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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Bob, Yep, they are hard to find just laying there. I have a section on my website where you can see a bunch of nuggets I have found over the last couple of years in nature. GOLD NUGGETS IN NATURE I have a lot more pictures, just haven't updated the website as of yet. Hope you're finding some good ones. Rob Allison
  2. Hello Goldmember, None of the Vac-Pac systems I've seen have a filter. You don't need one, just suck the material up and into the 5-Gallon bucket. The fines won't blow out, since there is no way for them to escape. A Vac-Pac is a very important piece of equipment if you're drywashing. I've found a lot of small nuggets in people's drywash holes cause they didn't break up the bedrock and suck up the material. The Keene 141 Drywasher and Vac System is nice setup for a 1-2 man team. Good luck out there, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Uncle Ron, I knew that batch of gold would sell quickly at that price. Too bad you had to sell it, but I know you won't have any trouble collecting more. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Brenda, The Quartzsite area has been one of my favorite stomping grounds over the years, expecially during the Winter season. I guess that 8.5 ouncer I found many years ago keeps me coming back! As for packing the detector and gear on the plane, I've done this many times heading to Alaska. I recommend taking the detector apart and packing the control box with you on the carry on. Just in case something would happen or gets lost, the control box is the most important piece. The other stuff just pack in your suitcase, but pad them well (searchcoil, battery, charger ...). I've been stopped a few times at Airport Security, even pulled off to the side in Anchorage, Alaska. They had to swab the control box and battery! I didn't know I looked Middle-Eastern, but .... Yes, there are a handful of spots within just 15 minutes or so. I've found nuggets right along I-10 many years ago. Yes, you can find gold in the rockhound area, others you can't. Some of the better rockhound areas seem to be closer to the mines, some of them being non-gold bearing. I'm not sure I will be out there, but recommend you contact Colorado Bob on this forum. He pretty much lives outs there and could give you some better pointers. P.S. Thanks for the recent order. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Leaverite invited me to join him on a hunt to a new spot he found in one of my old stomping grounds. Tried detecting this place years ago, but the amount of Ironstones and Basalts wouldn't allow the early Minelabs to work well. However, the new Minelab GPX-4000 with a Coiltek 14-inch Mono Searchcoil just purred through the area in the Sensitive/Smooth mode. After about 4 hours of hunting, Leaverite and I found (7) more nuggets from the area. I haven't weighed them, but mine are the (6) gold nuggets on the right side of the coil. There was a small drainage coming down through the area that has exposed bedrock in it. I figured since the wash went right through the patch area it should hold a nugget or two. I found the nugget pictured below laying right on bedrock. Check out the pictures below. Rob Allison
  6. Hello Karl and All, Here are some new additions for that spot. See when you have "Great" friends like Leaverite we can work the spots together. I just hope I can get over a 1+ ouncer ... LOL. Leaverite found the nugget on the left and I found the (6) nuggets on the right. Always great to hunt new spots way off the beaten path! Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, Many of my friends and customers already know, but I'm in the process of moving from one location to a new location. I'm going to be even closer to the goldfields! During the process of moving, it might take a bit longer for me to respond. I'm still conducting business on a normal level, but due to no Internet Access and Phone at the new location, I'm running back in forth for the next week or so. All Minelab Detectors, Coiltek Searcoils/Accessories and all other Electronic Prospecting Equipment is in stock at all times. Check out my Holiday Detector Specials for some of the best deals for Mail Order and Local Residents. This has been one of my best business years to date, and I owe it all to you. Thanks a million for supporting Rob's Detector Sales and continuing to help my business grow. P.S. I also landed a much better job (a lot more money) and a new residents. Everything is working out perfect ... I owe it all to the Lord, Parents and Great Friends. If you need to get a hold of me right away to order something, or if you have questions, try the business line first @ (623) 362-1459 or my personal cellular @ (602) 909-9008. If I don't answer, I promise to get back with you ASAP. Wishing you all a Happy Holiday, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Bob, You're very welcome! Good to hear and see some of those nuggets you've been talking about. Will stop by one of these days to show you my new goodies (Gold)! Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Leaverite, Well it's good to see you back "in the saddle" again, at least for nuggets! Over the years I have met and prospected with hundreds of people, very few are like you. For all the people that don't know Leaverite, he's one of the most generous, sharing, caring friends one can have. He will even let you have a run or two at his patches. Thought that worked out well until the 1.6 ouncer! LOL ... Congrats on the new nuggets from a completely new area. We seriously need to explore that country more this winter. I've always known there was nuggets in that area, just spent minimal time exploring due to the remote country and access. Could be some sleepers up there somewhere. Good to know when you're running "half-ass settings" on the GPX-4000 you can still find nuggets! P.S. Gaine, do you already have a Kangaroo Nugget Pouch? You also won one, so let me know if you want it or I will credit you the amount for whatever you order in the future. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Dredgebug, Hehe ... Well Minelab stated you can still order them, but they don't have any in stock. I figured until they have them back in stock I will pull the special down. No reason to tease anyone! You're going to love the GP3500, especially with the bundle package you will receive. I still have my GP3500 and have no plans to sell it in the near future. Dawn mentioned she wants to go back out, so I will let her use the GP3500, maybe my GPX-4000 if she is nice enough. Thanks for the purchase. Detector sell very well this time of year. I must thank Minelab for making such great prospecting, relic and coin detectors. Looking forward to meeting you on the 24K Club Claims here in a few weeks. All the club members are great people and very helpful. Hopefully we can get over some nuggets to boot. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Just wanted to post a quick note for all the people that might not check their email or might not have Internet Access. The dozer went down again, so there will be NO push this weekend on the 24K Gold Hunters Club Claims. They are hoping to rent a dozer for the following Saturday (Dec. 9th). Just a note, you don't have to hunt the pushes to find gold! Rob Allison
  12. Hello CrownKing Steve, I received your PM about the coil. I'm not 100% sure what is going to happen this weekend. Dawn is wanting to get everyone moved into the new home. I want to go prospecting .... the home can wait! Keep in touch with me before Friday as I should know by then. I need a couple more 3+ Dwt pieces. Rob Allison
  13. Hello Doright, I seen the PM earlier at college. I will hold both of them and try to touch base with you tomorrow. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Uncle Ron, Thanks for listing my website/forums on your website. When I get established in the new home I'm going to spend some time re-working my site. I'm going to get it back to where it used to be. I used to generate a good 100+ emails per day. Anyone I bump into I mention your custom maps to them! Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Steve, Are you camping out, or just going out for the day (Saturday)? You have an hot spots up there you can show me? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  16. Hello There, I've been to the forum a million times and there is very little new information. I was hoping the forum would move along a bit better. Come on now you Nevada Nugget Hunters, post more information so we can hear and see about it!!! That site is saved in my favorites, check it every night along with the other major gold prospecting forums. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hello John, LOL .... Hopefully the weather will clear up there so you can get out with it. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Guys, Karl - Great to see you again also. Glad you got over some nuggets before you headed back to the Great State of Texas! I probably should have stuck around Saturday night, since Reg Sniff showed up Sunday morning at Rich Hill. I didn't know he was showing up there or I would have stuck around another night. I might have found another nugget or two. Give me a call tonight if you get a chance. SkipperBill - Great meeting you and your wife. The more you use the GPX-4000 the more you will like it. I'm finding out new setting combinations every time I go back out with it. I haven't been skunked with it yet, so I'm hoping the trend continues. The people you meet on the 24K Gold Hunters Claims are all great. If you ever have any questions on the GPX-4000 feel free to call, email me or post it here. I'm looking forward to the new Coiltek Battery System for the GPX. P.S. Where the heck is CrownKing Steve? He used to post all the time ... Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Karl and others, The most important thing is knowing the SuperFix is giving you more performance vs. your stock setup. An extra inch of depth in the right spots can mean more gold! When I was running the SD2100 many years ago I did everything to increase the performance. This included a Coiltek 7.3v regulated battery system, Coiltek Searchcoils, Coiltek Amp & DetectorPro Headphones. These extra accessories helped me find more gold over the years with the SD. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello All, Just a quick update from this weekend. Uncle Ron scored a nice 1.2 Dwter with a smaller searchcoil and Karl found (3). Not sure on the weights of his nuggets at this time. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello All, The Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono is SOLD. I believe I also have the Platypus 11-inch sold. Mark, give me a call back if you get a chance. I got in too late tonight to call you back. Rob Allison
  22. Hello Gubelube (John), Thanks for letting me know you received the GP3000. You're going to really like the detector. Are you considering the Coiltek Pocket Rocket System? If so, I will just toss the Bungee Knuckle in with it, if not, I will send it separately. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Gaine, Way2cool brought it my my attention that you mentioned the Studmuffin Twins. I'm going to send you both a Kangaroo Scrotum Nugget Pouch, so both of you will need to send me your complete mailing addresses. Probably best to send them to my email or a forum PM. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Way2cool, Well you guessed right! It was Scotty W. Please send me your mailing address and I will send you the prize I stated. Who would think Scotty would get one before his big Brother. Lamar - I really like the GPX-4000. I always have them in stock if you're interested. I also still have your other stuff you ordered. Talk with you all soon, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Largo, The "C" is if you purchased the "A" without the switch and decided to wanted to have the switch. Some like the switch, but I like just the probe since I don't like other stuff dangling from the detector shaft. Give Doc a call since my special already ended .... LOL Take care, Rob Allison