Decision Corners Gate

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At Rich Hill, Decision Corners, turn North toward Johnson Mine, 1st claim, used to be owned by Canadians, there is a new steel gate across the road with sign on gate saying Private property, no trespassing. The gate is closed with a chain but no pad lock.

I think this is a BLM road.

My question can we travel on the road as long as we don't stop on the private property. I believe both side of the road is private property.

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Far as I can determine, that's BLM public land and cannot be fenced nor blocked ... If it's under claim, you can't mine but you can fish, hunt, camp, poop, spit and yodle and any other damn thing that is not mineral removal...You do cross private property belonging to Ben and he does have a gate blocking on the right to Octave townsite, which he owns and has owned for years....Cheers, Unc

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That brings up a question i have had for years about the gate on top of Rich Hill.

There are claims on the top past the gate that I and others have had, but we could never get the key to the gate.

What to do---were always told we would get shot for going across this property to get to our i never pushed it.

Most of you know exactly where I am talking about.---(Rob, Clay Diggins, et....)


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There is private patented property there. That being said the road is public and anyone can pass through the gate.

Besides the obvious annoyance I'm wondering what the purpose of the gate could be? It's not for livestock and the people that put up the gate don't have any right to keep people from traveling the public way there.

I would suggest leaving the gate open when you pass through. Save the next guy the trouble. :)

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That would be nice.....but there were a couple of hotheads up there if I remember correctly.....

and I don't want to go to jail for killing an idiot over a claim access violation...

Maybe I will use my powered paragliding and just land up on the claims on the other side of the hill.....

BuT then again, you know me..I am a cactus magnet!!


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Ok must have changed hands or caretakers in the last couple of years....

When I was there the owners would not respond to communication.

Uncle it is the gate on the long road up the hill on the north...I think it is the only road that goes completely to the summit.... [right Rob?]

At the time i wanted to go up to get to the upper reach of my claims it was pretty hairy to be driving around up there.

Some of you all know what I mean...2010-2011

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

We are talking about two spots, so lets not get confused. Paul is talking about the road to Potato Patch, formerly owned by the Culps. The other newest gate is on the road to the Weaver Cemetery, between Decision Corner and the Cemetery. Both enter private land, on top at some point and the new gate, which is right at the boundary of the private land.

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It's been a while since I've been up there but there used to be a "Y" -- coming from Stanton -- just before reaching DC. If you were going to the Devil's Nest, you could take the left fork which intersected the road (Road A) that goes up past the cemetery, then past the Devils Nest and then on to the Johnson Mine. I believe the owners of the patented property put the fork in (maybe in 2005?) because part of DC where lots of people had been camping was actually part of their patented property.

If anyone follows this recollection, where is the gate? More importantly, is it still possible to get to the cemetery, the Devils Nest and Johnson MIne?

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

The owner of the Octave, Beehive and other mines in the area many years ago detoured the road as it crossed the corner of his property. Heavy equipment was going across it, probably one of the reason he decided to re-route the road off of his property. That being said, this new road, same road Dakota Slim is talking about is gated a bit further up.

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Now I am totally confused. Easily done I might add! Can anyone who knows just where the gate is draw a mud map of its location and post a piture of of it here? I think it would clear up just where the gate is ... and I am sure I am not the only confused one here ... or am I! :)

Mike F

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And If its not locked it could be a front to keep the traffic out. or it could be a range cattle gate? if it is Shut it behind you as this is one of the things that pisses cattle ranchers off about miners and tourists. :) AzNuggetBob

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Paul, I was talking about the road going up Weaver. Not the one at the potato patch.

From the description I got it sounds like the gate where the road crosses from BLM managed public land onto the Arizona Placer private patented land. That's just up Weaver just past the old Roadrunner Karen Lynn claim.

If so the survey plat for the patent recognizes the public road there. That patent was granted in 1949 and the road has been there since the 1870's. There are a series of 4 private patents along that road that cover most of the ground up to the cemetery. Even if the new owners bought all of them they wouldn't have a right to block the public from passing through.

Much of the land along the road going up to the Johnson from the Octave passes over private land but all those patents recognize the public road there. By law the private land owners can fence along the road but they can't block access through the road itself.

You can see where the private patents and BLM managed lands are on your FootPrint and there are copies of the patent and survey plat for those properties in the Query Results.

That is part of the Congress grazing allotment but there is no stock fencing and that area isn't near an allotment border so unless the owners intend to put up fencing and cattle guards the gate has nothing to do with grazing.

I'm guessing it's just more Rich Hill drama. I'll be up there this weekend and do some mapping so everyone can see where it is.

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Sorry I muddied the water on this original post about decision corner gate----

Rob is correct----the gate i had in question was at the top of Rich Hill

I was talking about people being able to put up gates that may block you from your claims.

I apologize to you all for the sidetracking....


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I think we all agree that that is correct, but the problem, if i remember correctly, was that a "caretaker" in the area was a little over zealous and was firing guns over people heads to keep them away.

There was no active mining on the patented land at that time, and the BLM agreed the gate should at least have a lock for the people beyond to be able to get thru...

When I first got my claim i thought the gate was great because it would keep highgraders off me too, but then I couldnt even cross.

So i let that claim go.... cost me about 300.00.....another lesson.... lol

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I think we all agree that that is correct, but the problem, if i remember correctly, was that a "caretaker" in the area was a little over zealous and was firing guns over people heads to keep them away. The problem is some claim owners dont aways hire the best care takers.

There was no active mining on the patented land at that time, It doesnt matter. and the BLM agreed the gate should at least have a lock for the people beyond to be able to get thru... Wrong

When I first got my claim i thought the gate was great because it would keep highgraders off me too, but then I couldnt even cross.

So i let that claim go.... cost me about 300.00.....another lesson.... lol

just saying 300 bucks, any claims on potato patch area are a prize possession. AzNuggetBob

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