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I'm guilty as charge but when I found that GP4500 it was odd to find another detector by the same name.

I wish Minelab all the best on their new GP4500. Being I'm not going any where soon I don't know what I will buy. I'd like to see some field reports on all these new PI detectors even though Minelab will be the top one.Another factor will be the price but at the same time do I want to be swinging the best.

Chuck Anders

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Hello Reg,

Very surprising they are releasing another metal detector so soon. However, Minelab might be trying to capitalize on the high price of gold.

Wonder what the new GPX-4500 will have to offer? Will the new unit be completely digital?

Inquirying minds want to know,

Rob Allison

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What's to know, really? Every Minelab I've ever got was better than the last. Only now is a certain group deciding that maybe a GPX-4000 worth having after all. Now the debate can start all over again about evil Minelab releasing new units and not giving prior owners a free one. And the quest to find something wrong with the new unit.

By all means, I think everyone should wait for at least six months and wait for me to test the unit thoroughly to make sure it really is any better. Or maybe a year would be safer. Rob will probably also be willing to selflessly sacrifice himself for this noble cause.

Steve Herschbach

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Hello Steve,

I agree with you! I think everyone should stick to the GPX-4000 and prior, while I field test the GPX-4500 for about a year. Now I will be honest and show you all the gold I found with the new unit! :D

Minelab has always built a better detector with the newer versions, some better than others. I think the greatest gains that I personally seen were -

(1) SD2000 over prior VLF models

(2) GP Extreme over SD series

(3) GPX-4000 over prior GP series

I have heard of some of the new changes to the GPX4500, but really don't want to talk about them since I have not seen the unit in person yet.

I guess I might have one before Moore Creek! :D

Rob Allison

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Hi Rob,

I agree on your choices of breakthrough units. But it also seems each breakthrough was followed by a unit that addressed issues with the breakthrough units and that overall were more my favorites. So the SD2000 was followed by the SD2100. The GP Extreme was followed by the GP 3000. And now I'm betting the GPX-4500 is not a breakthrough unit but a tweaked GPX-4000. We will probably have to wait for the GPX-5000 to see another big jump.

Yup, going to be new toys at Moore Creek! The GPX-4000 ran beautifully there and so I'm sure a 4500 will be killer.

Steve Herschbach

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Yes I like to hear about field reports on new detectors.Now if I was to call you are Rob after you had it in the field for one day and you yet had a opinion,it's like you said it's been better each time a new one came out.If it wasn't any better than the GP4000 so what I haven't had the 4000 anyway and I still be happy.

I always direct anyone to go to your site and read your field report on any detector because you truly say what you think about it.

I thank you for your opinion on any subject!

Chuck Anders

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Hi Chuck,

Thanks for the kind comment.

I've proven a couple things to myself. First, I've truly liked each new Minelab better than the last. Like many, I used to doubt or hesitate to upgrade.

But I've figured it out now. Minelab comes out with a new big gun about every two years, sometime a little longer, sometimes a little quicker.

I also know I can find gold. The last nugget I found was just screwing around waiting for the plane to show up to fly seeker and I out. It weighed 2.5 ounces.

My equation goes like this. Sell old unit (already done) and get new unit (waiting). How many ounces do I need to find to cover the difference? With gold near $1000 per ounce, less than two ounces. My one nugget would cover it.

So for me, one day of detecting, maybe two if I'm off my game.

Given all that, I no longer hesitate. I know little about the GPX-4500, but I'm willing to bet my money it will offer me some advantage. It is a trivial expense with a quick payback. And I get the benefit of using what is likely to be the most powerful nugget detector made for two seasons. It beats waiting a year and a half to buy, and then see a new unit come out shortly after making that big purchase.

For others who can't count on finding gold like that I sure understand it is a different matter. If you are not finding much with what you've already got, upgrading alone is not going to make it happen. But I make good money detecting, and so from my perspective it is simply an investment with low risk and probable quick payoff. Sure, if the GPX-4500 is a dud, I'll have made a bad bet. But so far Minelab has not let me down.

The bad news is you can't count on me for all kinds of scientific comparitive reports on the new unit versus this unit and that. I'm just going to go detecting and dig up gold and have a good time. I'm looking forward to using this unit, and I plan on running the new White's unit a lot. The Nemesis I'll believe when I see it but if I can get one of those also that would be great. It's going to be a fun summer!

Steve Herschbach

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Steve I know you will like the 4500, it has all the great features of the 4000 but more refined to further enhance the characterisics of the new digital platform. Because the detector is now mainly digital we can see a lot of adjustments made available through the menu structure that was not possible before. Minelab have refined the menu to make it more user friendly whilst at the same time adding more features to give us the operator more choices depending on the conditions. I personally am not a big fan of menu driven electronics ect as I get lost in them (Minelab had to in this case or the detector would have end up looking like an Echidna with all the switches (Porcupine :lol: )), however I feel Minelab have done a pretty good job, keeping to the theme of simplicitiy whilst at the same time offering more.

There are a lot of new things in the GPX4500 which I feel will further enhance the way the detector behaves especially in the US. There were also a number of issues with the 4000 which have been sorted out (susceptibilty to EM, anomalious behaviour etc). To my mind the GP3500 was the pinnacle of the analogue detectors from Minelab, the audio was well sorted and it performed extremely well. The GPX4000 was the start of Minelabs gold specific digital technology and has now in its 2nd iteration been taken to the next level.


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Hi Jonathan,

The timing is better for me this time. The GPX-4000 came out in the fall of 2006. I got to use one for a few hours as our first snow came down. So I waited untill last spring to buy one. Got to use it last summer is all. Figured the clock was ticking, so I sold it a month ago.

Needless to say, a spring introduction works much better for me. I should get a solid two seasons out of the GPX-4500.

It sounds like a sweet unit. I should be getting my hands on one right about the time the snow goes away around here. Won't be soon enough for me.

Thanks for the tidbits. Hopefully since the cat is out of the bag Minelab will lift the veil of secrecy.

Steve Herschbach

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