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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Uncle Ron and Scorpion, I'm going to wear my clown suit the next time I'm at the 24K claims. This will allow me to hunt without being noticed! If Ronald showed up without any Big Macs, Quarter Pounders or at least some Nuggets I would be pissed. Good to hear nuggets are still being found. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, I wasn't up there this weekend to see what was going on, but heard about "Non-Members" detecting the pushes. I received about 6 emails in the last couple of days asking me what I knew about this. Like I said, I wasn't there, so really don't know what was going on. I know it's a rule of the club to have your membership badge on at all times. I heard there was at least half the people on the pushes that were new faces and didn't have badges. I also heard there was a lot of politics in the filming, with only a few guys getting the bulk of the filming! P.S. Also heard someone was walking around in a clown suit? Is this true? I would have filmed the clown detecting ... Rob Allison
  3. Hello Iggy, Thanks for posting an update. Congrats to Bunk on his nugget! Was anything of size found today on the pushes? How was the filming, are you now famous? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Jade, Speaking of ladders, I seen two extention ladders laying along I-10 and 83rd ave this afternoon. Looks like the owner never knew they fell off. They looked brand new and I'm surprised no one pulled off to pick them up. I will be keeping an eye out for any Minelab detectors laying along the Stanton Road. I promise to return them to the owner! Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Uncle Ron, Good Find! Did you find it with the Goldbug or SD2100? Hope you're able to locate more specimens or placer below the area. Keep us all updated. If you need a helping hand picked up buckets of gold quartz specimens, you know your Nephew Rob is always out here. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Terry, Was hoping you would stop back over to the booth. Saturday was very busy and was tough to spend any amount of time talking to one person. I kept telling everyone to stop back over, but the crowd was pretty consistant the entire day. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Grayhorse, I've never personally spent any time around that country. However, heard of some good stories over the years though. I know a good friend, Floyd Allen (now passed) that found some nice nuggets around Tuscarora. Never asked about any details though. Thanks for joining the forums and hope you find some good nuggets. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Guys, It's amazing what falls off vehicles and quads on the Stanton Road. A couple of years ago I found a brand new shovel that probably fell off someone's quad that was drywashing. I've found a handful of bungee cords and other small tools along the road. Never found a tire, new GPX-4000 or dropped nugget yet! Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Chris, Looks like I have a workshop that morning and might have to work a portion of the day. However, if everything works out as planned, I'm coming out Saturday evening and will stay the night. A few cold ones will go down nice after the long work week. I'm sure we can round up some wood, if not, I'm sure someone will drag some out. Looking foward to seeing everyone. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Grubstake, Hope you have a wonderful Birthday. You're a special friend and I appreciate all the things you have done for me. Wishing you a big giant nugget the next time you're on the patch! P.S. How old are you, 40? Rob Allison
  11. Hello Montana Bob, Sure wish I had more free time to hunt nuggets. You detecting skills are amazing! I would be the last person to ever question you on your nugget finding abilities with the Minelab's. Take that back, with a VLF or PI, heard stories about you in OZ in the early days. Thanks for sharing your finds. Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Chris Gholson's 4th Annual AZO Prospector's Outing will be Feb. 17th - 18th (Sat., Sun.). I highly recommend you show up to this event to learn more about electronic prospecting. There will be guest speakers, successful nugget shooters, Minelab Detectors and new AZO Products and tons of other stuff going on. Ultimately you will get to meet Chris Gholson himself. Chris is far more than just a successful International nugget hunter, but a major contributor to many prospecting magazines, author of many books and owns/operates Arizona Outback (AZO) & Nuggetfinder USA. To learn more about this exciting event, visit this link -- ARIZONA OUTBACK'S OUTING Don't miss out, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Grubstake, I was just razzing you a bit. Yes, I'm getting old. Shades of gray, eye sight getting worse, getting the Dunlap Disease .... I would love to come up there sometime (sooner than later), but I'm so busy with college, work and the business I'm not sure when I will be able to escape. POISON OAK! Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, Headphones are all preference in my opinion. I really like the Black Widow's, I think they are louder and mask out the outside noise. I haven't used the stock Koss-UR30's in some time, but the Black Widow's were better for me. Everyone's hearing is different, so you have to find what works best for you. There are some that swear by the Accu-Sound "El Cheapo's," but I couldn't imagine wearing them. However, some headphones might be more sensitive to low/high pitches vs. others. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Grubstake and others, Congrats on the new nugget finds! When do I get an invite? LOL ... Are you now able to post pictures Grubstake? Rob Allison
  16. Hello Everyone, Thanks for all your patience and understanding. I believe we have taken care of all the spam with the validation process. The only problem is I have sort through all the new members, some have strange usernames so I have to guess on some. If you're trying to get onto the forums and you haven't been "validated" please email at - The slow forum issue should also be resolved since I requested to have the server moved to another one. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello DigAU, I hoping to see the Coiltek 14-inch "Skippy's" in soon. A handful of guys asked about them at the Mesa Gold Show. I believe I have 9-10 on backorder right now and several have paid in advance for them. The minute I know something about them I will post it here. Hope you all do well at the upcoming 24K push and filming. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Montana, Damn, you're tearing it up out there! Chris, Alyssa & Steve stopped by the booths this weekend at Mesa. Was great to see them again. Congrats on all the recent nuggets (500+). Save a few for us weekend warriors. Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Grubstake, Give it a try now and see what it says. I think I fixed it. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Jade, Damn, I didn't even get to see you. Yes, the first hour or so the booth was crazy busy!!! Did 90% of the sales the first hour and last hour of the day. This is by far my best show to date. I expect tomorrow to be much slower, but will have more time to chat with people. That Pinstriping you seen adds character to my truck. If I buff it anymore I will be through the clear coat, if I'm not already. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Uncle Ron, I just heard of another 3/4 ounce nugget found from push 5. I never get to see these nuggets, nor to many people know about them. I makes me wonder if they are really being found. The report I got from the last pushes is 4 nuggets, 2 nuggets the first day. Push 3 has been unproductive, Push 4 not far behind it with only a few nuggets found. Push 2 & 5 have been the sleepers! Would like to see the area between 2 & 5 pushed out. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello All, I'm setting up 3 booths at the GPAA Mesa Gold Show today. I will have a full line of Minelab Metal Detectors, everything Coiltek makes, Picks, Magnets, Battery Systems, Headphones and tons of other stuff. Make sure you stop over and take a gander, if not, we can always just shoot the breeze! Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, Well first I must say I was able to resolve the Porn Spam, but that wasn't what knocked down the forum. As all noticed last week the forum was getting very slow and sluggish to load. Well come to find out the server my website and forums were hosted on was at 93% use. I requested to have my site moved to another server and in the process of doing so the hosting company crashed my forums! Took a few days to get it back online, but we should be good from here on out. Heading to the Mesa Gold Show right now. Hope to see you all there. Rob Allison
  24. Hello Guys, It does come down to common sense and being courteous. I've had people turn their detector on within just a few feet and stand there just looking at me! Now I know they are hearing the same LOUD Interference I'm hearing, so what's the deal ... ? Or, the people that decide they are done for the day, but instead of just turning off their detector they walk across the push with the unit still on interfering with everyone else. The small searchcoil size should help a bit, if not, we will have to figure something else out. Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hello All, This morning I couldn't get on again! Ipower, the hosting service keeps telling me it's on our end. I guess everyone that is having trouble within the last couple of days must install Flash and check your Internet Service. You have to be serious ... where do they get these $10/hour Tech Support Reps? I haven't talked to one that had a freaking clue what he was doing. I think they just read the crap out of a book. "If the customer is having this problem, turn to page 42 and read!" I'm hoping I can get through to 2nd or 3rd level Tech Support here soon. Please continue to post if you're having trouble getting on the forum. I'm using this post as referrence so they can see it's just not me, but a bunch of other people. Take care, Rob Allison