First time out with GPZ7000

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Got two dinks from a small patch that has been worked out. 2/10ths a gram at 6 to 7 inches. And 5/10ths of a gram at around 9 inches.

Not very big gold, there is not a lot of big gold in the area I prospect, but gold that small at that depth is sort of crazy.

I had just been over this patch about 6 weeks ago with the SDC2300, I did not hear these nuggets at all.

By the way guys, please excuse the "self-promotion." The video was done for my You Tube channel. Not meant to spam Rob's forum.

I just think it is important to see the capabilities of this GPZ7000. I am very impressed when a machine can find small gold deep.

I am taking a new customer out tomorrow so we will see whether we turn up anything else.


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Awesome. Maybe its just the soil in my area. My first two dinks with the 5000 and stock 11in mono i found a .02gram at 3-4in and a .04 gram at about 4-6 in. They were faint signals but easily heard. I hunt the randsburg Ca area. Just general settings. I know your probably getting a better signal at better depths. But i am amazed that the 5000 coulndt hear them. Id like to see somone get a hit with the 7000 in a hammered spot. But before digging double check with the 5000 to show it missing. Im not doubting the results. But i assure u im finding birdshot and tiny fragments of wire that weighs less at same or better depths. Im still an amature but not a newbie.


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john.... Great. There are hundreds of old patches out in the broad area that were originally worked

by primitive drywashers during the period of 1894-1910 and mostly worked out and then again during

the Great Depression years of the 1930's until WW-2 virtually shut down both hardrock and free-milling

gold mines..... Today Pulse's are finding gold beyond the depth of the VLF's midrange ability. There

exists a caliche false-bedrock is exposed in the washes and at 10-15 inches in many places that holds gold

Back in 2010 with the White's TDI I was still physically able to detect around creosote and under the

Hy-line cutting through the Randburg area... The caliche areas and the reddish colored iron oxide areas

are good places to detect, But most of the known areas have been well pounded over the years

and belong to various mining associations...

But there is still open ground within the outer fringe area that has been overlooked. You should get with

"Sandtrap".... I say no more; but Rob sells "three-hrs to gold" and much of needed research to be more

successful is within its pages. Jerry has a copy you can read and is most knowledgeable... jim

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Doc, great video on the new GPZ 7000. Lots of good gold posts are now showing up on the internet proving that the GPZ is punching harder and deeper in pounded areas.I just got mine and can't wait to try it out in NV.


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Awesome. Maybe its just the soil in my area. My first two dinks with the 5000 and stock 11in mono i found a .02gram at 3-4in and a .04 gram at about 4-6 in. They were faint signals but easily heard. I hunt the randsburg Ca area. Just general settings. I know your probably getting a better signal at better depths. But i am amazed that the 5000 coulndt hear them. Id like to see somone get a hit with the 7000 in a hammered spot. But before digging double check with the 5000 to show it missing. Im not doubting the results. But i assure u im finding birdshot and tiny fragments of wire that weighs less at same or better depths. Im still an amature but not a newbie.


I probably would have drug the GPX5000 out and tested it before digging the targets. But this little patch, it is about 20 X 30 feet, has had literally every inch detected with a GPX5000. In fact I chained it in two directions with three different coils on the GPX5000. I used a 14 inch Coiltek round, and 18 inch round and a 5 X 10 Joey coil.

To be honest initially I thought it might been a little piece of wire or trash left by the guys that were in there dry washing, it was maybe 24 inches from where they had dry washed. When I got down a few inches I realized it probably was not trash, that is when I went back and got the camera.

I think Jonathan Porter did some side by sides in some of his video.

I certainly don't think that all of a sudden the GPX5000 is not going to find gold anymore. The GPX5000 is an amazing machine and certainly not to be discounted just because we have a new kid on the block.

However, we already have had plenty of reports that the SDC2300 will find gold that the GPX5000 will not find. In fact Rob had reported that that was the machine he was regularly using, until the GPZ7000 came out.

The GPZ7000 is supposed to go 30% deeper on small gold. Before this machine came out I figured I would have two machines. The GPX5000, and then the SDC2300. Well now, I think you have the best of both machines in the GPZ7000. Although to be honest I will probably keep my SDC2300 because I like how compact it is and by comparison it is very lite. Plus, I have a theory that whenever you are skunked, you need to go back to a small coil to make yourself slow down and concentrate. That has always worked for me.

Take care!


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Thanks. For the report and vid. Jim. I have 3 hours to hold and few other books of urs already. I have read it many times. Im lookig in my garage for that particular book and few other of yours. I sent sandtrap an email. Not sure if its still the same. Hasnt replied yet.


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WTG Doc.

That is pretty amazing that it heard that little guy that deep.

That machine is looking pretty good! :)
Tom H.

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  • Admin

Hey Doc,

Great video. I just posted a video tonight from a old pounded patch also. Don't sweat the self-promoting, I don't think like that (you've been too good to me over the years, I probably at least owe you that). :)

Keep us updated on any more success with the new GPZ.

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