Anyone else smell like a skunk today?

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Yup.....2 in a row :)
Dad and I decided to hit a new area that looked really good. Its sandwiched in between areas we have gotten gold out of in the past. Welp....didn't happen today! Found lots of really old lead and that's about it.

The dang washes were sluice boxes with the fractured bedrock running for yards. They did catch the heavy stuff, but it wasn't yellow heavy stuff.

Added a lot to my bullet fragmentation collection.

Did find a interesting piece of steel.

Looks like some kind of a access panel for something. A little bit of white paint on it. The nuts on the fasteners are cotter keyed.

I donno....anyone know?
It was pretty toasty by 11 today so we headed out smelling a skunk and smelling like a skunk! :)
Tom H.



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Sweet!...........that's the way to do it :)
It was too dang hot for me to do some vaccing and running dirt today. So, We just detected and settled for a skunk :)
Tom H.

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  • Admin

Hey Tom,

Was able to snag 7 Sunday with the GPZ. Couldn't do much, as it was more of a site-seeing trip with a friend and his wife. They wanted to see the goldfields, so the detecting was limited. Didn't weigh them, most of them are pretty small, probably 2-3 Grams worth.

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Nope u r not alone... Went Friday up to an old hydraulic mine and really thought the gold parade was gonna happen...the place was beautiful ...even has a few of the old steel sluices laying around on top of the rotted fallen wood frame it sat on.... Got skunked on the gold but found a lot square nails and boot tacks (like that collection isn't full already lol lol )

But its like fishing ...I'll be back to the same spot another day and might catch the big one or a lot of little ones...

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Heck. If you got a old hydraulic pit....keep hammering it!
There is gonna be some stuff in there the old gummers missed.

Tom H

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Hey sgh.

If your gbpro was overloading on hot ground in all metal I assume. Flip it on disc mode, crank it up too 100 sens. It will only get a few minor chirps. They usually only go off on one swing but not the next. If it repeats, then it is usually metal. Just check your id and see if you want to dig it.

Remember in iron disc mode the big number on the screen is target id . Not ground phase number. Couple years ago I had to use iron disc mode in most places because of the pocket gold mineralization was so bad. And technically 100 sens on iron disc is as strong as 50-60 on all metal. It works very well. I found over a pound of gold that year alone running iron disc on gb pro and so did my female partner with her gbpro doing same thing

Good luck

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Count me in....3 days of it....this time. Just add that to all my other days...LOL Had to drink some beer and tomato juice to get the smell off.


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Tom that's all I really hit is the old mines....being a newbie its tons of fun although went to another place last week that is actually a famous and huge hydro pit and it to had some old sluice frames rotted away but it was hammered to 5 targets in 2 hrs..all recent trash and birdshot...hell I kept running my test piece over my coil just so I could remember what gold sounded lol

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Tom ya got me on this one??? hopefully someone will recognize it.

Jim I tryed the tomato juice, I still didnt find any gold? but the beer did make make feel a little better about getting skunked.
Nugget65 the only thing I can say is if I'm finding any targets at least I know its far from being hunted out.
California gold Thanks for the tips on tuning. every different detector has its own quirks and tunning tips from someone that has experience with them always helps. AzNuggetBob

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