Advice on Forum Catagories??

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  • Admin

Hello All,

   I'm not trying to compete with the other forums out there, as there are many from the US ones to Australian.  Most of my customers, and mostly what I do is chase gold.  Curious if we should loose the other forums here and stick with just the Gold Prospecting/Metal Detecting one and maybe the Youtube and Classifieds?  

Any suggestions on what I should zap if any, or add?  Thanks for your advice in advance.

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  • Admin

Hey Way2cool,

   I agree with you on that.  Some of the forums have like 20-30 different categories, just too much for me to even think about browsing.  I will probably just keep what we have since it's already recorded in the Search Engines and ratings.  I need to somehow encourage guys to post.  

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Hey Rob, I don't see any issue with the categories that you have, as they cover a good span of topics.  Considering that I view and post to a couple of other forums, I (personally) don't see where there has been much posting "lately" to the other forums either.  So either there are many of us who are just not finding much right now (due to weather (mud, snow, sloppy-conditions), or those who are finding are just not posting.  I (for one) am sick of this cloudy-gloomy-wet-rainy-snowy weather and am ready for spring and some much-needed Arizona-Sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Gary

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I  agree with Ron......keep it the way it is. :)
Tom H.

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

   I sure appreciate all your great comments. I will keep it the way it is, but always looking for ways to make the forums better and encourage others to get involved.  

I have big plans for an outing this season, would love advice for that (will start another thread). 

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Rob I would keep the status quo but add a like button that shows up on each post ... I use it a lot on other forums instead of writing another post just to say I agree with what is being said. Outing sounds like a good idea. See my suggestion on that outing post.

Mike F

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