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I'm sure this subject has been covered before and it's not about the hip swing of some gal walking down the street but it will help if you think how smooth it is.

The best thing one can do is find the hot spot of your coil. That on most coils will be the center and the high point of the signal your detector gives out. When we swing whatever size coil you use you need to do what I said above. The first thing is get the coil as near to the ground as you can get. Now if you say that will hurt my coil then get a cover for it. When you swing this coil of yours you want it low ,slow and over lap the last swing half are more each time. Remember that hot spot on that coil and if you get that deep are small nugget near it then you have the best chance of hearing what's down in the ground.

If your out there swinging like on a grapevine then why don't you go home and sit under the air and not waste your time nugget hunting.

Chuck Anders

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Hey Chuck,

This is a good subject to talk about. For the most part when it comes to targets at depth (iron rubbish or gold nuggets), the center of a Monoloop is the hot spot. Keep in mind, at depth, the magnetic field is collapsed and might only 1/10th of the size of the coil. This is why it's important to overlap with a monoloop to ensure you're getting max depth across the ground and not missing spots. If you didn't overlap with a monoloop, you could potentially loose up to 50% of the ground at depth, which means you could miss deeper gold.

Now another thing is the hot spot for pinpointing. For the most part, I have noticed the upper left and sometimes right on coils is the hotspot for pinpointing targets and the most sensitive spot on the coil.

Hope this helps a bit,

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This is why it's important to overlap with a monoloop to ensure you're getting max depth across the ground and not missing spots. If you didn't overlap with a monoloop, you could potentially loose up to 50% of the ground at depth, which means you could miss deeper gold.

Which is preciously the reason why a patch that has been so-called "pounded to death" over the years can still give up nuggets. :o

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Thanks Rob for adding more to this subject that people need to remember when in the field.

I had plan on writing more but a friend called and ask if I wanted to Cabelas. Need I say more.


I always loved it when somebody told me that place was hunted out. It never fail I'd find what they had miss. I don't care how good you are you just can't get it all.

Chuck Anders

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In Aus with our mineralisation, some places are harder to hunt after rain and more noisy with some almost impossible to detect, less depth more noise. Some places are better though, more depth less noise.

Sometimes its almost impossible to know what place will be better or worse, just try and see at times.

Anyone here have the hotspot move? I mean, when you try to pinpoint a really small bit and it seems to be pinging in better on one side of the coil, you move the dirt and its gone, but now you move the coil and its pinging in on the other side!? I have had that with lots of coils and GPX's.

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I'm sure all has heard what you call a halo effect. I don't see a gold nugget by it's self having this . Now if you have a host like iron attach to the nugget then it's going to. This will give off a larger signal in wet ground than dry because of the halo effect. The detector now can detect the nugget and the iron oxide that leach out around the nugget.

Some of you are Rob will know if a nugget with nothing attach to it in wet ground gives off some form of halo effect knowing gold don't rust.

Chuck Anders

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Hey AzNuggetBob,

I agree, damp is better than wet right after a rain. I should have specified that better.

I'm not a big believe of the "Halo" effect on gold nuggets unless they are really encased in iron. For the most part, the "rind" or outer section of a nugget is more likely to break down, as the sliver and other alloys will be attacked. This will make the outer portion of the nugget more pure then the core of the nugget for the most part. Keep in mind, this is just a very thin section that will break down on the outer surface, so that is not enough material to cause the "Halo" effect in my opinion.

No question, the "Halo" effect is present on iron rubbish that has been buried for a long period of time. I have dug iron targets that were just rust, very small percentage of the material was left in tact, just a bunch of rust.

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Frank C

Tomorrow is here today so how much gold did you find in that beaten patch ?

Now back to the Halo Effect. I know that when you hunt on the beach the clad coins will have all the silver gone from it. I've dug up coins that looked as if it had a ring around the outside of the coin. I think for this to be the different type of soil comes into play to cause the halo.

Remember if you hear just any variation in the signal coming from your detector you may have past over a nugget. It don't take but a 1/2 inch of dirt off with your foot to know.

You the coin hunter hunting in grass just push down on the coil and you should hear the difference.

To you who say so much ground to cover. If you were a farmer out there planting his crop maybe so. The thing is your a nugget hunter and you may be looking for one nugget in all that ground you see. The only way is to go slow low and keep your ear to your detector like a Blood Hound.

Chuck Anders

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Just my guess, but think the aura or halo effect is caused by different metals leaching out of the nugget into the surrounding ground over time, silver,copper, zinc etc. and when the nugget is dug the area around it is exposed to the air and it oxidizes and dries out and is no longer conductive. the left over halo is usually stronger when the ground is damp or wet. AzNuggetBob

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