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Rob, I see no problem for the dealers. I have one of Ray's book. It different than Chris Ralph and mine. Now there

are three and they all sell for the same price. I consider Ray a good friend, and I hope he feels the same about me.

I agree with Uncle Ron. Speaking for myself both Ray's and Chris's books have information that is not in "mine" and

notice I said "mine" as it is no longer mine as it is being published and distributed by Plateau Company in St. Louis.

It really takes a lot of guts to have a large book published; speaking for myself, I had to commit myself to 2000 copies

and back then each book cost me over $8 each, but I was truly lucky as there were many book venders at the GPAA

gold shows and I constantly updated it and was able to keep the 'wolf' away from my door. To day it is really tough for

the vendors at the gold shows... There is still customer enthusiasm but unfortunately little spending money.

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This is why it takes time and money and pr-orders done ethically as Ray is pay for the first small and modest printing.

I know nothing about Chris G. Since my computer crashed and I lost my address book I have not been able to access

his forum as my password is gone. He wrote a great booklet about 20 years ago and I had several copies and sadly they

slipped away... Back then Steve Gholson helped my mentally with my Gloria and my tragic loss of one of our sons. If

Chris G. is also introducing a new book this is great as it will add more knowledge that otherwise would be lost in time.

(Sidebar: I will be offline until sunday as my home is being tented for termites. But I would appreciate it if Chris could

reset my password) jim

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Rob.. now you and I need to write the book we planed to write with Reg back about 2002... :)

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Thanks for straighting straight out... pun intended.... This is great as every author knows he needs to get

his book known so it will be bought... lol jim

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If you still have the same or access to the email address that you had when you registered on Chris' forum you can get a link sent to you to retrieve your password or reset the password, when you click on "Sign in" under the password box click on "I've forgotten my password", then enter either your email address you registered with or your username then type in the security code shown in the box and an email will be sent to you with the link to retrieve and or change your password.


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