A few new additions to the New 2019 Season (Gold that is)!

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Hello All,

    Figured there is no better time to start exploration than the beginning of the year.  I was able to escape before some family and friends came over to try my luck exploring an area I had my eyes on for some time.  I have passed by this spots several times, just kept thinking I'll try it later and never made it back.   Sometimes you always want to go to where you found gold, old patches and such to eliminate the skunk.  These two nuggets, combined for a total of 11 Dwt's (just over 1/2 ounce) and were found in a new area.  I was very surprised I found two really nice chunks and no small gold.  Normally it's a bunch of small gold and you get lucky and get a nice chunk.  

I will have to check this area out more, as I just touched the surface with a quick 2-3 hour GPZ run over the area.  I managed to find the typically desert rubbish also, lead, bullet casings, wire, a few boot tacks and some small bits of tin.  

It's out there!  Wishing you all a successful 2019 season. 




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WOW...nice going on the gold.  you really got to get back there and hit it. WTG!!!! :)

Tom H.


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