2-3 grains and up a nugget. Did you recover the gold from a Drywasher, if not, what method was used? Talk to you soon, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Guys, I personally seen some of AZNuggetBob's knives and they are top notch! He does great metal work, but the leather work is awesome. Bob, Dennis and I found several smaller nuggets in a new spots today. Man, it was freaking hot though .... Talk with you later, Rob Allison'
  16. Hello Grubstake, Yep, the Wallaby does shoot deep! Today Leaverite and I hit a new spot and scored seven small nuggets. Biggest find was about a DWT size, but very rough and not far from the source. Was using the Coiltek 14-inch Round Skippy Mono and the Coiltek 10x5 Joey Mono Searchcoil. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Grubstake, Good to see your back onto the gold within no time flat. I sure would like to get up there sometime, but with my schedule I'm not sure it's going to happen anytime soon. Don't like to hear about your heart deal again, I think you need to take it easy. Congrats to all you guys, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Bunk, People have done fair while drywashing in the pushes, but there are spots that are much better. If someone would spend some time and effort working some of the smaller drainages they would get into some nice spots. It takes a lot of sampling to find a good spot for production type drywashing. However, once you find a nice spot you might be surprised on what the oldtimer's left behind. Right now the ground is pretty damn from the rains, so drywashing might not be the best method until it drys out a bit. Drywashers work best when the material is extremely dry. The Keene 151 does shoot out hot air to help dry the soil if you have one of those. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, A person contacted me through email and asked about the Coiltek WOT 15-inch coil for the Minelab Explorer. As we got to emailing each other back in forth, the person wasn't really coin/relic hunting, but rather searching for huge pieces of copper float. Take a look at what the customer says and the pictures below -
  20. Hello Bill and Diana, First I would like to welcome you to the forums. There was a lot of talk about the early Minelab GP Extreme's being very noisy, some even bad. There was also some talk about the serial numbers as a partial ID to the problems. I'm not sure ther serial numbers really meant much, but there was some bad Extreme's floating around. I know I had one of the first GP Extreme's that hit US soil. The unit was noisy, but was hot as a pistol on small gold and small gold at depth. If you get a chance, give Dick Shultz at Minelab USA, Inc. (Las Vegas) a call and tell him you know me. He will give you the scoop on the serial numbers and if there are problems. You can also send in your detector and have it serviced there if you think there might be a problem with the detector. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Everyone, Thanks for all the comments. To be honest, it's not about numbers to me, it's the service you will receive. I have customers that have purchased detectors years ago and they still call for advice and tips. When you purchase a detector for me, I will make sure you understand the detector and how to use it to its full potential. I also offer unlimited phone and email support beyond the field instructions. To be even more honest (if that possible) I just have a downright passion for this hobby. I enjoy talking about gold, looking and gold and even finding gold! Feel free to email me at - or call me anytime during normal hours at (623) 362-1459. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Joe, Yes, those are great picks. Just curious if you are still taking dealers for them? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Dredger, Yep, Congress is getting much bigger in size. Houses going in everywhere also 89 and within the town of Congress. I think there might be a few nuggets left in that country! Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Ralph, The cheaper price for a club around Rich Hill is the Weaver Mining District claims. The yearly membership is only $25. However, these claims have, and are getting pounded to depth. Dig holes from drywashers and detectors everywhere. For the price though you can't beat it! My favorite club is the 24K Gold Hunters Club. This club has some of the premier hunting grounds for gold nuggets on Rich Hill. Their claims are located in the famous Devil's Nest area, which is right below the famous Potato Patch on top of Rich Hill. The membership is $350/year, but they have a new well for water and push the claims every couple of weeks. Roadrunners, GPAA & LDMA are a couple of other choices. Wishing you the best of luck out there, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Guys, Some great points on hunting in and around objects. The Mono searchcoils do work best since they are "hot" on the very outer ridge of the coil. Keep in mind, if you're using a DD coil it's crucial to keep the very front of the coil in places you think there might be a nugget. Small nuggets, or larger nuggets at depth will not detect well on the edges of a DD searchcoil. The Electromagnetic field is strongest right down the middle of the coil, and on the top and bottom edge. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison