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Seeker I was reading on Chris Forum that your wife was bad sick.I wish it was someting I could say are do to make it better for you and her.Some thing's are left in Gold's hands but I want you to know I'll be praying for both of you.

She needs you more that ever to be at her side and I know you will.If you think it will help email your address to me and I'll get all the people at church to sign a card letting her know we are praying for her.

Take Care!

Chuck Anders

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Yes she is very bad now immobile basically, and I can't move her anymore, so I am just her watchman on the wall.......... She means everything to me and I have had a hard time letting her go, it won't be too long and her suffering will be over..Thanx for your prayers..Geo

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George The Lord gives us a special strength in times like this and I am sure he will with you. Keep the faith as you provide support for your wife. I have been married almost 43 years and can't imagine the grief you are going through but I do know the Lord does give us strenth during hard times. My family prays for you and your wife each day. Jerry

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Guest sandtrap

I'm a loner now; it has been over30 years since my wife passed away.. Now that I am reaching the upper years in my life, I think of all the good times we had and know she is happy where she is... My prayers to both of you..

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George... my thoughts and Prayers are still strong.

I know what nj means to you. Before Ron passed away,

I was able to get updates.

Ty and I both think of you and we share any information.

Speaking for me, I'm sorta reluctant to intrude, and I

carefully monitor this forum for any updates. Ty is an

old friend... and it was through you that I reached him via


George... Over the many years you have always been

positive to all who shared information with you and others

on the forums and in personal contacts regarding many of

the facets of nuggethunting, coinhunting in Hawaii, and

detecting for relics and hammered coins in England.

You have set an example over the many forums with your

knowledge and respect for the thoughts and opinions of


With this said, I now encourage you to consider writing an

article in one of the "treasure magazines" regarding your

trips to England...

Chuck... thank you for opening up this tread...

Jim Straight

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George, I did not know it had advanced and I am so very sorry for you and your wife...I can't imagine how difficult it is...Please, both of you feel the prayers of Dodie and myself and all who know you from these forums...God bless you....With deepest sympathy, Ron & Dodie

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I see George every few days since he is in town taking care of Norma.

We talk about detecting and what's coming out next etc. I can see the poor guy is hurting, but there is nothing that can be said or done to make it any better. All I can do is share that cup of coffee and say that prayer and hope that is enough.

Steve Herschbach

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I am very sorry to hear about your wife's passing! My wife and I have you both in our prayers.

May you find strength and comfort in your family and your friends!

All of us are your friends even though we have probably never met in person. But through this forum and other forums, we all share a bond of friendship because of our shared interests.

Lean of us and take strength from us to help you through this.

We are here for you and care about you!

May the Lord keep you in the palm of his hand, bless you, comfort you and know that he will take care of you! Just like he is doing for your wife!

God Bless!


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