It's going to be a hot one tomorrow.... Still going to go!!

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Hey Cowkiller,

During this time of year, I always recommend prospecting with a partner. However, that is not always the case, so if you're going alone, make sure you bring plenty of liquids, wear lightweight clothing, sun screen and carry a cell phone if possible. I also recommend a 12v battery jump box, as I have came back to my vehicle several times during this time of the year and the battery was dead!

Be safe and good luck!

Rob Allison

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Oh careful and keep cool.

Hope you get some yellow! :)
Let us know how it goes.

Tom H.

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Just got home thanks for the replys! I took tons of h20 sweated and just bearly beat the skunk. :) got a little 1/4 gammer. Decided about noon I was hot and wore out so didn't do any drywashing. Yeah its always better to have a partner this time of year and the extra motivation usually keeps each of us in the field a little longer.

Rob I never even thought about bringing a jump box that would be a good idea. much better than walking.

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A lot of good advise here, I have to agree Rob on that back up battery, it seems like if my truck battery is old it fails in the summer time. The only thing I can think of to add here is especially if your hunting solo, tell someone were your going and when you expect to be back. AzNuggetBob

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Hey Cowkiller,

Congrats on your nugget,

I'm glad Buckeye Boy or myself didn't have to brave that heat to come look for you.

P.S. how did you get your name, if memory serves me I remember something about 2 black cows, 2 prospecting trips, 2 wrecked trucks, O dark thirty all with in about a month. Lol

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Yeah Blake that just about sums it up..... One in kingman and the other on the road home from wickenburg both about 10pm. middle of december next middle of jan. 30 days later to be exact. Poor trucks and what a waste beef for two skunks of detecting!! On another note... you too would have loved to come find me. Give you guys something esle to poke fun at.. :blink:

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Cowkiller, for some reason, with your handle, thought I might know you. Believe, I met you at GB after your run'in by Kingman. Anyway, glad you're doing well!. Out hunting in this heat, do believe you might of had some head injuries not diagnoised by doctors ;-)

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Cow killer, yep that was me. Feel the same way about Docs, but might consider putting cows in the same category ;-)

I know the gold fever! But heck, I don't even like working in this hot weather and I like my job! Good Luck out there

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