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I thought it appropriate to post a photo showing black nuggets as it was a topic recently. Tuesday last I got a chance to hit the western deserts of Arizona in search for gold. Timely as it was I had never expected to find black nuggets. I know from tests done on the black nuggets in this area have shown them to be Manganese coated and very very old in terms of the more normal, still semi ancient gold we usually find. The bedrock here was a very hard rock yet there were cracks in it and after getting a signal in virgin ground I knew this was gold I was about to recover. So with a lot of effort and time I find broke the bedrock apart and about 16" down into it were these two nuggets. I scraped the Manganese off somewhat so the gold would show in the photo. The third nugget, normally what I get is the more recent (millions of years still) around these parts. While the two blacks are not gigantic they did come in at about 1/4 ounce each which are the largest I have found in this area.


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